He "eased off in recent times" cause he was busy getting treated ( in Russia I believe ) for drug addiction, he quite literally fell apart. Probs met a dominant lobster that cleaned his room far better.
The media either fawned over him ( if it leant into the alt -right ) or inevitably dismissed him as a bit of a crank with vaguely weird ideas. To say they were lazy is plainly wrong. He was given plenty of air time and analyses, his ideas though just haven't really cut it in any meaningful way. He himself is little more than a commentator. How much attention does he actually warrant? I suppose though I'd concede that much reporting on him was embarrassing, in only that he got the amount of attention he got, it was far beyond the worth of anything he has to say.
This is deliberate, it allows the listener to take his main ideas and then interpret them to suit, mostly it's waffle, and yeah I've listened to him a reasonable amount as the right / alt right were hailing him as being some god-like intellectual. Some of the basis for his ideas are just pure nonsense, others are just re-wording of simple ideas into an incoherent mess of psycho-babble that's deliberately vague in it's delivery.
He's just using complicated language for the sake of it, to appear intellectual, it serves no other real purpose. Here you all are conceding you don't truly understand what he's saying, but he makes sense. Now that could be 'cause he's really really smart, however if you don't understand, what's the f**king point?
For mine if you have solid ideas and you really understand them, the ability to communicate them at level that your audience can grasp and understand is key. The ability to break a concept down enough to make it completely understandable to your audience shows a thorough understanding of that concept, of course you'll need different language for different audiences, however if you are generally speaking to the wider public, then language such as old mate uses adds little to nothing to what you have to say, it's faux intellectualism.