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NFT-Corby Found Guilty

les norton

First Grade
Take it from someone that has lived in and travelled extensively through indonesia...I do not trust indonesian custom "officials" as far as I could throw them.


les norton said:
Take it from someone that has lived in and travelled extensively through indonesia...I do not trust indonesian custom "officials" as far as I could throw them.

I agree, corruption is rife in Indonesia. My company does business in Indonesia all the time and we all know how business works over there. That is my whole point. The point of being corrupt is you gain soemthing from it. If they were corrupt why not take the drugs or ask for a bribe. You can't have it both ways.
aqua_duck said:
Weed doesn't send people schizophrenic, the disorder is largely a genetic disorder however drugs that increase dopamine activity in the brain tend to intensify symptoms (does weed do this?)


How it got explained to me is that everyone has the potential in there genes and it can occur at anytime, however using weed affects and stimulates the genes that causes it making it more likely that it will come to flower in people.

les norton

First Grade
Your assuming that they didnt get the bribe from other sources. If there is a drug sydicate going on why wouldnt they want lil' schapelle to go away.

Borat - honestly, alot of what your saying I agree with. It is their country and theres not a lot I think we should or could do to effect what is going on. Do i think she's guilty - who knows? But i will not demand her release just because she's australian.

les norton

First Grade
Knight82 said:
How it got explained to me is that everyone has the potential in there genes and it can occur at anytime, however using weed affects and stimulates the genes that causes it making it more likely that it will come to flower in people.

Not true.

schizophrenia is somewhat genetic...not everyone has these genes. But in saying that not everyone that does will end up schizophrenic. drugs can effect those with the gene but so can a heap of other things.

(if you want to know more let me know and i can give you a ton, literally a ton, of information.)


les norton said:
Your assuming that they didnt get the bribe from other sources. If there is a drug sydicate going on why wouldnt they want lil' schapelle to go away.

Borat - honestly, alot of what your saying I agree with. It is their country and theres not a lot I think we should or could do to effect what is going on. Do i think she's guilty - who knows? But i will not demand her release just because she's australian.

Fair enough.

I just can't stand this opinion that 100% of all Indonesion customs officials are corrupt, particularly when Corby has made no suggestion of any corrupt behaviour. From what I have heard, they are more likely to confiscate the banned article and send you on your way.

As far as I can see it is more likely they are telling the truth than lying to gain what, a drug conviction for a 27 year old Gold Coast beauty therapist.
les norton said:
Not true.

schizophrenia is somewhat genetic...not everyone has these genes. But in saying that not everyone that does will end up schizophrenic. drugs can effect those with the gene but so can a heap of other things.

(if you want to know more let me know and i can give you a ton, literally a ton, of information.)

tHIS HAS TURNED OUT to be a very mind boggling topic aye? From a discussion to a battle toa medical discussion....
Phillips said:
guilty or not, see you in 20 years Schapelle :lol:

if it was an American or German tourist that this happend too, would there be such a big fuss. NO its the fact that she's an Aussie and female that people are saying "she's innocent". hmmm even though the Drugs were in her bag..maybe someone did put them there, but tough luck

theres always risks going to other countries and she took that risk...

Phillips - Your real name isn't Derryn Hinch by any chance? Becuase you sound like as big an idiot as the Human Headline.

1. The American or German oPublic would be just as vocal and maybe their Govt may have the balls to stand up to the Bali Govt.

2. Are you saying that ANY person who travels o/s takes the risk of Schapelle Corby and that should be acceptable? No wonder you dont get out much? Have you never gone overseas before? Just stayed in your little cave have you.

Wake up to yourself pal


LOL...Borat - it's a bit rich to tell me to be calm when your accomplice John Travolta is acting the way he is...

I'll take a look over your comments and get better informed later (after all - you must be the judge of informity given the way you are talking down on me, however i suspect you have less credibility than an Indonesian judge) as I am at work.

Look forward to reading your words of wisdom and fact (it is fact isn't it?).


Red and Blue Knight said:
This thread provides a good read. We have about 4 people arguing their opinions on what is the most debated subject in Australia.

Good to see the Mods didn't just throw it into CC or TFC as soon as it got heated.

Btw fellows, no need for personal insults.

Which is why I posted it on our forum.

As for the insults I agree, there is no need for them and I've already recieved a few complaints, so can we keep them out of it please? It adds nothing to the debate, doesn't strengthen your argument, and quite frankly makes the person doing the name calling appear to be all the things he's calling others.



I regret saying you were ill informed. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and for that I apologise.

However, I do think a few of your posts which you beleive to be fact are incorrect but in hindsight you are only speaking what alot of people already beleive and has spread like wildfire. There is alot more to it than sixty minutes would have you beleive.


Just quickly:

* I don't read Murdoch press, nor watch "tabloid" television (Sixty Minutes, ACA or TT - however I did catch the end of the Corby Interview and the testimony of the people who have found drugs in their luggage coming in and out of Bali) - my opinion in researched (it's had to be, I know nothing about drugs). Obviously you know my opinion on the case, but don't assume I'm brainwashed by biased media;

* The Fairfax article on page 5 of the thread suggests it could be sold for $8,000 a kilo in Indo - still a long way short of $10,000 a kilo here. It doesn't make economic sense to me. I think it is probably more likely it was supposed to be intercepted in Brisbane from Sydney and got missed.

It is my opinion though - I respect yours and everyone who thinks that she is guilty (after all - she could be). I don't respect the way some people have expressed that opinion - at least you have expressed yours more intelligently than calling everyone f***wits who disagree with you.


borat said:
Fair enough.

I just can't stand this opinion that 100% of all Indonesion customs officials are corrupt, particularly when Corby has made no suggestion of any corrupt behaviour. From what I have heard, they are more likely to confiscate the banned article and send you on your way.

As far as I can see it is more likely they are telling the truth than lying to gain what, a drug conviction for a 27 year old Gold Coast beauty therapist.

While I concede that there would be some Indonesian customs officials who are corrupt, I suspect they have nothing to do with this case.

What we shouldn't lose sight of here is that the crucial evidence that could have allowed Schapelle Corby to walk free was deemed inadmisable. I'm not aware of exactly how the Indonesian legal system is supposed to work, but the way it actually operated the other day indicated that you're guilty until proven innocent. They found the drugs on Corby, and without the video tapes, fingerprints, government information about airport security, Melbourne inmate's hearsay evidence, and other evidence crucial to Corby's defence, it's little wonder she was found guilty. Without evidence to the contrary, she is guilty under their laws.

An Australian court would have found her guilty too, if it had also rendered the evidence irrelevant or inadmisable. The point is that, with most of her defence deemed not to be tenderable, she was also bound to be found guilty. The question I have is: why was the decision made that all her evidence wasn't considered? That is the issue I have.


Fair enough, I was out of line with the personal comments.

If you can sell the stuff for $20 000 a kg in Bali as the article suggests it puts an interesting light on the story.


Dilmah said:
No point throwing an active discussion to the fight club - the people in there will turn it into AFL bashing. ;-)

John Travolta - keep the personal insults out or i'll have to start editting your posts.

How about you concentrate on others, I was defending myself thanks.


Knight82 said:
How it got explained to me is that everyone has the potential in there genes and it can occur at anytime, however using weed affects and stimulates the genes that causes it making it more likely that it will come to flower in people.

I have a close family member who had it happend to him a few years ago, and has fuct with his head quite abit over the past 10 years unfortunately..... So don`t go assuming things about what it does or doesn`t do to you.


Still..... I see people can`t possibly sit back and think for one moment, "MAYBE SHE IS GUILTY", Have you people actually thought of this or are you going on a wild goose chase still. Seems to me like everyone here KNOWS HER PERSONALLY.... and was there with her when this all "unfolded" WHERE YOU? AND OR DO YOU KNOW HER?

Is this registering in your minds yet? it would appear not.


John_Travolta said:
How about you concentrate on others, I was defending myself thanks.
I have read through this thread and I can't find anything that warrants some of the terms you've used towards people in here expressing an opinion about the case. So as Dilly said, keep it civil or the posts will be edited.


antonius said:
I have read through this thread and I can't find anything that warrants some of the terms you've used towards people in here expressing an opinion about the case. So as Dilly said, keep it civil or the posts will be edited.

Whatever i`ll keep saying what I think and feel. No one is going to tell me otherwise. But you no one will obviously listen to reason around here. You all assume she`s innocent.

P.S When ppl stop attacking MY points of view, i`ll stop the attacks on them. But until then i`ll keep it "civil alright"