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NRL faces major turmoil as clubs threaten breakaway league

You are quite the moron. My argument is that there has been a mix of commendable & some not so commendable results. I said exactly that. I am balanced. I dont accept that its a clusterf**k because I am balanced in my thinking. You are clearly unbalanced.

That is just so funny. I mention Gallop as being a useless unacceptable past head of the game. I am very pleased he is elsewhere pretending to lead soccer. It wouldn't surprise me at all to hear you sprout that you though he was he was good for the game.

Deflect, yell, bitch, make up sh!t. Its all you have been doing since well before the ARLC was formed.

So now things you wouldn't be surprised I would think (that I don't) is basis for your argument? f**k me. I've seen some f**king ridiculous lines of argument on here before such as "making up shit" I've said (as you've tried to do hypocritically) but actually stating totally imaginary arguments you wouldn't be surprised about as if that is relevant has to be the most embarrassing nonsense ever.

But but but I'm balanced!!!

Perth Red

Post Whore
Back to the thread (some one make me a modertator ffs!)

What are people's thoughts on tomorrow's d day?

A) the nrl will cave in and give the clubs what they want
B) the nrl will stand its ground with Their offer and take the grant savking on the chin
C) they will compromise and clubs will get most of whantheynwant And grant will stay
So now things you wouldn't be surprised I would think (that I don't) is basis for your argument?

Nope. But it was most certainly a worthwhile reply to the stupidity of your post.

Chop chop now old man, where is the evidence, so nicely presented in your financials explaining where the ARLC is pissing away all our revenue and showing us where you would so brilliantly re-target the expenditure to.

Or is bitching at me and whoever else all you can do ?
Why don't you present to us all your version of the NRLs operational expenditure so we all can see where and on what you will spend the revenue and then we can also see where its all being pissed away.

That's as opposed to your incessant bitching from the sidelines and the baseless, constant criticisms. Come on old man deli......where is your quality input to help the game ? Quick sticks. We are waiting.

Why don't you just imagine what I think. That's valid according to you now.

How about this for a start, don't hire a fat slug to sit around for a year only to produce a nonsensical "blueprint" for the game that is shelved immediately.

Most of all don't hire an army of consultants to do the job you're already being paid shitoads to do.

And while we're on spending, don't promise clubs 130% of the salary cap if you can't actually afford it. That would be a good idea. Ooops.
Back to the thread (some one make me a modertator ffs!)

What are people's thoughts on tomorrow's d day?

A) the nrl will cave in and give the clubs what they want
B) the nrl will stand its ground with Their offer and take the grant savking on the chin
C) they will compromise and clubs will get most of whantheynwant And grant will stay

The only thing I am quite sure of is that it would not matter which way it transpires some on here will use it to bag the ARLC. Sure as night follows day.
Nope. But it was most certainly a worthwhile reply to the stupidity of your post.

Chop chop now old man, where is the evidence, so nicely presented in your financials explaining where the ARLC is pissing away all our revenue and showing us where you would so brilliantly re-target the expenditure to.

Or is bitching at me and whoever else all you can do ?
You've spent this thread lying, making shit up, imagining arguments that don't exist and calling me "old". You've pretty much covered all forms of informal fallacy. Now you want me to provide the exact figures from the NRL and when I can't you'll claim that as some kind of proof that the ARLC is actually pretty good really? Right. Pretty "balanced" logic there. I have to provide NRL financial figures in detail OR the commission is beyond reproach? Genius.

It's been well documented the huge increase in NRL spending, including in this thread. And what have they to show for it? A chairman who is doing deals to ensure his big share of that cash is assured for another year.
Why don't you just imagine what I think. That's valid according to you now.

How about this for a start, don't hire a fat slug to sit around for a year only to produce a nonsensical "blueprint" for the game that is shelved immediately.

Most of all don't hire an army of consultants to do the job you're already being paid shitoads to do.

And while we're on spending, don't promise clubs 130% of the salary cap if you can't actually afford it. That would be a good idea. Ooops.

So no real analysis...just more accusations from the sidelines. Well that's a surprise.

I for one cant wait till you are head of the ARLC, so each year, we can all can eagerly await the financial report on the profits from the various meat raffles around the traps.
So no real analysis...just more accusations from the sidelines. Well that's a surprise.

I for one cant wait till you are head of the ARLC, so each year, we can all can eagerly await the financial report on the profits from the various meat raffles around the traps.
Yep, what I expected. More fallacies. Don't worry, I won't be head of the ARLC because News Ltd wouldn't appoint me like they did the bloke you are so desperate to defend as he scuttles around trying to buy his job for another year.
You've spent this thread lying, making shit up, imagining arguments that don't exist and calling me "old". You've pretty much covered all forms of informal fallacy. Now you want me to provide the exact figures from the NRL and when I can't you'll claim that as some kind of proof that the ARLC is actually pretty good really? Right. Pretty "balanced" logic there. I have to provide NRL financial figures in detail OR the commission is beyond reproach? Genius.

No I have spent this thread highlighting what a useless, outdated hater of the game you come across as. I havn't been on here bitching about the ARLC since 2011.

Take the entire contents of all your abuse, yelling, whining, bitching, bagging and mud slinging over the years on this forum and that is the definition of informal fallacy.

Last Week

Back to the thread (some one make me a modertator ffs!)

What are people's thoughts on tomorrow's d day?

A) the nrl will cave in and give the clubs what they want
B) the nrl will stand its ground with Their offer and take the grant savking on the chin
C) they will compromise and clubs will get most of whantheynwant And grant will stay

The clubs will get most of what they want. It's clear the commission are at a loss here.

My take on the commission so far since its inception, they've kept the status quo of where the game was tracking.

Once News were out, it would have been near impossible to not get a significant increase in TV revenue.

The complaint about lack of expansion at NRL level is not fair. The commission are bleeding money into the Knights and Titans as is. Two more than expansion clubs would bleed too much more. The clubs themselves need to take some responsibility for this. Not that they would care as no expansion is in their interest.

My major gripes are the most recent TV deal, which is terrible, the lack of support for junior RL (which Grant to his credit wants to change) and the current negotiation process.

I like that Grant wants to set up a digital arm for the NRL, it's a wise move. But he and the commission have botched this CBA with the clubs and the TV deal. Heads must roll just for that alone.

Perth Red

Post Whore
I wonder why they thought they could afford it in December and 12 months later realised they couldn't? That smacks of very poor planning or circumstances that were unpredictable (but can't really think of anything significant other than failure to sell the two,clubs)
So over the life of the last broadcast deal the players cap has gone from 5.8 to 7.1 million,basically a 20% increase. I'm sure they will demand this at the very least. So in the year 22 it will be 12 million, so the clubs will get 15.6 each for their grant.Thats 250 million. On current expenditure (which will rise) That will leave about 50 million. So basically with this agreement they have left themselves with practically nothing spare. What if the players want more.This mob are truly out of their depth. They talk investment in grass roots,infrastructure,digital and marketing yet have left absolutely f**k all on the table. The only way out of this is Grant and Greenberg go admit mistakes were made and go again. Change the constitution to be more inclusive so the best men for the job are hired,appease the clubs. Then only then can everyone sit down and work out a funding model that works. If these guys were in private industry theyd be long gone.
No I have spent this thread highlighting what a useless, outdated hater of the game you come across as. I havn't been on here bitching about the ARLC since 2011.

Take the entire contents of all your abuse, yelling, whining, bitching, bagging and mud slinging over the years on this forum and that is the definition of informal fallacy.
Waaaaah waaaah you're old. You you hate the game. You're Rupert Murdoch. I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to drown puppies. But but I'm balanced.

This is your rhetorical approach summed up.

Remember this started with you saying I was saying the commission would be shit from the start. And I did. And it is. There is a meeting tomorrow to vote on whether the boss is turfed out because the majority of clubs want him gone and it is only the fact he has ensured he controls the vote of two clubs that will save him, and his own vote. If that's not a pretty good sign of how f**ked things are in this "independent" admin I don't know what it will take.
I wonder why they thought they could afford it in December and 12 months later realised they couldn't? That smacks of very poor planning or circumstances that were unpredictable (but can't really think of anything significant other than failure to sell the two,clubs)

I don't think there is any mystery to this.Discontent towards the commission has been brewing. The first sign of self interest was giving the clubs 3 million each,then this was reneged upon and half of it became a loan. Grant knew after that, that the powers were agitating for change. So to appease them he promises them 130%.Then they realise this is unsustainable and try to go back on their word. If the clubs get the money and the commission stays as is then all we have seen is a man sell out his position and responsibilities to remain where he is clearly not capable.


Back to the thread (some one make me a modertator ffs!)

What are people's thoughts on tomorrow's d day?

A) the nrl will cave in and give the clubs what they want
B) the nrl will stand its ground with Their offer and take the grant savking on the chin
C) they will compromise and clubs will get most of whantheynwant And grant will stay

If it's A then it shows how gutless the ARLC are, but they have form in sacking Smith and letting News off the hook.

I'm expecting option A
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El Diablo

Post Whore

NRL club bosses to give Australian Rugby League Commission chairman John Grant until last moment to sort funding feud
Australian Rugby League Commission chairman John Grant's future will hinge on whether the beleaguered administrator can conjure a Christmas miracle on the morning disgruntled clubs plan to take his scalp over the bitter funding feud.

Marathon talks between NRL club bosses in Sydney on Monday stretched into the night, and finished without agreement on a compromise over the club grant stalemate, meaning Grant could be ousted as ARLC boss on Tuesday.

Club chairpersons emerged from their high-level talks shortly after 8pm in the city's CBD adamant their united front hasn't been eroded.

Grant's future will remain uncertain when he wakes up on Tuesday before an Extraordinary General Meeting planned for League Central, pending he can pull a rabbit out of a hat at the very last moment.

It is believed the clubs, who have lobbied for a re-instatement of the Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to pay grants at 130 per cent of the salary cap from 2018 onwards, will give Grant until as late as possible to reach a deal.

Fairfax Media understands the ARLC's revised proposal falls slightly shy of the previous MoU and commitment pledge, but the gap between the warring parties has narrowed.

Desperate to avoid an ugly ousting of the game's top official, there is even hope Grant's skin can be saved on the morning of his predicted demise, which would cap a dramatic month of bickering between the clubs and head office.

The EGM has been a month in the making and club powerbrokers have been united in their belief the ARLC needed to put the previous MoU back on the table to avoid Grant facing the axe - given they wielded the power if his future came to a vote.

Despite claiming when the funding fight erupted last month that he still expected to be in the job in five years time, the inaugural ARLC boss will need to dramatically soothe clubs on Tuesday or somehow sway the numbers in his favour in the EGM just to see in 2017.

It was another day of high drama after rugby league's civil war broke out last month when the ARLC told furious club bosses the previous MoU had been taken off the table, urging money need to be redirected to grassroots development.

It prompted four club chairmen to storm out of the meeting as the gulf between the NRL franchises and head office reached almost irreparable proportions over how the record $1.8 billion broadcast deal will be sliced up from 2018.

The clubs later fired off letters to the ARLC seeking to pass a resolution for Grant's removal, having generated the numbers under the constitution to dump the 66-year-old from rugby league's top administrative position.

Grant had the backing of his seven fellow commissioners, the Queensland Rugby League and NRL-owned Gold Coast Titans and Newcastle Knights, but the 14 other clubs and NSW Rugby League had formed a formidable bloc which appeared to have made his position terminal.

They lodged proxy votes in preparation for the EGM just days after taking a measure they argued was the only one available to them under the ARLC constitution.

There were claims Grant might have been able to rely on the Broncos and Cowboys in his home state of Queensland to tip the numbers back in his favour, but both powerhouses pledged their commitment to the other 12 NRL clubs over the weekend.

Weeks of private wrangling between Grant and club spokesperson and Storm chairman Bart Campbell, desperate for an amicable conclusion to be reached before Christmas, resulted in Monday's stand-off.

Club bosses had expected to receive a compromise deal to pore over on Sunday, but it never arrived prompting a cancellation of a planned phone hook-up.

It left the ARLC and clubs still without the certainty of common ground well into Monday night.

El Diablo

Post Whore

NRL clubs issue final ultimatum to ARL Commission chairman John Grant

Dean Ritchie, The Daily Telegraph


UNDER-siege John Grant has until 10am Tuesday to save his job - or face the humiliation of being dumped as ARL Commission chairman at a historic Emergency General Meeting.

Fed-up club chairmen voted to ruthlessly pursue Grant after a three-hour meeting on Monday night inside Baker McKenzie lawyers office in Bridge Street, Sydney.

Clubs sent Grant and the commission a final legal letter seeking their demands. If they aren’t met, clubs will march as one into the EGM - to be held inside League Central at 10.30am - and effectively sack Grant.

The clubs yet again called on Grant to handover the increased funding but their demands were not met through a revised offer from Grant, who took control of rugby league in 2012.

It means angry clubs will now use their united power to oust Grant from office - unless there is a dramatic, left-field change at the 11th hour.

Grant was expected to work through the night to try and find the money to pull off a last-ditch miracle to save his prestige job.

Clubs sought three concessions - they be given 130 per cent of the salary cap - around $13m a year - in funding, they be issued two seats on the eight-member commission and that Grant be booted out by November next year.

The clubs need just 14 of 26 votes to dump Grant. They comfortably have the numbers for Tuesday’s meeting.

One chairman said after Monday’s meeting: “We are all disappointed we’re here but everyone is fully united.”

Several commissioners are also said to be miffed that Grant held one-on-one talks over the past week with club’s spokesman Bart Campbell. They felt left out of negotiations as “Grant tried to save his job.” Those commissioners may not even vote for Grant at Tuesday’s EGM.

Grant agreed to the increased funding last December but then inexplicably pulled the offer from the table. He was dead-man walking from that moment.

Ten of the 16 chairpersons attended the important meeting on Monday, others participated via phone links. Powerful Roosters chairman Nick Politis was in Melbourne but took part through a telephone hook-up. The Roosters sent well-known board member Mark Bouris to attend.

Grant has desperately attempted to garnish club support in recent weeks and he did make some progress - but not enough.

Clubs thought Grant’s revised peace offering would satisfied their needs. Yet again though they were left angry and wanting Grant’s scalp. There was plenty of negotiations and discussion inside the meeting over the NRL’s complicated response.

One chairman said: “John Grant is bringing the game into disrepute. He shows absolutely no respect for the clubs.”

The NRL’s response to the club’s demands was due Monday at 2pm. Most clubs received the document at 4.30pm.

Club chairmen are privately aware some commissioners have now turned against Grant. One chair even suggested that some commissioners would have be happy for an EGM to rid Grant from the game.

“Aren’t the commissioners supposed to be heavy hitters? Yet they’re scared to stand up to John Grant? He’s not that powerful,” said one chairman.

Grant is hoping to cling to power into December, 2017, so he can be on stage for the World Cup final to hand over the trophy to the winning side. Some clubs don’t want to give Grant such a glorious exit.

Fellow commissioner Chris Sarra is retiring from the commission in February. The states - NSWRL and QRL - also want one representative on the commission. Grant appears to have also upset several senior NRL executives during the messy and bungled negotiations.


regardless of who is right and who is wrong; all this really highlights is that we don't actually have a 'commission' in the sense it was intended... ie an independent body that can make decisions for the greater good of the competition, independent of the clubs. That's why the AFL commission was created in the late 1980's - and that's was saved them from club interests making decision making dysfunctional and saving them from bankruptcy overall. The macro powers were taken once and for all from the clubs and the powers given to the commission: and the clubs sucked it up for the good of the competition (and ultimately themselves). It worked for them... why isn't it working for us? Why is our commission, basically still at the beck and call of the clubs? Doesn't that contradict the whole concept?
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Cumberland Throw

First Grade
what idiot wrote the constitution of the IC ?

The fact that the clubs can vote out a member of the IC is a joke..

How exactly is it independant, when at any tick of the clock the clubs can call an EGM over anything