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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment


Rooster Lozz said:
Yeah whatever.....
I find it funny that you come to this thread and you dont even mention whats happened yesterday, any comments ?


He has a case to answer... So? For what specifically?

Still doesn't mean he's guilty of everything the Media are accusing him of.

I'm not making any judgements untill I hear what the Panthers board has to say on Wednesday.

I think the rest of you should pipe down and do likewise.


Glen said:
Wow that was really dumb. So just because Fitzgibbon is a footy player he must automatically be an arrogant pisshead who is always one step away from getting in trouble? There are plenty of good men in the game, don't throw every other player in the same boat as that piece of trash pervert Craig Gower.

How was it really dumb?

Proof positive that a few of you in here do not know how to read and interpret peoples posts.

I didn't say Fitzgibbon was an "arrogant pisshead who is one step away from getting in trouble" I said he was a League Player, and like most league players CAPABLE of getting himself into trouble through his own ego.

Big difference d*ckhead... learn to read and analyse.:roll:


inaneink said:
Typical loser Panther Jism..

Playin the man not the ball.

Youre throwing "sad" round left right and center yet its you that seems to be getting personal here.:lol:

Craig Gowers been found to have a
case to answer....surprise, sur -f**kin -prise.
Youre a genius Jim.....knowing how other posters would think and react...assume theyd be as blind as you and support their player no matter what....as I said before, to claim to know how others would react in similar circumstances....well thats jsut laughable.

Why dont you just play the ball here Jim...the ball is Gower and what HE did, not myself or chook or Lozz or Fitzgibbon or Miniechello or Dawn Fraser..

Case to answer.

Whats the bet its a slap on the wrist 25% salary
fine and stripped of the (C).

YAWN! =;

Or Prefereably: Take this Insaneink: :f: And go and play with your mates on the Light Horse interchange.


First Grade
If some or all of the allegations are substantiated, then Gowie should cop a fine and that's it. He hasn't brought the game or his club into disrepute, he has simply embarassed himself. He is a great leader ON THE FIELD and should retain the captaincy. I'd suggest a 10k fine is sufficient under the circumstances.

You gooses forget that these blokes are just regular people that play rugby league well. They are not bloody community leaders. Kids look up to them because of their sporting ability. Parents should be educating their kids appropriately that they shouldn't be idolising these blokes, then it won't be such a problem when these type of incidents occur.

I think what the media has done to Gowie is nearly as bad as the things he is alleged to have done. They might as well be physically laying the boot into the bloke.


Wait, so if Gower did actually feel Pearce's daughter up (and i'm not saying he DEFINATELY did), all he should get is a fine? Are you serious? With the way the NRL is going about the whole women business, he should be instantly dismissed.


He has a case to answer, so it doesn't look good. I have a sinking feeling that he will lose the captaincy over this.

If he gets the sack, I would go Puletua. Priddis would do a good job too, but he's too ill-disciplined in my opinion.


First Grade

Ray Chesterton's view for what it's worth. It does add some specifics to the allegations

DURING a terror-inducing night that only the star performer Craig Gower, unlike myriad witnesses, is unable to recall, he got lucky.

Staff at the resort where Gower's alcohol-fuelled shenanigans occurred would not reveal his room number to irate rugby league legend Wayne Pearce.

Pearce, the personification of affability and a long-time teetotaller, was in the mood of any father woken to learn his teenage daughter had been lewdly assaulted by a drunken footballer in a downstairs bar.

Pearce had also been told his teenage son had been chased by the same footballer waving a beer bottle when he came to his sister's aid. Even Pearce's renowned self-restraint might have been tested if his path had crossed Gower's but he did not find him until next morning.

Friends say Pearce savagely rebuked Gower, pointing out it was not his first offence and that he had captained Australia against France last year and had an obligation to protect the game's image.

Gower's response was to mewl the alcoholic-amnesia mantra of players confronted by exposed wrong-doing: "I can't remember a thing."

Perhaps we can help with the details as Gower waits for his club Penrith to hear the case at a meeting this week.

Gower was at Jack Newton's charity golf day, for his buck's party before marrying TV hostess Amanda Flynn.

He was shown on TV at the first tee drunk and swearing. At an important dinner during his 48-hour spree, Gower threw knives around the table, held knives to the necks of other guests, put headlocks on former players, ran around nude, damaged a golf cart and accosted the wife of a TV journalist.

He became increasingly agitated when the MC spoofed his antics and friends of sponsors got him out of the dinner but left him in a bar where he confronted the Pearce siblings.

It was a contemptible performance full of wilful, alcohol-driven, self-indulgence without regard to the game, himself or the consequences.

It was also as painful for the game as any anti-social public acts performed by any players in recent years and indicates there is still a small percentage of buffoons in the game who let alcohol dictate their actions.

So far Gower's only contrition has been to offer an indecisively worded apology to the Pearce family, IF his actions offended them.

This is Gower's third major offence - two involved excessive alcohol, one for breaking curfew.

Penrith won't sack him but he should be fined, suspended and surrender the captaincy.

If Penrith don't act, the NSWRL and ARL, who pick representative teams, should suspend his eligibility.

Sometime, somewhere, someone in rugby league has to act decisively to preserve credibility with the pubic.

This is the time.

gunnamatta bay

Ray Chesterton is a Balmain boy from way back. He loves Wayne Pearce so it's no surprise he gave him both barrels.


Not sure how much of what Chesterton wrote is true but if it is Gower shouldn't be stripped of the captaincy

He should spend 5-10 at Long Bay


Fibroman said:
.You gooses forget that these blokes are just regular people that play rugby league well. They are not bloody community leaders. Kids look up to them because of their sporting ability. Parents should be educating their kids appropriately that they shouldn't be idolising these blokes, then it won't be such a problem when these type of incidents occur.

That's a cop-out Fibroman.

Do regular blokes drive around in incredibly expensive european cars and marry models? Easts fans excluded of course.

Your point about parentening and whether a sportsman should be considered a hero/idol is valid but Gower, just like every other NRL player, knew the stakes before he made the decision to become public property.

I'm sorry but the "I'm just an ordinary bloke......" is a more pathetic excuse than "I don't remember a thing."

At least that's believeable.


I must admit, being a Penrith Supporter I am upset about the whole affair.

Part of me doesn't want to believe that Gowie is guilty about all the media have accused him of. Another part of me is annoyed and angry with him for alledgedly acting like an intoxicated goose in public and draging Penrith as a club, through the mud.

But let's face it, All we know so far is:

(A). He's apologised to the Pearce family for.... what exactly?

(B). Wayne Pearce has accepted his apology.... If a 27 year old League player had alegedly groped your 17 year old daughter, would you be happy with just an "apology"? If it were me, I'd want the bastards nuts on a plate!

(C). The Panthers board have concluded that Craig has "A case to answer for" Ok, they've determined that there may be enough evidence behind the accusations (What accusations in particular?) For Craig to be cross examined on his side of the story. That's it so far.

I'm not saying Craig is innocent, he's obviously done something idiotic, and if he has he deserves to be punished. The degree of seriousness of the alleged offences should reflect the appropriate punishment that the Panthers board gives him, but let's wait and see what Craig and the board have to say before we start casting judgement.


For Craig to be cross examined on his side of the story

Mr Gower has publicly stated that because of his level of intoxication he remembers nothing.

This will make it pretty difficult for him to tell his side of the story.

I know Panthers fans are upset but this is about personal responsibility not the Panthers nor Penrith City.


First Grade
If only Gower came out after the allegations were made public and admitted he had too much to drink and could not remember what happened (presuming that is the truth), rather than denials anything went wrong and threats of legal action..

Between Gower and his manager, things were handled very badly. Stripping Gower of the captaincy is the least that should happen.


I can see why he threatened to hire QC's and sue the arse off the media....hearing and learning about what you did thru the media wouldnt be fun, but he didnt recall doing them so I guess he thought they were just making it up.
His first bit of 'legal advice' I guess advised him he didnt have a leg to stand on.


First Grade
Let's be realistic, they're no going to de-register him. Stripping him of the captaincy only penalises the club and they are not to blame. Hit him with the only thing that he might understand, a big fine. I'm thinking $50K or better. And donate it to a suitable charity.

Perth Red

Post Whore
The guy's clearly an ar$ehole and if he was working for my company for 400 grand a year and damaged our repuatation by his actions he would be out the door with my foot up his backside.

Time the NRL got serious about dealing with these prima donnas who think they are above civilised behaviour. There are plenty of good halfbacks around for what Gower is getting paid, no loss to Penrith I wouldn't say.


nqboy said:
Let's be realistic, they're no going to de-register him. Stripping him of the captaincy only penalises the club and they are not to blame. Hit him with the only thing that he might understand, a big fine. I'm thinking $50K or better. And donate it to a suitable charity.

Perhaps they should fine him $50K and put it into a "Gower and Other Footy Boofheads Get out of Trouble Legal/Media Slush Fund" charity.


First Grade
Pantherjim. said:
(B). Wayne Pearce has accepted his apology.... If a 27 year old League player had alegedly groped your 17 year old daughter, would you be happy with just an "apology"? If it were me, I'd want the bastards nuts on a plate!

I don't think you can conclude much one way or another from this

Wayne hasn't ever struck me as the type of guy to hold a grudge and I imagine that he'd probably believe it was in the best interests of both rugby league and his daughter (who lets face it is probably very embarrassed by all of this right now) to try and put it behind them.


First Grade

Gradually, the allegations become more specific.

THE woman at the centre of the Craig Gower controversy has given damning evidence to Penrith officials of indecent assault, but there is strong support among Panthers board members for the star halfback to retain his captaincy of the club.

Tatum Pearce, the 18-year-old daughter of Balmain great Wayne Pearce, told Penrith general manager and investigator Mick Leary that a drunken Gower had put his hand in her crotch at a poolside bar at the Twin Waters resort on the Sunshine Coast on December 19. During the interview, Leary asked her to be specific about exactly where Gower had put his hand, and she replied: "On my vagina." There were no witnesses to the incident.

Penrith board members have been given copies of the Leary report, which details the evidence from Pearce and second-hand evidence from swimming legend Dawn Fraser, who consoled Pearce immediately afterwards. Fraser told Leary that Pearce was greatly upset and embarrassed by Gower's behaviour.

Gower has been summoned to a Penrith board meeting tomorrow night to explain his actions. The player, who has the right to legal representation at the meeting, has previously claimed he cannot remember anything from that night.

The Leary report has largely cleared Gower of other allegations, including those that involved throwing a knife and the pursuit of Wayne Pearce's son Mitchell with a beer bottle.

Mitchell Pearce approached a group of people who were with Gower and told them to control the footballer. Gower then acted in a menacing way while holding a beer bottle.

Leary has statements from witnesses who saw Gower naked around the hotel but staff said such sightings of guests were relatively common. Golf club officials have also said the player was welcome back to the course at any time.

Gower also caused minor damage to a golf cart when he hit a rock on the course, but club officials said this was a regular problem that was of no concern.

However, the reluctance of Tatum Pearce and her father to take further action, including making a police report, is behind a push to save Gower's captaincy.

It is understood a majority of the board wants to fine Gower substantially - more than $30,000, to be donated to charity - but allow him to stay on as captain because he has publicly apologised.

Gower has not seen the Leary report and could not be contacted yesterday. Last week, he issued a statement that said:"With regard to an incident at Twin Waters last Monday, December 19, to the extent that I have caused the Pearce family any discomfort, I unreservedly apologise."

The Penrith board is chaired by Barry Walsh and includes premiership-winning players Greg Alexander, Col Bentley and former senior deputy state coroner John Hiatt.

NRL chief executive David Gallop yesterday said he was waiting for the club to complete the investigation process.

"After that the club will report to the NRL and we expect that report will include the full Mick Leary investigation and findings," Gallop said.

The NRL last year refused to register Knights rookie Dane Tilse, who had been sacked from the Newcastle club after a drunken night out that involved him breaking into university students' quarters and waking a sleeping female. The Knights were also fined $200,000. The NRL has allowed Tilse to sign with the Raiders for 2006.

Gower, who is marrying former cheerleader Amanda Flynn this month, has a history of alcohol-related issues, having been sacked from the Australian team in 1999 after exposing himself at the Coogee Bay Hotel. For that he was fined $10,000 but was subsequently picked to play 16 Tests from 1999 to 2005. In 2004, he was fined by the NSW Rugby League for not observing the curfew of the NSW Origin team.

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