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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment


Cockadoodledoo said:
Who here is prepared to call Tatum Pearce a liar? She has said her piece and it doesn't sound good..

Innsaneink said:
We also have Tatum Pearce.

Onan the barbarian said:
I can't see any reason why Tatum Pearce would be making it up.

Is it too inconcievable to speculate that Tatum Pearce herself could have been under the influence, and exaggerating the incident slightly?

Thats right I forgot... 17 year old girls never lie or exaggerate....:roll:


This thread is UTTER bollocks. How many League players have been in a comprising position ? Answer : sh*tloads.

Brad Fittler is a good example, he was found HAMMERED outside a police station in Nth Sydney. Why should Gower be treated any differently ? People make mistakes, and unless YOU realise that, you're simply not human and your opinion is worthless.

Jesus, hasnt he been crucified enough ? Leave the guy alone ffs.


Pantherjim. said:
Is it too inconcievable to speculate that Tatum Pearce herself could have been under the influence, and exaggerating the incident slightly?

Thats right I forgot... 17 year old girls never lie or exaggerate....:roll:

I think your club wouldve found out if she was lying or pissed, I mean theyve cleared him of everything else havent they......they'd love it for her to be lying, but the facts are your club has found your captain to have a case to answer.

Musta been unconfortable with your head in the sand all this time Jim?

Some people are so blind and gullible....open ur eyes fool.


Big Mick © said:
lmao sorry...but I certainly wouldn't be "calm" about it if someone did that to my daughter...a week or a year later...i'd still want to smash the guy.

Pearce came out and said something along the lines of "I accept his apology, I guess if I drank, next time I say him i'd have a beer with him".....Would you, if you were a girls father honestly say that?

The only drink i'd give a guy that did something to my daughter is one that contained a bit of poison.

Don't bother Big Mick,

The one thing I've found, is that you can't argue with the fools on this thread who can't wait to see Gowie's contract ripped up.

You can be as level headed, unbiased, thought provoking and as lucid as you like in your posts, however ultimately these imbeciles will only see us as "Penrith supporters sticking up for our captain" rather than trying to be rational amongst their irrationality.

It's like bashing your head against a brick wall!


innsaneink said:
I think your club wouldve found out if she was lying or pissed, I mean theyve cleared him of everything else havent they......they'd love it for her to be lying, but the facts are your club has found your captain to have a case to answer..

Yep, You were at the board meeting last week when Barry Walsh decided that Craig had a "Case to answer" weren't you Ink? So I'm guessing in your infinite wisdom you can enlighten us as to what "case" Gowie has to answer for, can't you? Well...? :whistle

innsaneink said:
Some people are so blind and gullible....open ur eyes fool.

Yep.. Unlike you who believe everything the media spoon feed you...:roll:


First Grade
Pantherjim. said:
Is it too inconcievable to speculate that Tatum Pearce herself could have been under the influence, and exaggerating the incident slightly?

Thats right I forgot... 17 year old girls never lie or exaggerate....:roll:

Why would she be making it up? I honestly couldn't imagine any reason. Maybe you could think of some possibilities because I can't think of any.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Onan the barbarian said:
Why would she be making it up? I honestly couldn't imagine any reason. Maybe you could think of some possibilities because I can't think of any.

why isn't she reporting it to the police? ....oh!! that's right she's 17 and was at a public bar.


First Grade
eelavation said:
why isn't she reporting it to the police? ....oh!! that's right she's 17 and was at a public bar.

or because, as most teenage girls do, she knows that a) there is bugger all chance of it even going to trial let alone an actual conviction and b) even if he WAS convicted he'd get at most a slap on the wrist

which for the record doesn't have anything at all to do with if he is guilty or innocent but its simply a fact that even the most serious sexual offences are most often not reported and even when they are have a terribly low conviction rate.

Has anyone else considered that the fact Pearce publically accepted Gowers apology may have anything to do with the best interests of his daughter? She hasn't shown any signs that she's actually ENJOYING this media circus after all.

I'd also suggest that knowing Wayne's attitude to alcohol he's more likely than most to buy the line that 'the alcohol made me do it' (unless his opinion has softened a lot that is - which I doubt).

Stagger eel

Staff member
brook said:
or because, as most teenage girls do, she knows that a) there is bugger all chance of it even going to trial let alone an actual conviction and b) even if he WAS convicted he'd get at most a slap on the wrist
I still believe the alleged offence still warranted a police invistigation.

which for the record doesn't have anything at all to do with if he is guilty or innocent but its simply a fact that even the most serious sexual offences are most often not reported and even when they are have a terribly low conviction rate.
I'll have to take your word for it

Has anyone else considered that the fact Pearce publically accepted Gowers apology may have anything to do with the best interests of his daughter? She hasn't shown any signs that she's actually ENJOYING this media circus after all.
Well, I have no doubt that they were avoiding the media circus considering the fact that it was reported that she was 17, mind you I did see a report yesterday stating she was 18, so I'mm a little confused there.

I'd also suggest that knowing Wayne's attitude to alcohol he's more likely than most to buy the line that 'the alcohol made me do it' (unless his opinion has softened a lot that is - which I doubt).

I agree.


Wayne Pearce is still a relatively young man. In accepting Gower's apology he is making sure that he stays within the tent.

If the Pearce family pressed for criminal charges against Gower, it would cause rugby league immense pain, maybe harm, and these things are not forgotten are they?

Pearce would be cut out of future opportunities in the game.

lemon rabbit

Gower played this all wrong.

Whether he did it or not - and I personally believe he did, although I think there may be more to it - there's absolutely no proof.

If Gower had played the "it didn't happen card" instead of the "i can't remember card", then i can't see how the Penrith club could legally fine him or in fact take any action against him over that particular incident. Whatever the truth, it's one persons word against another.

Who do you trust? The 17 year old teenage girl, or the overpaid footballer? Quite a troublesome question, really.

The Penrith club can fine Gower over his mis-conduct at the event - as there's proof of that even though the club is happy for him to return and doesn't have a giant problem with that happened with the golf cart etc - but they cannot fine him over an incident that has no witnesses, and that he denies happened.

Unfortunately Gower played the wrong card here that made him look like an idiot. If he would have denied it completely, SOME compassion would have existed for him - as a 17 year old girl is not the most reliable source of information in the world.
KFC said:
Who should we believe? A young girl most of us have never heard of or a footballer with a track record of committing an atrocity whilst on the drink. (Remember his flash at a Swedish backpaker at the Coogee Bay Hotel?)

Difference is that there were many witnesses to that incident in 1999, including members of the Australian Test Squad.

As stated numerous times, there were only two in this recent case - Tatum & Gower.


First Grade
There are still things that don't add up in this.

However, the reluctance of Tatum Pearce and her father to take further action, including making a police report, is behind a push to save Gower's captaincy.
This paragraph taken from the recent SMH article.

Also as has been highlighted by Big Mick earlier an actual quote from Wayne Pearce stating he accepts his apology and would even go and have a beer with him, if he drank it.

It doesnt add up and anyone with a daughter would understand that it doesnt add up.

I have 2 daughters and if Gower or anyone in particular had behaved in such a way as reported to any of my daughters I would want his nuts on a platter.

I certainly wouldnt be pushing for him to retain his captaincy. And I certainly wouldnt ever want to have a drink with him in the future.

It just doesnt add up...
PK said:
There are still things that don't add up in this.

This paragraph taken from the recent SMH article.

Also as has been highlighted by Big Mick earlier an actual quote from Wayne Pearce stating he accepts his apology and would even go and have a beer with him, if he drank it.

It doesnt add up and anyone with a daughter would understand that it doesnt add up.

I have 2 daughters and if Gower or anyone in particular had behaved in such a way as reported to any of my daughters I would want his nuts on a platter.

I certainly wouldnt be pushing for him to retain his captaincy. And I certainly wouldnt ever want to have a drink with him in the future.

It just doesnt add up...


Agreed PK

I also have a daughter, and I know for damn sure that if this happened to her, I would have to be restrained with something stronger than a straight jacket to prevent me from annihilating whoever the jerk was.

His nuts on a platter would be the least of his worries.............


First Grade
PK said:
I certainly wouldnt be pushing for him to retain his captaincy.

That paragraph doesn't say Pearce is pushing for him to retain his captaincy

what it says is (and I have no idea if its true or not) that the fact that tatum and wayne haven't wanted to take it to the police (for whatever reason) is being used by some panthers board members as a basis to let Gower retain the captaincy.

Nowhere does it imply Pearce wants him to keep his captaincy
KFC said:
Mr Gower has publicly stated that because of his level of intoxication he remembers nothing.

Thats f**ken pathetic that he'd turn up to a function of this esteem like that, and to me it sounds like a lie.

His already proven himself to be a flea and theres a bloody good chance his lieing as well.

What is the difference between what Gowers done and what Dane Tilse done, absolutely nothing.

Deregister him immediately NRL or your credibilities shot!!!!


First Grade
OVP said:
Jesus, hasnt he been crucified enough ? Leave the guy alone ffs.
No, he hasn't. Because if he walks away without a substantial penalty, it becomes just another funny story of him on the grog, one that he can brag about to his mates about how he got away with it.


The poor girl has had to sit through a conversation with Mick Leary, where she stated that 'he put his hand on my crotch'.

Leary queried: 'Can you clarify that?'

Tatum replied: 'On my vagina.'

Sure, she's loving the media circus...

** Even first hand it is difficult to substantiate your claims - in the best interest of the site it has been removed **


Pantherjim. said:
Yep, You were at the board meeting last week when Barry Walsh decided that Craig had a "Case to answer" weren't you Ink? So I'm guessing in your infinite wisdom you can enlighten us as to what "case" Gowie has to answer for, can't you? Well...? :whistle

No I wasnt there....I read it in the media, but I guess you dont even believe your clubs chairmans quotes, youre that paranoid.
It was there for everyone to read. He publicly stated Goewers got a case to answer.
God your a f**kin fool. Why dont you stop wasting yours and everyone elses time with you stupid , deflecting, answer a question with a question, posts.

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