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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment


Who's the gullible one Big Mick?

The person that believes a drunken footballer with questionable behaviour when drunk or a young girl who has nothing to gain from this incident?

I understand your loyalty to the Captian of your team and that's great.

What's not so great is you are willing to taint the reputation of a young girl because it makes you feel better about a football player.

BTW the only account that can be taken at face value is the girl's as the player has already admitted he was so drunk he can't remember anything.


Big Mick © said:
On Tilse...he was on his final warning after continous indescretions in only about a few years at Newcastle.

He had a history or REGULARLY doing things unsavoury while on the piss.

Gower has a history, but that was in 1999....

There were also witnesses to Tilses...including the girls dorm roommates and also the fact he broke through a window in order to do what he did, in my opinion is just one level lower than rape.

Its entirely different circumstances.

Golly....this is all new and sounds quite different to what I recall.

Big Mick

Danish said:
Ask anyone who's been around Gower on the piss and they'll assure you he is no angel. He just doesnt get disciplined i'd imagine.

I'm not necessarilly saying Gower deserves to be de-registered but i dont think the difference between his and Tilse's cases are so different that one deserves the highest level of action by the NRL while the other deserves no action whatsoever.

I know Gower's history...I know how he acts when on the drink...

But this is a pretty serious thing he's getting accused of. I'm yet to be convinced without a reasonable doubt that he is guilty. Sorry but I refuse to believe newpapers which have so far been proven to be incorrect.


Big Mick © said:
But this is a pretty serious thing he's getting accused of. I'm yet to be convinced without a reasonable doubt that he is guilty. Sorry but I refuse to believe newpapers which have so far been proven to be incorrect.

May I ask what would prove it to you Big Mick?

Big Mick

KFC said:
Who's the gullible one Big Mick?

The person that believes a drunken footballer with questionable behaviour when drunk or a young girl who has nothing to gain from this incident?

I understand your loyalty to the Captian of your team and that's great.

What's not so great is you are willing to taint the reputation of a young girl because it makes you feel better about a football player.

BTW the only account that can be taken at face value is the girl's as the player has already admitted he was so drunk he can't remember anything.

I'm not loyal to Gower....believe me i'm furious at the way he has brought my club down and if you read what I said, he should be punished heavily either way.

If not guilty...he should still be fined $100,000 for bringing the game and Penrith into disrepute.

If Guilty that should happen as well as losing the captaincy and maybe 1-3 games suspension on top of that. I don't condone this behaviour KFC.

Again, you've got me all wrong here. I'm not prepared to taint the reputation of the girl. Nor do I feel good about it. I've never met her. I'm just trying to put forward all possibilities...that is in no way tarnishing her reputation, just merely putting forward an option. That is how you solve an investigation. If you only follow one possibility...you get nowhere. You need to take into account all possible scenarios.

Like I said, I can't believe Pearce hasn't gone off. I don't care how restrained you are on the footy field. I don't like confrontation either, but if anyone did something to my little neices, or my daughter i'd kill them without hesitation, or at least confront them. Pearce has also accepted a mild apology, I don't understand that.

But i'll say again...either way Gower deserves to be punished...lets not stray from that.


First Grade
Blah Blah Blah....

I choose to back Gowie. If they tell the players that they can't unwind and have a few beers occasionally, I'll start following bloody lawn bowls.

Of course players are going to have a few too many on the odd occasion. Slap them on the wrist and let them get on with playing bloody football.

Big Mick

KFC said:
May I ask what would prove it to you Big Mick?

A credible witness for one.

All we have is second hand testimony from Dawn Fraser....that in no way is good enough to constitute beyond a reasonable doubt that Gower is guilty.

If there was a credible witness who says "I saw Gower feel up Pearces daughter"....then I would be one of the first here saying Gower should be fined, lose the captaincy and be suspended for a couple of matches.


Big Mick © said:
I'm not loyal to Gower....believe me i'm furious at the way he has brought my club down and if you read what I said, he should be punished heavily either way.

If not guilty...he should still be fined $100,000 for bringing the game and Penrith into disrepute.

If Guilty that should happen as well as losing the captaincy and maybe 1-3 games suspension on top of that. I don't condone this behaviour KFC.

Again, you've got me all wrong here. I'm not prepared to taint the reputation of the girl. Nor do I feel good about it. I've never met her. I'm just trying to put forward all possibilities...that is in no way tarnishing her reputation, just merely putting forward an option. That is how you solve an investigation. If you only follow one possibility...you get nowhere. You need to take into account all possible scenarios.

Like I said, I can't believe Pearce hasn't gone off. I don't care how restrained you are on the footy field. I don't like confrontation either, but if anyone did something to my little neices, or my daughter i'd kill them without hesitation, or at least confront them. Pearce has also accepted a mild apology, I don't understand that.

But i'll say again...either way Gower deserves to be punished...lets not stray from that.

Fair enough Big Mick I now see where you're coming from.


Big Mick © said:
I know Gower's history...I know how he acts when on the drink...

But this is a pretty serious thing he's getting accused of. I'm yet to be convinced without a reasonable doubt that he is guilty. Sorry but I refuse to believe newpapers which have so far been proven to be incorrect.

Its fair enough to not take the media's word as gospel. They love nothing more than to stab the NRL in the back and then twist the knife around over and over again with these sorts of stories (while staying strangely silent about the AFL)

All i know is Gower was taking a very strong line early on, looking into legal action even to defend himself. But he changed his tune over the coming weeks to the point where he offered an unreserved apology for any wrong doing towards the Pearce's. To me that says he is at least guilty of some wrong doing.

But I'm not going to continue the argument because you are a Panther fan and i know i'd be acting the same way if a Rooster were accused of this (unless it was finch).


Just read your above post. Understand your position now. I'm happy for the bloke to get a fair trial, i just doubt he will receive any real punishment if found guilty (and that is a continuing problem with the NRL)

Big Mick

Fibroman said:
Blah Blah Blah....

I choose to back Gowie. If they tell the players that they can't unwind and have a few beers occasionally, I'll start following bloody lawn bowls.

Of course players are going to have a few too many on the odd occasion. Slap them on the wrist and let them get on with playing bloody football.


Come on Fibro. Slap on the wrist....for what he's put the club through already with all the negative media attention he already deserves to be fined substantially.

This is more than a case of having a few too many. I seriously hope your just trying to bait the fellow supporters here with your posts.


Big Mick © said:
A credible witness for one.

All we have is second hand testimony from Dawn Fraser....that in no way is good enough to constitute beyond a reasonable doubt that Gower is guilty.

If there was a credible witness who says "I saw Gower feel up Pearces daughter"....then I would be one of the first here saying Gower should be fined, lose the captaincy and be suspended for a couple of matches.

We also have Tatum Pearce.


Big Mick © said:
A credible witness for one.

There were only two people there Mick.

One said the bloke touched her vagina.

The other one says he cant remember a thing cause he was drunk.


Post Whore
innsaneink said:
What relevance?

How disciplined he was on the field... it may be argued it goes to state his general well disciplined nature, but i just don't think how disciplined he on the sporting field relates well to how disciplined he may or may not be when confronted with an alleged sexual assault of his 18 year old daughter by a 27 (or whatever Gowers age is) year old man...

Regardless of his gentle nature, if it was as bad as its claimed, i would think Pearce would see red, and rightly so, which given his said to be laid back reaction, makes me some what cautious over how bad its being made out.

Big Mick

KFC said:
There were only two people there Mick.

One said the bloke touched her vagina.

The other one says he cant remember a thing cause he was drunk.

Yes....but you would never entertain the possibility that someone would take advantage of the fact he can't remember a thing?

Like I said you have to take all possibilities into account.

In the court of law, if its just between one word or the other, a fair dinkum judge couldn't do anything aside from throw the case out. There needs to be an UNRELATED and UNBAISED witness.


First Grade
On Pearce not being ropeable that his daughter was allegedly interfered with, the only reason he didn't beat the crap out of him on the night was that the resort staff refused to give him Gower's room number(according to SMH). I would have thought the next day the prospect of police charges would have made him think twice.

I can't see any reason why Tatum Pearce would be making it up. It's not like Gower was off to sing in the church choir at the time and considering the other stuff he allegedly did at the time, it isn't incredible that he would have done that.


Post Whore
Onan the barbarian said:
On Pearce not being ropeable that his daughter was allegedly interfered with, the only reason he didn't beat the crap out of him on the night was that the resort staff refused to give him Gower's room number(according to SMH).
Well i wasnt aware of that
can someone confirm this?

Big Mick

Onan the barbarian said:
On Pearce not being ropeable that his daughter was allegedly interfered with, the only reason he didn't beat the crap out of him on the night was that the resort staff refused to give him Gower's room number(according to SMH). I would have thought the next day the prospect of police charges would have made him think twice.

I can't see any reason why Tatum Pearce would be making it up. It's not like Gower was off to sing in the church choir at the time and considering the other stuff he allegedly did at the time, it isn't incredible that he would have done that.

The other allegations have been proven false or too minor to warrent anything.

Also why the big turnaround from wanting to confront Gower to only a week later accepting a mild apology? Something just doesn't seem right there. Unfortunately none of us were actually there to witness it to actually conclusively say if Gower is guilty or not.


Raider_69 said:
How disciplined he was on the field... it may be argued it goes to state his general well disciplined nature, but i just don't think how disciplined he on the sporting field relates well to how disciplined he may or may not be when confronted with an alleged sexual assault of his 18 year old daughter by a 27 (or whatever Gowers age is) year old man...

Regardless of his gentle nature, if it was as bad as its claimed, i would think Pearce would see red, and rightly so, which given his said to be laid back reaction, makes me some what cautious over how bad its being made out.

LOL.....laid back reaction.:roll:

As has been mentioned he was reportedly furious, calmed down a little the next day, then a few days later accepted an apology.

You dont know how he'd react when confronted with something like this.

All I said in reply to B mick who stated that hed need to be reallllllly in control....was that he was very disciplined...if you cant see the relevance there youre blind.


Big Mick © said:
Yes....but you would never entertain the possibility that someone would take advantage of the fact he can't remember a thing?

Like I said you have to take all possibilities into account.

In the court of law, if its just between one word or the other, a fair dinkum judge couldn't do anything aside from throw the case out. There needs to be an UNRELATED and UNBAISED witness.

Hey Big Mick I just finished reading a book by Michael Connelly called the Lincoln Lawyer.

It's based on a criminal defence lawyer whose sole purpose in life is to get people either a reduced sentence or an acquittal by blurring the lines between what might have happened and what did happen.

Worth a look if you're into reading.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Isn't it funny how times change?

Nowadays this is a serious thing yet everyone thought it was funny when Hogan groped that bird in Crocodile Dundee.

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