Everlovin' Antichrist
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EA said:What, it hurts more than taking a shot whilst not wearing helmet?
Give me a break.
ozhawk66 said:Yes it does. And the number of concussions prove it. You should look up the term second impact syndrome and be careful with your response, cause you won't like the answer I give you as it's a sick part of the game.
Absolutely stupid. You have the intelligence of stale bread.
One person wears a helmet, the other doesn't.
Would you like to debate that people not wearing helmets in motorcycle accidents are less likely to be injured than people wearing helments.
Really, you're just not very bright.
And please, your idle threats regarding your arguments have and will always be just that.....idle...
EA said:I didn't say it was soft, hell, compared to Soccer and AFL it's as hard as nails. But not compared to Rugby League it isn't.
ozhawk66 said:Bigger, faster and stronger combined with a faster game has that impact on human bodies. That's why you ignored my posts concerning the DIFFERENCES in injuries between the two sports.
All the NFL has over the NRL are the following in regard to the games:
1. 15 times the population to draw players from.
2. Fully Professional for decades longer than the NRL.
EA said:See, this is where your argument falls apart.
Every player on an NFL team spends more time waiting to play than actually playing.
ozhawk66 said:Just like how most league players are NOT in actual play - just by the very fact they are NOT involved on said tackle/play of the ball?
Exactly. What I made was a statement of fact, what you replied with was stupidity.
League players are involved in each and every play on the field when they're on the field and for the 13 starters that is generally at least 60 minutes of a game that lasts 90-95 minutes real time.
The fact is that EVERY NFL player spends more time with his arse on a bench than he does actually playing the game. Most of the 3-4 hours actual time that an NFL game takes to play.
EA said:If the game goes for 4 hours and the play is only for 1 hour, that leaves 3 hours of either preparing for a play in a huddle or sitting on the bench.
ozhawk66 said:It's more like 3 1/2 hours and league players play about 55-60 minutes on the average over 80+ minutes.
Well there you go. 1/2 of a 60 minute NFL game is 30 minutes. Close to the average time an NFL player actually plays, but over 3 1/2 hours, 210 minutes.
That's 30 minutes in 210.
60 minutes of 90-95 minutes in the NRL.
Do the math, do you need help with ratios?
Fool. You shot down your own agrument.
EA said:You tell me, do they spend more time sitting on the bench or in a huddle?
What's the ratio, 3 hours on the bench as against 1/2 an hour in huddles?
ozhawk66 said:All the while most league players are wandering around during normal play of the ball.
Again, no answer.
This is getting weird now.
EA said:Hardly. Are you seriously suggesting that NFL players sprint into position for the next play?
In cetain circumstances they do, but that isn't the norm.
ozhawk66 said:Sometimes they do and a lot more on passing plays, which is half the game right there. So yes, it is the norm.
No it isn't.
The hurry-up offense is the only time it is the norm to sprint into position. The rest of the time they jog into position.
Stop talking sh*t.
EA said:So what FFS....
In Rugby League, team A kicks off, team B takes the ball in their in-goal and works it inside 5 tackles to the half-way, they kick to their opponents in-goal and chase the kick. How far has EVERY player on the team run in that time?
And two sets of down in the NFL takes a damn sight more time than two sets of six in League.
ozhawk66 said:This is where each play is more important unto itself than a single league play. It's why 5-10 yards is very hard to come by, while those same meters are a basic in league. It's why football is a game of chess, while league is a game of checkers.
Talking out of your arse.
All you do is try and change tack.
EA said:In NFL, when the running backs are doing the bulk of the work, the wide receivers job is easy.
ozhawk66 said:A very, ignorant and clueless statement.
And correct. Running upfield on a pattern designed to try and give the impression that they're getting the ball is a bit easier than actually getting the ball.
EA said:I'll assume you didn't watch last night's game.
ozhawk66 said:I did.
Yeah, I saw your half-time quote.
In the immortal words of Red Foreman, you're a dumb-ass.
EA said:Who sprints 40 metres?
ozhawk66 said:The 40 yard dash is a key gauge in measuring a players speed combined with endurance.
In a game genius.
League players do it on virtually every second set of 6 tackles.
EA said:It's stop-start even when they're on the field. League isn't.
ozhawk66 said:All the while most league players haven't started yet, in the sense that they are pacing/positioning themselves for the next play. You have an obsession with the start/stop aspect of football, all the while failing to recognize that EVERY PLAY STARTS WITH A SCRUM! Something that is NOT a part of the league game. Nor is the constant one-on-one physical contact or blocking. Hell, the concept of blocking is considered a sin in league!
Because dopey, it's a different game.
You can ankle-tap in League but it's a two week suspension in AFL. That is as relevant as what you're babbling on about.
You really aren't sane are you?
You're proof that cousins shouldn't marry.
EA said:LOL
Gridiron here is just for blokes who couldn't hack League.
ozhawk66 said:Uh huh. That's why they are bigger, faster and stronger and have stamina to kill for. It's also why the immature 18 year old body is incapable of playing at the NFL level.
Here idiot. Here.
Local Gridiron is for people who couldn't handle League.
Seriously, you're the dumbest flamer/troll that has ever passed through LU. And pass through you will, through the bowel and out through the starfish...