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NFT-Corby Found Guilty


CycloneSteve said:
Yes, lets reduce ourselves to the level of barbarians just like those countries who already have the death penalty. No person deserves to die for any reason, no matter how serious the crime. I agree that penalties in this country should be far harsher especially for rapists and pedophiles but people should not be put to death for it.

In any case I believe that their ultimate punishment will come from God. It is then we will truely see justice.

Barbarians you say??? Thats your Opinion. NOT MINE.


John_Travolta said:
:lol: See, why do I bother.... bunch of fucwitts in here, who have no idea.

reason being, if we bring the death penalty back, death rates will increase. its a fact, just look at America.

although i would bring it back myself, just for petty thugs, drug dealers etc...


John_Travolta said:
Well its still continuing, and i`d also like to know why! MAYBE because people try and test the system and think they`re going to get away with it....JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................

4.1 Kg of Marijuana - Market Value in Australia - $40,000.
4.1 Kg of Marijuana - Market Value in Indonesia - $5,000.

I'm not sure if you are smart enough to do the sums, so I'll do it for you. It is not economically viable to import dope to a market where it is worth just 12.5% of the going price of where you sent it from. I dont buy the "hydroponic market" thing either - would you seriously pay 8 times the price for dope that might get you a little higher? I dont think so...

John_Travolta said:
:lol: See, why do I bother.... bunch of fucwitts in here, who have no idea.

Then do us a favour mate and dont bother. You offer nothing to this forum but bitching and expressing your ill-informed, redneck opinions. Go back to the St George forum if you dont like it here...


We all know how the Indonesian legal system is suppose to run but its not always run as it should be. They had to prove not only that the drugs were hers but that she had knowledge of them and from what we are hearing they didn't prove that beyond reasonable doubt. I mean the evidence was tainted and the defence were denied access to evidence that could've proved she was innocent.
And how does a legal system claim that they run on the principle of innocent till proven guilty when defendents are still locked up pending appeal even if they are found not guilty in the initial trial?
To me their system is worse than guilty till proven innocent, its more like guilty, guilty guilty till proven innocent 3 times!!!

I mean it also says something that the judge has handled over 500 drugs cases in his time and has reached a guilty verdict on every single occasion, it leads you to think possession is 10 tenths of the law in Indonesia.


First Grade
The whole thing is a disgrace... people who think she deserves this are complete idiots.
I don't think she did it, but even if she did 20 yrs is too long.


Alex28 said:
4.1 Kg of Marijuana - Market Value in Australia - $40,000.
4.1 Kg of Marijuana - Market Value in Indonesia - $5,000.

I'm not sure if you are smart enough to do the sums, so I'll do it for you. It is not economically viable to import dope to a market where it is worth just 12.5% of the going price of where you sent it from. I dont buy the "hydroponic market" thing either - would you seriously pay 8 times the price for dope that might get you a little higher? I dont think so...

Then do us a favour mate and dont bother. You offer nothing to this forum but bitching and expressing your ill-informed, redneck opinions. Go back to the St George forum if you dont like it here...

Wow, talk about f**kwitts, you just proved my point, mate, your a deadset mug. If you don`t like "my opinions" then don`t reply to them, its my RIGHT, to voice my opinions whenever I fuc_k!ng feel like it got it you wanker??? Next time you TRY and belittle me in front of the forum, try a little harder next time.

If you people can`t accept the Indonesian laws, however HARSH you may see them, then thats stiff sh!t, and theres NOTHING you or I can do anything about it. Bitch? I don`t think I was bitching, I agree with the sentence, and thats all i`m going to say on this matter again. Because the fact is she`s a convicted drug smuggler however unfortunate you may feel about it, ITS NOW FACT, GET OVER IT.

And btw? How many of you people here personally know her? I for one thank god don`t! so how can you all be saying she`s innocent? where you guys there? NO! I`D THINK NOT. that`s why I was going on about Gullibility. You people are fools.


Alex28 said:
4.1 Kg of Marijuana - Market Value in Australia - $40,000.
4.1 Kg of Marijuana - Market Value in Indonesia - $5,000.

I'm not sure if you are smart enough to do the sums, so I'll do it for you. It is not economically viable to import dope to a market where it is worth just 12.5% of the going price of where you sent it from. I dont buy the "hydroponic market" thing either - would you seriously pay 8 times the price for dope that might get you a little higher? I dont think so...

Then do us a favour mate and dont bother. You offer nothing to this forum but bitching and expressing your ill-informed, redneck opinions. Go back to the St George forum if you dont like it here...


Please have a good read of this mate and take note. I have seen you post that a few times now and I know you probably heard the "pots worthless in indo" routine from 100 people but its just not true. Take some time to read the facts in this case mate and you will soon see that Corby's story is simply fiction.

Also I would say calm down and take note that every one is entitled to an opinion. Even you can be wrong.

Matthew Moore finds thriving demand in Denpasar for Australian produce.

Perhaps the most compelling reason so many Australians believe Schapelle Corby is innocent is the coals-to-Newcastle argument: why would anyone smuggle marijuana to Bali when it is so easy to get there?

While drugs might seem freely available, the foreigners who live here, including those serving time in Kerobokan jail, say that buying them is risky because you never know if the seller is an undercover cop or police informer.

For that reason, Westerners in Bali are prepared to pay premium prices for marijuana if they can get it from other Westerners, as this is the best way to ensure they are not trapped and arrested.

According to four Bali sources contacted by the Herald, including one former and one current drug dealer, high-quality Australian marijuana, similar to that found in Corby's luggage, has been sold on a limited basis in Bali for years, but only to Westerners.

One European man, now in jail for possessing hashish, said he knew of several Australians who had been bringing strong hydroponic marijuana into Bali.

He said it brought "really good money", fetching about 50 per cent more than Nepalese hashish that is more widely available for about $16 a gram on the streets.

He said the marijuana was stronger than the hashish. "You just can't move, it's like brain dead," he said of its effect.

An Australian who says he has lived in Bali for 15 years contacted the Herald several times to say his children were often offered marijuana called "Aussie gold". The man, who refused to give his name, said the "hydroponic bud" from Australia sold for $600 an ounce or as much as $20,000 a kilogram.

Top-quality marijuana in Australia sells for about $8000 a kilogram although more when broken into smaller amounts.

A Balinese drug dealer, who had spent time in jail, said he had smoked the Australian "skunk" many times with friends from Italy, Germany and Australia but had never bought or sold any.

He recognised the marijuana as Australian as it was made up of large flowers or buds while the marijuana he sold, from Aceh in north Sumatra or from Malang in east Java, had much smaller buds and a lot of leaf mixed in.

Despite requests from Corby's lawyers, Indonesian police did not test the marijuana in her bag to find out where it was grown or its strength. It is not certain it was grown hydroponically, a method that increases its potency.

But when the bag of marijuana was displayed in court, it was clear it was made up of buds the size of bananas which emitted a powerful smell whenever the plastic bag was opened.

While marijuana in the 1970s had THC (active ingredient) levels of between 1 per cent and 2 per cent, today's hydroponic marijuana often had levels of 15 per cent - higher than some hashish.

The Balinese drug dealer, who would not be named, said while there was a lot of marijuana for sale "it's hard for foreigners to get access to it" because they were so fearful of getting caught.

"It's safer for foreigners to bring their own. It's been happening for quite some time and it's not only marijuana."

While he was aware of the importation of marijuana from Australia, he said it was more common for foreigners to bring in hashish or other drugs.


Alex28 said:
If you were Shapelle's lawyer, who else would you blame when she flew out of Sydney via Brisbane to Bali? If she is innocent of course you are going to blame Australia's drug dealers/baggage handlers/drugs/airports because thats where it bloody well happened!

There might be plenty of gaps in her case, but their case is hardly conclusive. 20 years for someone you cant find absolutely guilty is amazingly harsh and unfair.

The point you miss here Alex is that Sydney or Brisbane baggage handlers have absolutely nothing to do with the Indonesians or their court. Why don't you write to your local member or the Australian Federal Police if you are so sure that they are the perpetrators. Indonesian courts have no jursidction to investigate anything in Australia, thats our job

I will save you the time, its been fully investigated and there is no link whatsoever. Bill Kelty said this himself, although at a very bad time for Corby.
The Little People said:
She is one of the only people that will ever know if she is guilty or not? If she is - she's put in an amazing academy performance.

Lets get serious? Dope? 20 Years. People in Oz only get 8 years for Murder. If it was Heroin yeah sure.. but the 7 months she has been imprisoned already is sufficient for having dope even if she IS guilty.

All the aid we have given Indonesia? the 9 lives lost in the helicopter crash - the 9 Mules we surrendered to the Bali Government. Marajuana doesnt kill people - Heroin does!

Howard is a pratt sitting on his butt not wanting to upset the political balance. We should call for ALL Australians to now Boycott Bali as a holiday destination immediately!

I have a brother and have been to a ward were people have been sent schizophrenic and are deadset psycho's because of weed.

If you'd had a pothead almost ruin your family I am sure your oppinion on it would be dif.

Not seeing anything about her guilt.

But weed does f--k you up.

Weed messes you up and ruins family's if she is guilty then she did deserve the sentence IMO.
Jobdog said:
But the fact of the matter is that the system is a joke because of the verdict handed down. As I said, TWENTY YEARS for drug smuggling.......... a little bit extreme don't you think? As has been mentioned earlier, in Australia you can get only 8 years for murder. She HAS NOT KILLED ANYONE, all she has done, once again I say "supposedly" because no-one bar her knows the truth, is smuggled drugs into a country.

When you sit down and think about it, is it really that much of a big deal? I still stick by the fact that twenty years is a very very very tough sentence. And rightly or wrongly, I think the verdict was made up from the very first time those judges were told about her case.

Bottom line JD is that if she did it(Just IMO she did) then she knew the risks, and as such should suffer the consequences as she was fully aware of what she was doing and what would happen if she was caught smuggleing drugs into Indonesian territory.

Simple as that.


The only thing Corby possibly had going for her was the fingerprinting of the bag. That was a definite mistake that shows how sloppy the Indonesian Custom officials are compared to Australia.

But think about what that actually means. If they did fingerprint it and found someone elses fingerprints, all this proves is that someone else touched this bag or placed it in her bag. It does not prove that she didn't know they were being put there.

If you were going to attempt to smuggle drugs into another country like she did, I think you would be smart enough not to touch the bag.

For mine this was for her excuse if she got caught, which she did, just didn't expect the Indonesians not to fingerprint it. She was smart enough to pick a body board bag knowing as oversized luggage it would not xrayed in Australia (Anyone who has ever travelled with sporting equipment knows this) and made sure here finger prints were not on the bag.

I also do not think she was acting alone on this.
Phillips said:
if your serious about that comment, then your an idiot

I offer my unwavering support to JT in this matter, society and even our prisons have no place for people like this, and I'd rather spend a few cents on electricity then $50k per year on them, if they cant live by the rules that every other Tom Dick and Harry does then the death penalty is highly appropriate for murderers, rapists and Smugglers.


Alex28 said:
I cant believe that someone can be sentanced like that where there is so much doubt in either side of the case. Sure - the defence is basically hear/say, but the proscecution has no real evidence that it was hers and that she placed it in there. I find it hard to believe that Qantas didn't weigh the bag before she checked it in - they weren't charging for excess baggage weight that day? Give me a f***ing break...

It is an utter tragedy whats happened here. Her treatment has been appalling - right down to forcing her through that media scrum after the trial. Where was the "100 police" that were supposed to be guarding her?

Indo has treated Australia with contempt today - after everything we have done for them. Next time they have a tragedy happen over there (which happens pretty often), I'll be thinking of their help of Australians in need before I help them.


Wrong again.

[EDIT - removed].

All the bags were weighed just not individually which is common practice. Some airlines don't include sporting equipment in the weight allowance also meaning you can have 20kg suitcase and a body board. The body board is tagged along with all the other bags but does not go down the conveyor with the suitcases becuase it won't fit so it is then taken to oversize luggage, hence was not xrayed in Australia. Personally I think all bags should be xrayed but it allowed them to get the drugs out of Australia.


This thread provides a good read. We have about 4 people arguing their opinions on what is the most debated subject in Australia.

Good to see the Mods didn't just throw it into CC or TFC as soon as it got heated.

Btw fellows, no need for personal insults.

les norton

First Grade
Did anyone hear what the chris guy said on weekend sunrise yesterday?

He went around to the australian journos in bali just before she was sentenced and took a little poll...anonomously of course.

He said a huge percentage thought she was guilty. This is australian journos who have been covering the case from day 1.
I thought this was very interesting.
Red and Blue Knight said:
Btw fellows, no need for personal insults.

Your right just cause I disagree with someone doesnt mean they are an idiot an vice versa we can have a heated discussion without having a go at eachother so lets do so.


Knight82 said:
I offer my unwavering support to JT in this matter, society and even our prisons have no place for people like this, and I'd rather spend a few cents on electricity then $50k per year on them, if they cant live by the rules that every other Tom Dick and Harry does then the death penalty is highly appropriate for murderers, rapists and Smugglers.

thats where your wrong, thnk about it for a second.

someone breaks into a store and kills 1 person in a failed robbery, the police come, at that point of time he knows he is going to get the the death penalty, so whats stopping him from trying to take down a few police, civillians in an attempt to escape?? get my drift...


Red and Blue Knight said:
This thread provides a good read. We have about 4 people arguing their opinions on what is the most debated subject in Australia.

Good to see the Mods didn't just throw it into CC or TFC as soon as it got heated.

Btw fellows, no need for personal insults.
No point throwing an active discussion to the fight club - the people in there will turn it into AFL bashing. ;-)

John Travolta - keep the personal insults out or i'll have to start editting your posts.


Knight82 said:
I have a brother and have been to a ward were people have been sent schizophrenic and are deadset psycho's because of weed.

If you'd had a pothead almost ruin your family I am sure your oppinion on it would be dif.

Not seeing anything about her guilt.

But weed does f--k you up.

Weed messes you up and ruins family's if she is guilty then she did deserve the sentence IMO.
Weed doesn't send people schizophrenic, the disorder is largely a genetic disorder however drugs that increase dopamine activity in the brain tend to intensify symptoms (does weed do this?)

Anyways back to the point the thing that concerns me is that no one can emphatically say shes guilty or not guilty, there is a big chance that shes's guilty but also a big chance that she's not guilty, and thats not how the courts are suppose to run, the justice system isn't there to play roulette with people's lives. The whole trial was flawed, no fingerprinting, there was also no CCTV footage at the airport and a large proportion of the prosecutions argument was that she was reluctant to open the bag for inspection, she denied this so effectively it was her word against theirs. Also the drugs were never tested and as Corby spoke none of the judges understood what she was saying as there was no translator. I mean the only thing they got her for is possession and possession isn't 10 tenths of the law or shouldn't be but apparently it is in Indonesia. They supposedly proved that the drugs were hers and she had knowledge of them beyond a reasonable doubt, which is abit how's it going. As I said before its flawed, its quite clear that people are guilty till proven innocent over there.


aqua_duck said:
Weed doesn't send people schizophrenic, the disorder is largely a genetic disorder however drugs that increase dopamine activity in the brain tend to intensify symptoms (does weed do this?)

Anyways back to the point the thing that concerns me is that no one can emphatically say shes guilty or not guilty, there is a big chance that shes's guilty but also a big chance that she's not guilty, and thats not how the courts are suppose to run, the justice system isn't there to play roulette with people's lives. The whole trial was flawed, no fingerprinting, there was also no CCTV footage at the airport and a large proportion of the prosecutions argument was that she was reluctant to open the bag for inspection, she denied this so effectively it was her word against theirs. Also the drugs were never tested and as Corby spoke none of the judges understood what she was saying as there was no translator. I mean the only thing they got her for is possession and possession isn't 10 tenths of the law or shouldn't be but apparently it is in Indonesia. They supposedly proved that the drugs were hers and she had knowledge of them beyond a reasonable doubt, which is abit how's it going. As I said before its flawed, its quite clear that people are guilty till proven innocent over there.

Aqua Duck what do 4 customs officials have to gain in lying about this? We know what Schappelle has to gain but what does a customs official have to lie about.

Please don't respond with a racist remark, not that you would just I am getting tired of the racist comments on this issue in the public domain that seem to be OK.