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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment

El Diablo

Post Whore
borat said:
Arrr. Dawn witnessed what he did. Why else do you think she is commenting

i don't think she has said that and has not given any evidence against Gower to Penrith



Board backing Gower despite assault evidence
Email Print Normal font Large font By Jacquelin Magnay
January 3, 2006

THE woman at the centre of the Craig Gower controversy has given damning evidence to Penrith officials of indecent assault, but there is strong support among Panthers board members for the star halfback to retain his captaincy of the club.

Tatum Pearce, the 18-year-old daughter of Balmain great Wayne Pearce, told Penrith general manager and investigator Mick Leary that a drunken Gower had put his hand in her crotch at a poolside bar at the Twin Waters resort on the Sunshine Coast on December 19. During the interview, Leary asked her to be specific about exactly where Gower had put his hand, and she replied: "On my vagina." There were no witnesses to the incident.

Penrith board members have been given copies of the Leary report, which details the evidence from Pearce and second-hand evidence from swimming legend Dawn Fraser, who consoled Pearce immediately afterwards. Fraser told Leary that Pearce was greatly upset and embarrassed by Gower's behaviour.

My mistake. Fraser didn't witness it but being the first on hand afterwards it is obvious why she was interviewed and commented.

The Colonel

El Diablo said:
i don't think she has said that and has not given any evidence against Gower to Penrith

Leary and operations chief Peter Mulholland completed the investigation after visiting the Maroochydore resort that hosted the event and holding interviews with event guests including Dawn Fraser.

According to most reports she was interviewed about events along with quite a few others.


borat said:

My mistake. Fraser didn't witness it but being the first on hand afterwards it is obvious why she was interviewed and commented.

Yes she was there to console the girl afterwards. And fair enough to comment after the event.

But why she thinks she has any reason to reject Gower's Apology despite the Pearce family accepting it has got me beat. Thats where she crossed the line


First Grade
Steelers4eva said:
Add that to the AFL player in Western Aust who ran amok on the weekend and broke some blokes collarbone at the races. Her has been stood down by his club while the 'investigation' takes place. Harly heard anything about it except a quick blurb on sunrise this morning.

And that bloke was arrested and may face charges. Despite what I said many posts ago, the allegations as they stand amount to sexual or indecent assault. He's lucky that charges aren't being pressed against him because they're a lot more serious than belting some drunk at the races.


First Grade
Cockadoodledoo said:
Who here is prepared to call Tatum Pearce a liar? She has said her piece and it doesn't sound good..

imo there is zero reason to suspect she would be lying about the events and plenty of reasons why she WOULDN'T (the extreme embarrassment she is almost certainly suffering being number 1)

on the other hand Gower has already all but admitted to lying about aspects of the night in question ('I wasn't drunk' turning to 'I was too drunk to remember what happened')


After reading the reports about what she has claimed gower did, i have no idea as to why the NRL is taking no action against the club or the man himself....

It makes me feel like an idiot for not assuming the worst to begin with. And it chalks up YET ANOTHER disgusting and biased decision by the NRL. At least the AFL sweep ALL sex scandals under the rug

Big Mick

Danish said:
After reading the reports about what she has claimed gower did, i have no idea as to why the NRL is taking no action against the club or the man himself....

It makes me feel like an idiot for not assuming the worst to begin with. And it chalks up YET ANOTHER disgusting and biased decision by the NRL. At least the AFL sweep ALL sex scandals under the rug

ok a few things:

1) Were you there. There were no witnesses to the incident, which happened in a public place. I find that strange. So if you were there then you should give testimony. If your just reading reports as you say you are, then you are another Dawn Fraser.

2) So your prepared to ruin a man's career for an alleged incident and deregister him when there was no evidence aside from an 18 year old girls testimony.

3) Do you know categorically that she is not elaborating the event? I'm not saying she definately is, but surely that has got to be an option with the lack of evidence and lack of action taken with regards to police.

4) If I was Pearce and someone did that to my daughter i'd be ropeable and pretty much, I reckon it'd push me over the edge and make me want to kill. However he didn't. So either he realises it wasn't as bad as people are suggesting or he is just a realllllllly tolerant person with great restraint.

Even if all of alleged claims are rejected, which all but the alleged grope have been at this stage, I am still of the belief Gower should be fined hugely as a result of bringing down the Penrith club name.


Big Mick © said:
ok a few things:

1) Were you there. There were no witnesses to the incident, which happened in a public place. I find that strange. So if you were there then you should give testimony. If your just reading reports as you say you are, then you are another Dawn Fraser.

2) So your prepared to ruin a man's career for an alleged incident and deregister him when there was no evidence aside from an 18 year old girls testimony.

3) Do you know categorically that she is not elaborating the event? I'm not saying she definately is, but surely that has got to be an option with the lack of evidence and lack of action taken with regards to police.

4) If I was Pearce and someone did that to my daughter i'd be ropeable and pretty much, I reckon it'd push me over the edge and make me want to kill. However he didn't. So either he realises it wasn't as bad as people are suggesting or he is just a realllllllly tolerant person with great restraint.

Even if all of alleged claims are rejected, which all but the alleged grope have been at this stage, I am still of the belief Gower should be fined hugely as a result of bringing down the Penrith club name.

Wayne pearce was one of the most disciplined players to ever lace a boot.


Post Whore
not sure what relevence that would have when it comes to an aledged sexual assult against your daughter ink... on field and on your daughter would be chalk and cheese imo


You are kidding Big Mick.

A young girl claims to have been groped by a man so drunk he can't remember whether he did it or did not do it and you are intimating that she made the whole thing up

Who should we believe? A young girl most of us have never heard of or a footballer with a track record of committing an atrocity whilst on the drink. (Remember his flash at a Swedish backpaker at the Coogee Bay Hotel?)

I can only hope that your opinion is the minority.


Big Mick © said:
ok a few things:

1) Were you there. There were no witnesses to the incident, which happened in a public place. I find that strange. So if you were there then you should give testimony. If your just reading reports as you say you are, then you are another Dawn Fraser.

2) So your prepared to ruin a man's career for an alleged incident and deregister him when there was no evidence aside from an 18 year old girls testimony.

3) Do you know categorically that she is not elaborating the event? I'm not saying she definately is, but surely that has got to be an option with the lack of evidence and lack of action taken with regards to police.

4) If I was Pearce and someone did that to my daughter i'd be ropeable and pretty much, I reckon it'd push me over the edge and make me want to kill. However he didn't. So either he realises it wasn't as bad as people are suggesting or he is just a realllllllly tolerant person with great restraint.

Even if all of alleged claims are rejected, which all but the alleged grope have been at this stage, I am still of the belief Gower should be fined hugely as a result of bringing down the Penrith club name.

1, 2 & 3. None of that seemed to matter last year when the NRL set out to ruin the career of Dane Tilse. Who by the way has now signed a contract with the raiders. If a year off only delayed this no name's career then it certainly wouldnt end Gower's.

4. Thats the only thing that doesnt sit right with me. Pearce should be after Gower's balls.... And it leads me to believe the incident may have been less than it really is. Perhaps a girl happy with advances then suddenly changing her mind etc. But again none of that seemed to matter when there were allegations against a no-name player.

Big Mick

KFC said:
You are kidding Big Mick.

A young girl claims to have been groped by a man so drunk he can't remember whether he did it or did not do it and you are intimating that she made the whole thing up

Who should we believe? A young girl most of us have never heard of or a footballer with a track record of committing an atrocity whilst on the drink. (Remember his flash at a Swedish backpaker at the Coogee Bay Hotel?)

I can only hope that your opinion is the minority.

I am not saying Gower is right...i'm not saying Tatum is a liar either....perhaps you should re-read the post.

yes...Gower has a track record...so what, that immediately means his guilty here...or does it meant he media can just go all out and people like you will believe it no matter what because your that gullible.

The report has stated that the other incidents have been proven to be minor at best.

Obviously you have had no interaction with any 18 year old girls of late. I suggest a trip to any Sydney nightclub to see how these girls can act and embelish a story.

Again i'm not saying Tatum's allegation is not correct, for all I know it is...but again for all you know...which lets face it is not alot, same with me as well....it may have been embellished, not made up, but some pieces of the pie missing.

We all don't know the whole truth, yet each of you are ready to cut his balls off as a result. So I certainly hope the majority arn't as fickle as yourself and are able to at least put some pieces together and think things through rather than post what you read in a paper.

Big Mick

Danish said:
1, 2 & 3. None of that seemed to matter last year when the NRL set out to ruin the career of Dane Tilse. Who by the way has now signed a contract with the raiders. If a year off only delayed this no name's career then it certainly wouldnt end Gower's.

4. Thats the only thing that doesnt sit right with me. Pearce should be after Gower's balls.... And it leads me to believe the incident may have been less than it really is. Perhaps a girl happy with advances then suddenly changing her mind etc. But again none of that seemed to matter when there were allegations against a no-name player.

On Tilse...he was on his final warning after continous indescretions in only about a few years at Newcastle.

He had a history or REGULARLY doing things unsavoury while on the piss.

Gower has a history, but that was in 1999....

There were also witnesses to Tilses...including the girls dorm roommates and also the fact he broke through a window in order to do what he did, in my opinion is just one level lower than rape.

Its entirely different circumstances.


Ask anyone who's been around Gower on the piss and they'll assure you he is no angel. He just doesnt get disciplined i'd imagine.

I'm not necessarilly saying Gower deserves to be de-registered but i dont think the difference between his and Tilse's cases are so different that one deserves the highest level of action by the NRL while the other deserves no action whatsoever.


Raider_69 said:
not sure what relevence that would have when it comes to an aledged sexual assult against your daughter ink... on field and on your daughter would be chalk and cheese imo

What relevance?

or he is just a realllllllly tolerant person with great restraint.

You dont even have kids do you? Yet youre questioning me of the relevance.....I might be wrong, but his discipline on field may just carry over into his every day life?

Its a fact hes a highly disciplined individual....relevant enough for me.