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NRL boss David Gallop offers $250,000 incentive to Dragons to move semi final to SFS


I can see the NRL's point to be honest. It sets a precedent though for the rest of the teams.

Also, I do think that if they force the Dragons to move their game then they should force the other teams to move aswell.

The only game that won't be sold out is the Bulldogs game as they won't get 80k to their game I wouldn't expect unless they play parra.

Godz Illa

You have to laugh.

Nice opening offer from the NRL, let's counter. How about $750,000 plus a $750k cap concession, plus a guaranteed green corridor from the video referee for 12 months?
Who runs the game, Gallop or the Tele? Try to change the venue a week before the game? FFS have some foresight Gallop. Start now for getting next years home ground finals changed to Home city finals


Do we think we'd get a similar crowd if we played Newcastle next week? The only way Kogarah will sell out against Newcastle that first semi will be due to Saints fans not Newcastle fans.

Whatever happened to the NRL's media (ie Ch 9) needs several weeks to prepare time schedules and organising equipment etc, and the reasoning the NRL agreed with us about 3 weeks ago to host our first semi at Kogarah. I'd be more pushing for it to go to Wollongong than SFS or Homebush.


Assistant Moderator
$250K wouldn't pay for a new kiosk.

A home final win would earn us $1 trillion in sponsorship.

Yes, I'm exaggerating and plucking figures out of the air... seems to be the fashion nowadays.


What the **** have the Dragons done this year to deserve this ****?

It seems they are being targeted for EVERYTHING they do. Titans come out and say theres no way they will move their home game and nothing is said.

We have earn't the right to play a HOME game so get f***** Gallop and the DT.


First Grade
They always throw in a cheap shot, such as this complete nonsense:
The move was intended to reward loyal red and white season ticket-holders but has caused a storm of controversy with St George Illawarra juniors holding free passes being denied

This stuff makes me angry, because they make up whatever s*** story they want, and regurgitate it a few times, and a lot of that s*** sticks. You will have a massive proportion of fans who cant think for themselves, believeing it.

I hate to say it, but the Telegraph is a huge part of perception within the NRL community, which is a real shame for the game.


Hey guys, I'm an Eels supporter and I just want to say that I'm with you guys on this one. I'd be real pissed if they wanted the Eels to change! Your home ground advantage should be just that HOME ground. These f***wits who are whinging should give themselves an uppercut. If any of the opposition supporters or junior players or whoever the hell they are want tickets then they should of got them earlier.I would of loved to of been there but didnt get in quick enough so its my bad luck I'll watch on TV. Anyway I really think that this is more a vendetta by the paper than anything. What the hell have you guys done to the smellygraph to stir up such crap on a regular basis? This Rothfield dickhead really has it in for you guys.


Tell 'em to f*ck off Doust.

The Brookvale example from last year..... not a word was said back then.

If they move it, no RED V membership for me next year. Simple.


Too bad so sad Kenny... enjoy the coverage on tv. I hear that Voss guy is fun to listen to.

What we would get from moving would depend on who we play, and if the SFS sells out its $250k. So say its a 30,000 crowd, thats $100k. We would loose that amount long term from our sponsors and good will with government (its a valued commodity these days, like media exposure) by shifting.

And as Willow said, $250k doesn't get you much at a ground when we need $10m for our next development. More likely to get the cash by going to the State government and showing them that there is a huge demand, by hosting it at Kogarah.

Only people who stand to lose are those who don't buy tickets early, and the NRL from the gate. Well, negotiate a better TV deal next time Gallop you dope.


Would someone pass me my heart pills please? I am so furious!!!!

Why do we have to put up with this rubbish?????

I've just fired off an email to Ray Hadley at 2GB and hopefully he'll read it out so the public know what we think.

I am so ....... so......... gggrrrrrr!!!



Lets move it to the MCG, you could get 100k fans there!
No, even better. The Moon! then everyone can watch through a telescope! think of the media exposure!
FFS this bulls*** is so stupid its making my head hurt...


First Grade
im so angry its not funny, thtat this is being suggested.

Etihad stadium in melbourne has a bigger capacity, yet Melbourne are playing at Olympic Park.

Cronulla and Manly played home semis in their respective sh*t holes last year.

The Titans have said they wont move venues if they draw the broncos in the finals...

Pisses me off.


Where was all this last year though throw? Manly, 15k sespool, Shark park just as bad.
At least our ground is nice.
What if it were Parra?
The NRL wrote the "home game" rule. Now they are backflipping. Thats nice, but it isn't up to them.

Steel Dragon

Id rather miss out on a ticket and watch the Dragons win a final at Kogarah on my tv at home, than go to a stadium where we have no advantage and lose the game


I highly doubt Bennett and Doust will agree to the deal, particularly if we fire tonight in front of the home crowd.

The Telegraph, through Rothfield and others, have a real agenda and it is disheartening to see the NRL jump on board.

Cagey Mac

I think that the Dragons can make this a win /win situation (ironically by moving from WIN Jubilee)
Take the $250,000 but let the NRL realise that this inflicts a competitive disadvantage on the Dragons
This cannot addressed in 2009 but the sacrifice could be addressed in 2010 If the NRL allows us to increase our salary cap by 250k in 2010, IE the year following the sacrifice on the Dragons behalf
So Mr Gallop, so other clubs in the NRL. Put up or shut up!


...arn't they getting a lil ahead of themselves? Who are we playing? If we play Penrith or the Knights whose to say the SFS will sell out? Teams strive all year for a top 4 position for what? We might as well pretend the season started in July like Parra did! And then be demonised in the press for rightfully claiming a home semi? Like we need that right now! Thanks but no thanks Mr Gallop, idea bad. idea gone.
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This makes me soooo MAD! I think it will be very interesting to see if Manly (a freak loss by Melbourne to the Warriors) makes the top the 4, what happens to their home final. If the NRL is going to set this precendent with the Dragons by forcing them into a corner to move to SFS, they surely have to do the same with all the other games, right? Otherwise it is starting to become very obvious that there is something not 'right' going on...