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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

  • Total voters


John f**king Howard?????? :lol::lol::lol:

Even the people of his own safe seat tossed the merkin out.
Safe seat? Somehow after the boundaries of Bennelong were changed, it doesn't look too blue ribbon to me.
Check this out:


Anyway, of all the candidates for that seat, who got the most votes?
1. John Howard 39,551
2. Maxine McKew 39,408
That's not too bad for a seat that borders Parramatta containing suburbs such as Ermington which are Labor through and through. The way you described it as a "safe seat" you'd think he'd lost Wentworth (Vaucluse, Rose Bay etc).

Politics aside, he is very high profile and would certainly give the game some cred.
Come on people....

The fact is that most of you, if not all, are operating off of incomplete information. This ignorance cannot possibly offer any decent comment on the appointment of John Howard.

For instance, does anyone know the final structure of the independent commission, what Howards role would be, his tasks, how the commission will affect the game, etc, etc.

If you do not believe that a person like John Howard would be of great benefit for a commission with the little information you have on it - then you are a fool. Even with as little as you know of it you should easily recognize the significance and greatness of this man.

It happens to all long-serving leaders in a modern world, bar a rare one or two. The one problem with being Prime Minister for so long is that you make enemies and dissatisfy people here or there to one degree or another. To be leader for 10 years is a remarkable achievement for starters. He left this country in great financial shape and along with Peter Costello and the rest of his cabinet is responsible for the prosperity you enjoy during this world economic crisis. And more besides. Leaders around the world often commented on how well our country was going with John Howard in charge. Our growth rates were unbelievable on many occasions.

People always go to me: he was good but he didn't do this, or he didn't do that....but really, have you thought about it? The country only has one lot of money, and with it you cannot do everything....and if you tried, you would not be able to do it well....so one must prioritize. Its impossible to do everything.

So as to John Howard being on board the commission, I know a man like this would appreciate your support to do good within the game with his great talents and skills....I would like to say he is welcomed and I am honored by the suggestion, and hope it becomes a reality.

Just on this:

In life you only ever get what you truly need. You do not get what you want just by wanting it. There has to be something underlying it. I believe RL needs to be the best, so it should seek out the best of everything. I do not think that we need to 'just get by' in the coming years. I believe we need to be the best in every field.

Step in the right direction, at least.

A big step. He would be at the head of the commission. He will have commissioners. He won't be the commission. Just one important part. In many ways, his leaderships ability will shine, not unlike in politics.


Not just Australia wide He's internationally known.
You're kidding right?

Internationally derided more like... anyone who's travelled and read OS newspapers etc knows we're not as big fish internationally as we like to think we are.

Tom Ace

Come on people....

The fact is that most of you, if not all, are operating off of incomplete information. This ignorance cannot possibly offer any decent comment on the appointment of John Howard.

For instance, does anyone know the final structure of the independent commission, what Howards role would be, his tasks, how the commission will affect the game, etc, etc.

If you do not believe that a person like John Howard would be of great benefit for a commission with the little information you have on it - then you are a fool. Even with as little as you know of it you should easily recognize the significance and greatness of this man.

It happens to all long-serving leaders in a modern world, bar a rare one or two. The one problem with being Prime Minister for so long is that you make enemies and dissatisfy people here or there to one degree or another. To be leader for 10 years is a remarkable achievement for starters. He left this country in great financial shape and along with Peter Costello and the rest of his cabinet is responsible for the prosperity you enjoy during this world economic crisis. And more besides. Leaders around the world often commented on how well our country was going with John Howard in charge. Our growth rates were unbelievable on many occasions.

People always go to me: he was good but he didn't do this, or he didn't do that....but really, have you thought about it? The country only has one lot of money, and with it you cannot do everything....and if you tried, you would not be able to do it well....so one must prioritize. Its impossible to do everything.

So as to John Howard being on board the commission, I know a man like this would appreciate your support to do good within the game with his great talents and skills....I would like to say he is welcomed and I am honored by the suggestion, and hope it becomes a reality.

You know you shouldn't be on here.



First Grade
Safe seat? Somehow after the boundaries of Bennelong were changed, it doesn't look too blue ribbon to me.
Check this out:


Anyway, of all the candidates for that seat, who got the most votes?
1. John Howard 39,551
2. Maxine McKew 39,408
That's not too bad for a seat that borders Parramatta containing suburbs such as Ermington which are Labor through and through. The way you described it as a "safe seat" you'd think he'd lost Wentworth (Vaucluse, Rose Bay etc).

Politics aside, he is very high profile and would certainly give the game some cred.

Any seat with a sitting PM is considered safe, otherwise he would have stepped down to avoid the ultimate embarrassment.

He remains only the second PM to be dumped by his own electorate.

His profile is atrocious - people snigger at the mere mention of his name and as far as any deluded notion that he has "international credibility", well that's just an absolute joke.

The only "plan" the clown is capable of contriving would be a "clubs overboard" fiasco.

As for those extolling the virtues of his "leadership skills" are concerned, didn't any of you see what his own party members had to say about him in the recent series "The Howard Years"?

They wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire for the very simple reason that he led them up a garden path by failing to listen to what his supposed comrades had to say.

If the man wasn't capable of acceding to the wishes of a political party he was a member of for several decades, how in God's name could he be considered for any posting of significance, let alone this???

Big Mick

Looking at your posts, you must really love John Howard. He isn't the worst option, but not far off. We need someone with a national identity like Howard, but a unifying figure rather than divisive one. That and he is definately too old. How old will he be in 2013 when he takes the position? 75? How long can he reasonably do his job at that age?

Actually no I don't really love him. I actually didn't vote for him.
I agree we need a public figure...but who would do it?..

Do you know anything about the financial industry? The Australian banks aren't "going sh*thouse". eg, Commonwealth shares are just under $50 (from low of $28 in January, God I wish I bought more)!

Actually yes...do you?

Share price means absolutely nothing. It just means what the freaking market thinks the value of shares I.

I actually do Audit and audit one of the largest banks in Australia and know first hand what their provisions are. The previous auditors didn't pick up on the risks imposed and the "executives" you speak of so highly were none to pleased that they needed to put up a massive provision for bad debt because they didn't have a policy to identify it.

Have you ever met a bank executive? Australians big four banks are rated in the top 10 banks in the world at the moment, due to the fact they are well regulated and have excellent management. Part of the reason the recession hasn't hit so hard here, along with stimulus spending and the resource sector doing okay due to China.

Again yes I have...the regulations were imposed by who? One Liberal Government, otherwise the banks would be doing exactly what the other banks around the world will be doing and exactly what they did prior to the regulations being imposed...hence WHY they were.

On Salary, what do you think Howard will ask for when he is currently getting $100,000 for one hour speaches in America? He would parady a bank executive in terms of salary.

Of course potentially, but if its a figurehead role who knows.

I do know this...most of the Bank execs couldn't give two stuffs..here we have a guy that would want to be involved..yet people smash him.

Sure he may not be everyone's choice, but not choosing him because you were dumb enough to vote Labour is not a reason to not let someone take a position such as this.

Would I prefer someone like a Frank Lowrie with the same passion he has in Football, definately.

But I find it hard to know who would want to invest and contribute to the game as yet that wouldn't get knocked back by those with a vested interest in it.

The commission NEEDS to happen...and either way it needs to be at least 5/8 of the board being indepedent so the voting power has that independence factor to it. If Howard wants to get involved, great. If freaking Beazley wants in to promote it to Perth..whatever..fine...but we need to listen to all comers when it comes to this.

This is something we cannot f**k up..
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You're kidding right?

Internationally derided more like... anyone who's travelled and read OS newspapers etc knows we're not as big fish internationally as we like to think we are.

Well he always gets corporate public speaking gigs. So can't be too disliked. Read the article his in the US now on Business. Where league is trying to get a foot in the door.

We aren't a big fish which is while we need people like him and Russell Crowe spreading the league word around the world.

Personally I don't like him but he ran the country for 10 years so has SOME profile OS. Can't be a bad thing

Big Mick

I think a perfect fit, well at least while the restructure of the bodies happens. If he was set an agenda to get it working, I think with his abilities he would be the perfect guy to cut through the bullsh*t, and restructure the game properly so all the gravy train troupe dissapear


That is my view.

Worst case is...he pisses off all the deadwood and streamlines it...and then retires..


First Grade
We aren't a big fish which is while we need people like him and Russell Crowe spreading the league word around the world.

Russell Crowe has achieved an enormous amount for Rugby League.

Howard couldn't spread vegemite on toast, by comparison.

Big Mick

he probably would!

this guy couldn't even run the country, so i don't think he could run the NRL.
anyone who thinks this is a good idea is either a liberal voter or a genius:crazy:
or both!

serious guys, i thought we were looking to improve on david gallop?

You farkin merkin.

Couldn't run the country...

What are you on the dole? Because they'd be the only people better off with a god damn Labour government.

Couldn't run the country, that's why he delivered surplus after surplus and make us a fantastic exporting nation around the world and improved our economy out of sight.

Know your sh!t before you post crap.

All this political bullsh!t.....everyone is on here cumming their pants over Osbourne...but he was a Liberal candidate once before and still attends all Liberal functions...maybe they should sack him because he has political influence.

God some people are ignorant and blind.


First Grade
You farkin merkin.

Couldn't run the country...

What are you on the dole? Because they'd be the only people better off with a god damn Labour government.

Couldn't run the country, that's why he delivered surplus after surplus and make us a fantastic exporting nation around the world and improved our economy out of sight.

Know your sh!t before you post crap.

All this political bullsh!t.....everyone is on here cumming their pants over Osbourne...but he was a Liberal candidate once before and still attends all Liberal functions...maybe they should sack him because he has political influence.

God some people are ignorant and blind.

Get your f**king hand off it!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The merkin couldn't even balance the books when he was treasurer for farks sake.

Methinks you are a card carrying member of the "little johnny pud pullers society", Big Mick.



People are allowed their opinion on Howard, and whether he could run the country effectively. A drovers dog could have run the country in what some people consider a "successful" fashion given the international economic climate of his time in power.

Yet there was always a strong percentage (at least 40%+) that never believed he did. Eventually, that percentage climbed above 50% and his government were given the arse, and the merkin even lost his own safe seat in the process.

A 75 year old relic who couldn't run the country effectively is not what we need for rugby league. An independent commission yes, but we don't need Howard as the puppet figurehead - anyone who thinks he'd bring more the table is confused with the man's actual abilities.

May as well be Brian Henderson instead of Howard...

Big Mick

Russell Crowe has achieved an enormous amount for Rugby League.

Howard couldn't spread vegemite on toast, by comparison.

Crowe has star appeal.

Howard has political and corporate appeal oversea's. He has connections with the International community. If you are too dumb to see that, maybe you should take off the Labour Party glasses and open your mind a little bit to what good things can come of this.


lol@krudd voters getting bitchy...im sure running the country for 10 years is more than enough qualification to run a football code.

Big Mick

Get your f**king hand off it!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The merkin couldn't even balance the books when he was treasurer for farks sake.

Methinks you are a card carrying member of the "little johnny pud pullers society", Big Mick.

Like I said, I didn't vote for him you genius.

But given he wants to contribute to our game in a positive fashion, i'm not just to toss him aside purely for his political values.

So how about you get your farkin hand off it and open your god damn mind and start thinking outside the box about how to improve the game.

I think you are a card carrying member of the "little Gallop and News Ltd can rape me society".

But again, that'd be wrong, like your assertion of me.


First Grade
Crowe has star appeal.

Howard has political and corporate appeal oversea's. He has connections with the International community. If you are too dumb to see that, maybe you should take off the Labour Party glasses and open your mind a little bit to what good things can come of this.

If you're too dumb to spell Labor, there really is no point is there?
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Jeff Kennett is the president of Hawthorn in the AFL.

When he took up the position there was much gnashing of teeth. Kennett is loathed by many down in Victoria and some people found it very difficult to put the politics aside.

But just about every Hawthorn supporter today (Labor, Liberal or otherwise) will say Kennett has been very good for the club.

Howard is being tapped to run a Rugby League commission, not the country again. His views on asylum seekers, industrial relations and taxation do not matter.

Big Mick

If you're too dumb to spell Labor, there really is no point is there?

Yes, because spelling is a requirement for having a discussion about what is best for the game.

If you are too dumb to come up with a valid argument and that is the best you've got, then yes...I agree there really is no point.

Because you cannot provide a valid solution, rather just bitch and moan about solutions being highlighted to the public.

You don't like it, get off your farkin ass and do something yourself. But alas, I wont ever see that. Because you'd rather sit there and argue political values rather than getting to the god damn point about whats good for the game.


First Grade
Like I said, I didn't vote for him you genius.

But given he wants to contribute to our game in a positive fashion, i'm not just to toss him aside purely for his political values.

So how about you get your farkin hand off it and open your god damn mind and start thinking outside the box about how to improve the game.

I think you are a card carrying member of the "little Gallop and News Ltd can rape me society".

But again, that'd be wrong, like your assertion of me.

St. Peter also denied knowing Jesus but when the c**k crowed three times, his game was up.

Far be it for me to completely educate you in one sitting but are you aware of the part Murdoch's media played in the rise of John Howard?

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