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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment


Big Mick © said:
The other allegations have been proven false or too minor to warrent anything.

Also why the big turnaround from wanting to confront Gower to only a week later accepting a mild apology? Something just doesn't seem right there. Unfortunately none of us were actually there to witness it to actually conclusively say if Gower is guilty or not.

LOL...Mr conspiracy......its called 'calming down'


Raider_69 said:
Well i wasnt aware of that
can someone confirm this?

I read an article in the SMH stating that Pearce had sought Gower and warned him in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from his daughter.....

However in the same article it also said that Pearce refused to comment on the event to them so i have no idea where they pulled it from.


Post Whore
Danish said:
I read an article in the SMH stating that Pearce had sought Gower and warned him in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from his daughter.....

However in the same article it also said that Pearce refused to comment on the event to them so i have no idea where they pulled it from.

ahh ok, interesting, could be on the money but it doesn't really scream 'credible' reporting does it


First Grade
Big Mick © said:
The other allegations have been proven false or too minor to warrent anything.

Also why the big turnaround from wanting to confront Gower to only a week later accepting a mild apology? Something just doesn't seem right there. Unfortunately none of us were actually there to witness it to actually conclusively say if Gower is guilty or not.

Proven false by whom? Weren't you talking about independant witnesses before. It's not like Penrith want to portray him as the devil.

Big Mick

KFC said:
Hey Big Mick I just finished reading a book by Michael Connelly called the Lincoln Lawyer.

It's based on a criminal defence lawyer whose sole purpose in life is to get people either a reduced sentence or an acquittal by blurring the lines between what might have happened and what did happen.

Worth a look if you're into reading.

Glad to hear you can read, and i'll certainly take that book into consideration.

But seeing as you know everything, why don't you tell me EXACTLY what happened. From the start, come on....Lets start from when they saw each other in the bar.

Big Mick

Onan the barbarian said:
Proven false by whom? Weren't you talking about independant witnesses before. It's not like Penrith want to portray him as the devil.

LOL yes...Penrith made their investigation up.

They interviewed witnesses at the resort and outside the resort that were attending that day, anyone that was witness to Gower's alleged antics. They proved the allegations about the knife throwing, bottle chasing, totalling the cart and running through the bar naked were grossly embelished.

Big Mick

innsaneink said:
LOL...Mr conspiracy......its called 'calming down'

lmao sorry...but I certainly wouldn't be "calm" about it if someone did that to my daughter...a week or a year later...i'd still want to smash the guy.

Pearce came out and said something along the lines of "I accept his apology, I guess if I drank, next time I say him i'd have a beer with him".....Would you, if you were a girls father honestly say that?

The only drink i'd give a guy that did something to my daughter is one that contained a bit of poison.


Post Whore
and the plot thickens
accepting an apology is one thing, claiming you'd still have a beer with the bloke is quite another... its all very strange IMO


First Grade
Big Mick © said:
LOL yes...Penrith made their investigation up.

They interviewed witnesses at the resort and outside the resort that were attending that day, anyone that was witness to Gower's alleged antics. They proved the allegations about the knife throwing, bottle chasing, totalling the cart and running through the bar naked were grossly embelished.

Comeon. You've seen plenty of club investigations before. Always the same MO, get them for something that's not too serious, fine them and if they're not important to the club get rid of them. Clubs are businesses and they want their best players on the field. Star players are treated with kid gloves and that's why they'll never grow up and learn from their mistakes. If you're important to the club you can do anything short of murder and get a slap on the wrist.


Big Mick I acknowledged that you have a point about exploring the possibilities of what occurred on that night.

And you know what regardless of the truth I think Gower should be suspended for a minimum of six months.

I also believe that Anthony Minichiello should be suspended for a minimum of 3 months for his boorish behaviour.

And I believe that any NRL contracted player that gets drunk and brings the game into disrepute deserves to sit on the sidelines and have a good think about just how lucky they are to be making a very good living out of something they love.

Big Mick

Onan the barbarian said:
Comeon. You've seen plenty of club investigations before. Always the same MO, get them for something that's not too serious, fine them and if they're not important to the club get rid of them. Clubs are businesses and they want their best players on the field. Star players are treated with kid gloves and that's why they'll never grow up and learn from their mistakes. If you're important to the club you can do anything short of murder and get a slap on the wrist.

Yes I have seen plenty of club investigations.

However, Penrith is the only one investigating this one, because noone else is involved. The police arn't involved either.

Penrith, IMO is doing more than a regular club would, they are talking serious punishment and not a slap on the wrist for the allegations if proven correctly, in no way would they condone this behaviour in ANY of their players.

Big Mick

KFC said:
Big Mick I acknowledged that you have a point about exploring the possibilities of what occurred on that night.

And you know what regardless of the truth I think Gower should be suspended for a minimum of six months.

I also believe that Anthony Minichiello should be suspended for a minimum of 3 months for his boorish behaviour.

And I believe that any NRL contracted player that gets drunk and brings the game into disrepute deserves to sit on the sidelines and have a good think about just how lucky they are to be making a very good living out of something they love.

Yep, i'll agree with that, i'd say 3 months if innocent. 6 months if guilty however in the worst case scenario. But we'll agree to disagree on that point. On everything else and particularly the last point, I certainly agree 100%


First Grade
Big Mick © said:
Yes I have seen plenty of club investigations.

However, Penrith is the only one investigating this one, because noone else is involved. The police arn't involved either.

Penrith, IMO is doing more than a regular club would, they are talking serious punishment and not a slap on the wrist for the allegations if proven correctly, in no way would they condone this behaviour in ANY of their players.

Fair enough. You are a Penrith supporter though and it's hard not to defend you're club. I've got to say I think they're doing what any club would do. I just don't think that hopefully a club is actually going to make a stand some time in the next millenium and not give players "one more chance" a la Hoppa et al.

Big Mick

i'll defend my club to the death because I know they are doing the right thing...Gower on the other hand...if he is guilty can go jump.


Big Mick © said:
Yes I have seen plenty of club investigations.

However, Penrith is the only one investigating this one, because noone else is involved. The police arn't involved either.

Penrith, IMO is doing more than a regular club would, they are talking serious punishment and not a slap on the wrist for the allegations if proven correctly, in no way would they condone this behaviour in ANY of their players.

No offence mate but the punishment being discussed (according to the papers) is a $30K fine and he still keeps the captaincy.

A bit more than the truly lame punishments dished out by the roosters, Dragons, dogs and various other clubs in recent years....... but still a slap on the wrist none the less when considering his pay packet. Hell any fine is IMO. Suspension are a much fairer form of punishment.

But really no other club has taken that sort of action so why should Penrith start. It should really be the NRL leading he investigation into these incidents in the first place.

Big Mick

the punishment being discussed is actually a $100,000 fine and lose of captaincy and maybe suspension if the report is bad enough.


Big Mick © said:
the punishment being discussed is actually a $100,000 fine and lose of captaincy and maybe suspension if the report is bad enough.

I think the severity of the punishment should reflect the crime. The crashing of the golf cart and throwing a few knives is petty sh*t and probably happens 8 times a weekend. WAlking round nude - even more common though this could fall into the indecent exposure category. And he should know the penalties for that one.

If we are talking brazenly groping a 16 year old after all the Coffs HArbour Stigma and all the other crap - $100,000 and stripping him of the captaincy is the least they should be looking at. I know he does charity work and other good things, but that sort of contact is a very offensive and personal breach of trust. It may be different if you are getting a lapdance pal, but I say you are lucky Junior didn't do some knuckle powered dental work.

Gower needs to learn the consequences of his actions, drunk or not. If he's guilty - Make it hurt him.


Big Mick © said:
the punishment being discussed is actually a $100,000 fine and lose of captaincy and maybe suspension if the report is bad enough.

these articles suggests otherwise.......


However this article holds your point true........


It seems the SMH is really going all out to hammer this story for all its worth.

I spose being that SMH hates News Ltd it will turn the screws every chance it gets on the NRL. But it just seems stupid for them to take it as far as creating utterly false stories with zero credibility or evidence. They should leave that to the Telegraph.


Cockadoodledoo said:
Because it defends Gower, I guess you and your club deserve him..

Actually No,

because as opposed to the "crucify Gower" bandwagon bullsh*t that plagues this thread, it's rational, lucid, intelligent and level headed.

Besides, if you'd care to read Lemon Rabbit's post PROPERLY it states quite clearly that he's NOT defending Craig Gower.:shock:

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