Looking at your posts, you must really love John Howard. He isn't the worst option, but not far off. We need someone with a national identity like Howard, but a unifying figure rather than divisive one. That and he is definately too old. How old will he be in 2013 when he takes the position? 75? How long can he reasonably do his job at that age?
Actually no I don't really love him. I actually didn't vote for him.
I agree we need a public figure...but who would do it?..
Do you know anything about the financial industry? The Australian banks aren't "going sh*thouse". eg, Commonwealth shares are just under $50 (from low of $28 in January, God I wish I bought more)!
Actually yes...do you?
Share price means absolutely nothing. It just means what the freaking market thinks the value of shares I.
I actually do Audit and audit one of the largest banks in Australia and know first hand what their provisions are. The previous auditors didn't pick up on the risks imposed and the "executives" you speak of so highly were none to pleased that they needed to put up a massive provision for bad debt because they didn't have a policy to identify it.
Have you ever met a bank executive? Australians big four banks are rated in the top 10 banks in the world at the moment, due to the fact they are well regulated and have excellent management. Part of the reason the recession hasn't hit so hard here, along with stimulus spending and the resource sector doing okay due to China.
Again yes I have...the regulations were imposed by who? One Liberal Government, otherwise the banks would be doing exactly what the other banks around the world will be doing and exactly what they did prior to the regulations being imposed...hence WHY they were.
On Salary, what do you think Howard will ask for when he is currently getting $100,000 for one hour speaches in America? He would parady a bank executive in terms of salary.
Of course potentially, but if its a figurehead role who knows.
I do know this...most of the Bank execs couldn't give two stuffs..here we have a guy that would want to be involved..yet people smash him.
Sure he may not be everyone's choice, but not choosing him because you were dumb enough to vote Labour is not a reason to not let someone take a position such as this.
Would I prefer someone like a Frank Lowrie with the same passion he has in Football, definately.
But I find it hard to know who would want to invest and contribute to the game as yet that wouldn't get knocked back by those with a vested interest in it.
The commission NEEDS to happen...and either way it needs to be at least 5/8 of the board being indepedent so the voting power has that independence factor to it. If Howard wants to get involved, great. If freaking Beazley wants in to promote it to Perth..whatever..fine...but we need to listen to all comers when it comes to this.
This is something we cannot f**k up..