Must agree there.
The Bulldogs had their unique style which brought them success over a sustained period but after a few lean years, have tried to adopt manly's model.
However by simply recruiting Hasler, Cleal and T Rex all that was achieved was throwing away their club culture.
After the Roosters failed with the recruitment of Mason, Anasta, Myles and O'Meley you would have thought the Dogs would have learnt a lesson from others mistakes.
The Dogs are now the modern day transit lounge that the Roosters were in the 80's.
Spot on - they rape and pillage all clubs, signing players relentlessly and the papers say nothing. They are accomplices to their filthy actions and inherent greed. They will achieve zero, as the club has no soul or identity. Hasler himself had a job for life at the club he still loves, and yet sold out to the dirty rorting Dogs...
Please discuss Cammo and Bulldog Farce...hello where are you??? Do we only hear your dull diatribes when the Dogs actually win a game? Ha ha ha