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NFT-Corby Found Guilty


Stop speaking sh*t John T. He is JI's spiritual leader, he is a god to those f**kers who like blowing up innocent people.

There was a huge concern over JI's reaction if he got a adequate sentence, which would have been life.

Indonesia is a cesspool of corruption. Your an absolute fool if you try to justify the sentence that skinned monkey recieved.


Red and Blue Knight said:
Stop speaking sh*t JT. He is JI's spiritual leader, he is a god to those f**kers who like nlowing up innocent people.

There was a huge concern over JI's reaction if he got a adequate sentence, which would have been life.

Indonesia is a cesspool of corruption. Your an absolute fool if you try to justify the sentence that skinned monkey recieved.

I`m quite bloody aware of who and what he is mate, he`s a peice of sh!t NO KIDDING................

Ok then, I`ll accept your Opinion.

But thats what I think. I`m not trying to justify this, my last posts should have made you think that.


Oswin said:
Abu Bakar Bashir has never been convicted of masterminding the Bail bombing. He has been accused of it, but is yet to be convicted in a court. While he may be guilty, nowhere has he been found guilty. The 30 months gaol is not for masterminding the bombings in Bali.

Why me, somebody finally has said it and aired it.


Then the question has to be asked is why has he not been brought to justice?

Knowing a guy who lost 6 of his coogee dolphins team mates in the Bali bombings, it makes you sick knowing that bashir will be out in just over a year.

As this guy told me...

"Give me 5 minutes in a room alone with him, i'll do my six mates more justice in that time then what the Indonesian courts will do them"


Red and Blue Knight said:
Then the question has to be asked is why has he not been brought to justice?

Knowing a guy who lost 6 of his coogee dolphins team mates in the Bali bombings, it makes you sick knowing that bashir will be out in just over a year.

As this guy told me...

"Give me 5 minutes in a room alone with him, i'll do my six mates more justice in that time then what the Indonesian courts will do them"

5 Minutes?, it wouldn`t be long enough for what i`d want to put that scumbag terrorist fu!k through!!.....
RBK he was a aquitted mate, how do you know its corrupt do you live in there society?

Everyones saying how corrupt it is over there but deadset it maybe so but we dont live over there we dont know, we only read what gets dribbled to us by the media.

After all the crap media dish's out to us I am suprised that anyone takes them seriously.

I am not saying that bali wasnt a tragedy it was but the guy was aquitted so... yeah!


Live Update Team
Then the question has to be asked is why has he not been brought to justice?
Put simply RABK, its all a farce. He got 30 months jail for "masterminding" the Bali bombings, however, there is no real proof of it. Which is why the Schapelle Corby verdict is a joke. No-one knows for sure and certain, apart from her, if she is innocent or guilty. Its all opinionated. Everything, if u ask the majority of ppl on here, points to her being guilty. However I don't buy that. I don't think we will ever KNOW if she is guilty or innocent FOR SURE AND CERTAIN. I think that the judge who handed down the verdict did not, for one minute, hav the possibility of her being innocent run through his mind.


Knight82 said:
RBK he was a aquitted mate, how do you know its corrupt do you live in there society?

Everyones saying how corrupt it is over there but deadset it maybe so but we dont live over there we dont know, we only read what gets dribbled to us by the media.

After all the crap media dish's out to us I am suprised that anyone takes them seriously.

I am not saying that bali wasnt a tragedy it was but the guy was aquitted so... yeah!

Couldn`t agree more mate with those comments!

Oh and btw, Boycotting them?? WHAT`LL THAT ACHIEVE???? IT WONT do anything, it`ll prove nothing!


Live Update Team
It'll show them that we believe that strongly in convicting a person without sufficient enough evidence. I mean I for one, will not be going to Bali - EVER.


Jobdog said:
Put simply RABK, its all a farce. He got 30 months jail for "masterminding" the Bali bombings, however, there is no real proof of it. Which is why the Schapelle Corby verdict is a joke. No-one knows for sure and certain, apart from her, if she is innocent or guilty. Its all opinionated. Everything, if u ask the majority of ppl on here, points to her being guilty. However I don't buy that. I don't think we will ever KNOW if she is guilty or innocent FOR SURE AND CERTAIN. I think that the judge who handed down the verdict did not, for one minute, hav the possibility of her being innocent run through his mind.

...........You just contradicted yourself like 8 times. Do you know her personally? I think not.... at the end of the day she`s now a Convicted drug smuggler and NOTHING is going to change in a hurry.


How do i know it is corrupted? I don't.

I believe it is corrupted and the answer to why i believe that is in Jobdogs post a few up.


Jobdog said:
It'll show them that we believe that strongly in convicting a person without sufficient enough evidence. I mean I for one, will not be going to Bali - EVER.

No,.... IT WONT..... that`ll prove nothing still. My question again. What will BoyCotting prove?
John_Travolta said:
Couldn`t agree more mate with those comments!

Oh and btw, Boycotting them?? WHAT`LL THAT ACHIEVE???? IT WONT do anything, it`ll prove nothing!

But the Farefreeday worked didnt it?????

FFS, trains are worse then ever which shows how much the Polies listen, Good I catch 6 dif bus trains a day 5 days a week to work.

Atleast twice a week I am guarenteed to be an hour late.

The government will nod there heads and say yes tom and bob and joe and that will be it.


Live Update Team
JT, the bottom line, I know is she is a convicted drug smuggler. But it doesn't mean I have to agree with it. What was the evidence that they managed to gather, which was enough to convict her of it? What really pisses me off is the fact that this Bashir bloke got only 30 months, for killing hundreds of innocent people. Yet Schapelle gets 20 YEARS for drug smuggling. I mean for christs sake, its not like she's the one who killed hundreds of ppl, yet she gets about 8 times more the punishment of the bloke who did kill hundreds of ppl. IMO it just does not add up.


Put simply...

Only 1 person knows if Corby is guilty or not.

Over 1 billion people know Bashir is guilty.

I'm of the opinion Corby is guilty and she is lucky not be facing life. Altough if her appeal backfires she may do just that.

Bashir is a rotten turd and he will wish he was never born when God gets his hands on him.


Red and Blue Knight said:
How do i know it is corrupted? I don't.

I believe it is corrupted and the answer to why i believe that is in Jobdogs post a few up.

See this is the problem with people these days, not having a go at you, or the person you know who`s mates were killed in the nightclubs btw. BUT.... BUT we cannot bring ourselves to boycott a Country with 250 million Muslims on our "northern doorstep" over a stupid women who was found guilty on drug smuggling charges...

Boycotting a country the size of theirs is stupid, and flirting with disaster, the largest muslim population in the world, and probably the biggest harbourer of Terrorists the world over fullstop. You all aren`t looking at the big picture from what i`ve read so far.