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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

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First Grade
I dont expect him to be involved for 10 years or more but the odd year or 2 would be good to get the necessary support from those that matter.

I have no problem with Howard for Chairmans role, all he will be doing is presiding over the board. It seems a lot of people in this forum seem to think he is being given dictatorship and will have 100% control of the game of Rugby League.. far from it..

When the board is not in session he is nothing more then a spokesperson for the game. Everytime he opens his mouth about RL it will be splashed in every newspaper coast to coast... at present i cant see the The Mercury in Tasmania giving two sh*ts about what Gallop has to say!!
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You farkin merkin.

Couldn't run the country...

What are you on the dole? Because they'd be the only people better off with a god damn Labour government.

True colours showing? how dare people be on welfare? Under Howard, welfare payments slipped below the poverty line. Lots of people are better off under Labor. Sometimes they don't even know it though. Eg stimulus spending helping to stave off recession, which would have been bad for everyone. Libs wouldn't have spent on stimulus and we would probably be in recession right now if they were in government.

Couldn't run the country, that's why he delivered surplus after surplus and make us a fantastic exporting nation around the world and improved our economy out of sight.

Mining boom has been comming a long time, to claim John Howard did it is crazy. Paul Keating was always yammering on about engaging with asia, making our economy part of asia, politically aligning with asia. Hell, if you go back further, Whitlam was saying the same thing in the 70s.

Except with Labor, they prefer multilateral free trade agreements rather than exclusive one to one agreements which basically use free trade as a means to maintain the status quo (by excluding poor or small countries, the ones the whole idea of free trade was supposed to benefit).

What did he do with all that surplus cash? what was his legacy from all that mining money? Are our roads, schools and hospitals second to none? do our cities have excellent rail networks, our Navy good Amphibs or Destroyers? Most of that wealth ended up in the housing market.

The Howard term will go down in history as being a period of great prosperity squandered, could have been great, but was mediocre.

Know your sh!t before you post crap.


People either forget or don't know what a Chairman's role actually entails.

He is perfect for the position on so many levels.

chairman = governor-general
commissioner = prime minster

So yes, given his current skill set, Howard is well suited to a figurehead position with no day-to-day power.


The arguments against Howard are pretty much...."I hate him" from ALP voters. That's always going to be a lot of people. It's no coincidence that rabid ALP voters have hated every Liberal PM, it doesn't matter who it is.
Put the bias to one side and history will tell you that Howard was one of the most successful politicians in Australia's history. It's a tough game and he did very well at it.
I'm sure he'd do a good job heading the commission.
I hate Billy Slater but I know he'd do a great job in the #1 jersey at my club and that's all that matters, getting the job done.

I don't hate all Liberal PMs. M Fraser wasn't too bad.

How do you measure political success? longevity of office, or the service provided to the people (value for money/time)? if its the first, then Howard was spectacular, if its the latter, big x next to his name.

Billy Slater has ability. John Howards is limited, unlike his age.


The basis of this thread is to initiate discussion on who could be the ideal person to be the head of the independent body that may well run our game. Howards name has been thrown up, mind you by the telecrap.

Imagine my surprise that this turned into a labor v liberal shyte fight.

Surely even the moronic can put their political bias aside for the good of the game.
I vote for Don Argus, former chairman of BHP Billiton.
Very knowledgable about expansion, markets, stakeholders, corporate governance, environmental and cultural issues.
Does not have political affiliations as far as i'm aware


I vote for Don Argus, former chairman of BHP Billiton.
Very knowledgable about expansion, markets, stakeholders, corporate governance, environmental and cultural issues.
Does not have political affiliations as far as i'm aware

Lets hope he has a good knowledge of the game, otherwise PASS. The ideal candidate must be a "league man".

Another possibility is 3 chairmen, 3 votes, with each bringing an area of expertise.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
True colours showing? how dare people be on welfare? Under Howard, welfare payments slipped below the poverty line. Lots of people are better off under Labor. Sometimes they don't even know it though. Eg stimulus spending helping to stave off recession, which would have been bad for everyone. Libs wouldn't have spent on stimulus and we would probably be in recession right now if they were in government.

Mining boom has been comming a long time, to claim John Howard did it is crazy. Paul Keating was always yammering on about engaging with asia, making our economy part of asia, politically aligning with asia. Hell, if you go back further, Whitlam was saying the same thing in the 70s.

Except with Labor, they prefer multilateral free trade agreements rather than exclusive one to one agreements which basically use free trade as a means to maintain the status quo (by excluding poor or small countries, the ones the whole idea of free trade was supposed to benefit).

What did he do with all that surplus cash? what was his legacy from all that mining money? Are our roads, schools and hospitals second to none? do our cities have excellent rail networks, our Navy good Amphibs or Destroyers? Most of that wealth ended up in the housing market.

The Howard term will go down in history as being a period of great prosperity squandered, could have been great, but was mediocre.


If you hate Howard, that is your perogative, but don't sprout crap about his economic legacy.
Looking at these comments in the paper. I think even though he has great credentials, he might prove too divisive in the community to work.


The foxsports interview with Seale was very good. He said that a number of people having been sounded out and he didn't want to name anyone including Howard.

I know people hate hearing it, but Seale is a good opperator.

Searle owns a percentage of the TIts
He has conflict of interest


No Way!

He didn't care about his voters, what makes them think he'll care about Rugby League fans? He's only interested in the bottom line.


A league man will be tainted.


 –noun 1. a trace of something bad, offensive, or harmful. 2. a trace of infection, contamination, or the like. 3. a trace of dishonor or discredit.
Surely you are taking the piss. So in your opinion anyone who is a league man will be offensive, infected or without honor ? Instead you want someone who has at best a fleeting interest with, and no affiliation with our game whatsoever.

 –noun 1. a trace of something bad, offensive, or harmful. 2. a trace of infection, contamination, or the like. 3. a trace of dishonor or discredit.
Surely you are taking the piss. So in your opinion anyone who is a league man will be offensive, infected or without honor ? Instead you want someone who has at best a fleeting interest with, and no affiliation with our game whatsoever.

..Contaminated with links to the NRL, news, ARL, NSWRL, QRL, special interests
You need someone independent but the other non-executive officers can present their own agendas.


..Contaminated with links to the NRL, news, ARL, NSWRL, QRL, special interests
You need someone independent but the other non-executive officers can present their own agendas.

yeah we don't want anyone with links to the grass roots of the game.

Who do you want ? A non political, unbiased chairman that has no links with Newst LTD, ARL, NRL, NSWRL, QRL or any body currently within the Australian Rugby League network.

Is this your man ?