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NSW Clubs forced out of QLD Cup


Post Whore
congrats to Carr, the old f**king dinosaur has just either contributed the to death of Souths Logan, a very long standing and proud RL club or if the raiders stick it out regardless, they've contributed to the loss of countless talented juniors and perhaps the death of RL in Group 9. You NSWRL fans can pat him on the back as much as you like but the facts are simple

1. we field a NSW cup side and sign the death warrant for the Souths Logan football club

2. we tell them to stick it and talented kids in the area's we help will end up playing soccer, afl or rubgy where bureaucracy doesn't prevent them from a direct line to the top of the sport

The consiquences of this decision will be long standing and the blood of grass roots either in Souths Logan area or Riverina rugby league will be on the hands of Carr and the ARL.
Disgracefully short sighted and the exactly selfish, power hungry nonsense that the ARL are known for... its this type of selfish, ridiculous decision that led to Super League.

the sooner the carr cancer is removed from our game the better.


First Grade
The health of Tier 2 club Southern Surburbs Brisbane / Logan RLFC is a QRL issue

Not a Canberra RLFC or NSWRL issue

The issue for ALL Tier 2 clubs and even regional groups like Riverina is the same. "grants" from the NRL / QRL / NSWRL need to flow back down into these clubs. NOT just NRL clubs

Tier 2 club - $250K per annum

A grade clubs - $25K per annum

The funding between - Top Tier clubs / Rest of Australia (Tier 2 and A grade) should be about the same

Also clubs like Perth / Adelaide / Darwin should be supported at their Tier 2 level via
- 1 - a transport grant $100K per year
- 2 - some marketing/development $'s $50K per year


First Grade
You have this Sydney v the rest bias which is clouding your feedback here

Why cannot Canberra one city region fund the $500K ? That is the more important question here

If fact why cannot ALL NRL teams fund this? In a $14 mil dollar business this is not a significant amount, to invest in a club future arrangement

Especially when ALL NSW based teams used to do this

Yes you are right that historically there was a dumb move made a few years ago.

The reason why the Qld Cup model does not work in NSW is because the NRL clubs are the old NSW clubs, while in Qld clubs were "created"

I still think the only real way out of this whole mess is
- 1 - a National RG
- 2 - NSW Cup / Bundy Cup / NSW Country Championship to merge - just like QLd Cup did over 10 years ago

Then if a club cannot fund its existance in a FG/RG/U20 structure they can revert back to Tier 2 Qld Cup/NSW Cup level

As there are PLENTY of other regions/clubs that want to participate at the elite level

- CC Bears
- Western Brisbane
- Northern Brisbane
- Central Qld
- Wellington NZ
- Perth
- Adelaide
- Port Moresby

No, actually, the question is this: If the NSWRL demands that all the Sydney teams run full NSW Cup teams, as they are the Raiders, and meet the full costs... that would be fair. What the NSWRL is demanding is the Raiders meet costs that Sydney clubs do not. Canberra has a population catchment similar to the Sydney clubs. So please explain why the NSWRL is demanding something of Canberra that they don't demand of the Sydney clubs? They aren't demanding what you suggest. Why?


First Grade
The health of Tier 2 club Southern Surburbs Brisbane / Logan RLFC is a QRL issue

Not a Canberra RLFC or NSWRL issue

The issue for ALL Tier 2 clubs and even regional groups like Riverina is the same. "grants" from the NRL / QRL / NSWRL need to flow back down into these clubs. NOT just NRL clubs

Tier 2 club - $250K per annum

A grade clubs - $25K per annum

The funding between - Top Tier clubs / Rest of Australia (Tier 2 and A grade) should be about the same

Also clubs like Perth / Adelaide / Darwin should be supported at their Tier 2 level via
- 1 - a transport grant $100K per year
- 2 - some marketing/development $'s $50K per year

The health of teams like Souths Logan is surely the responsibility of the ARL. The ARL CEO is Geoff Carr. However he is not acting in the interests of the game as a whole. He is acting at present in a way that undermines rugby league's strength as a whole. He is acting in the partisan interests of the NSWRL. It is clear this is a massive conflict of interest.

Carrying out the threat to suspend Canberra's and Manly's juniors from Matts and Ball, another decision clearly not in the interests of rugby league as a whole.

The health of Souths Logan. Not a Canberra Raiders issue? Surely it is. The Raiders own a sports club in Logan. The Raiders have linked with the Magpies now for some time. So Canberra should just feel free to dump them now? When they obviously need support? And when they have worked with Canberra to develop players and provide players to the Raiders system? Of course the Raiders have responsibilities for the health of Souths Logan.


Post Whore
the health of this code is everyones problem
its not arl's, its not the nrl's, its not the nrl's

its the problem of everyone assosiated with this game

giving the raiders the choice between killing a proud and long standing club like souths logan, in a boom population area, with strong grass roots rl, or killing junior rl pathways for kids in their own back yard simply CAN NOT be in the best interests of rugby league, anyone suggesting it is clearly cares very little about this game's future.

kill direct pathways to the NRL from the souths-logan area or kill direct pathways for the riverina...

if someone can explain to me how forcing that choice apon the raiders is a good thing for rugby league, ill eat my hat


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I love how Souths Logan are a "proud club with a great history" according to Raiders fans.

For the record I totally agree. Point being, you wouldn't give a flying f**k about them if they weren't affiliated with the Raiders.

Do Raiders fans not see how absurd and offensive it is to the NSWRL and the game in NSW that two clubs in the state would rather use an interstate team?

Everyone says the NSWRL lacks cred and is an inferior comp... well how does playing 2nd tier footy interstate assist that?


The NRL should never of have the Toyota club. It should of had the Reserve Grade with NRL clubs feeding into the QLD and NSW Cup teams. The NSW Cup and QLD Cup be combined as one competiton.
We don't need a Reserve Grade (national second tier) instead of the Toyota Cup, we need both. One is not interchangeable with the other. They serve completely different purposes. The Toyota Cup is a place for taking talented kids and educating them for a career as a professional rugby league player. As a comp, it is as vital to the game's long term health as college football is to the NFL. On the other hand a national second tier would provide a place for all those graduates from the Toyota Cup who either don't make the NRL or are not yet ready to step up to the NRL to continue their careers in rugby league. We need it, we need it managed by an independent commission run NRL free of this tired old inter state politicking, and we need it funded as part of the 2013 television deal.



What happens to South Logan has nothing to do with the NSWRL. It's the QRL's responsibility and incase you missed it the QRL voted to have Canberra and Manly out of the Queensland Cup. So don't blame NSWRL for the possible demise of Sth Logan, blame the QRL.

We're all arguing over nothing. This is the 1st step in the negotiations. We all know that the NSWRL aren't going to suspend Manly and Canberra's juniors, it's a threat to get leverage. And we all know that Manly and Canberra can afford teams in the NSW Cup, they'd just rather not. Hence they've gone straight to the media as soon as they knew they were up S**te creek without a paddle.


And this is what is wrong with the game.

Too many f**kwits for too many branches.

Piss off the NSWRL, piss off the QRL, amalgamate it all with the CRL and ARL into one body ffs.
Separate bodies to run the game in Sydney, country NSW and Queensland made sense in the early twentieth century when distance and communication were real barriers. But I simply can not understand how in this age of jet planes and instant digital communication, we need three separate bodies to run the second tier of rugby league and over see the lower tiers. Merge them into a single ARL directly below the NRL. Or better still, absorb them all into the direct responsibility of the independent commission leaving a single body, the IC run NRL to manage both the first and second tier professionally and without regard to arbitrary state lines and state politics when deciding what is good for the game.



Post Whore
I love how Souths Logan are a "proud club with a great history" according to Raiders fans.

For the record I totally agree. Point being, you wouldn't give a flying f**k about them if they weren't affiliated with the Raiders.

Do Raiders fans not see how absurd and offensive it is to the NSWRL and the game in NSW that two clubs in the state would rather use an interstate team?

Everyone says the NSWRL lacks cred and is an inferior comp... well how does playing 2nd tier footy interstate assist that?

i dont know about you but i give a flying f**k if ANY long standing RL club was facing extinction, be it SL, Newtown, Norths, Bulldogs or even Easts.

Do you not see how absurd it is for Carr to basically force the extinction of a very good football club with direct NRL pathways in a booming population area in QLD, or force the the extinction of direct pathways for talented teens in the riverina into the nrl

as i said, if anyone can explain to me how destroying the pathways for either riverina or souths logan area is a bennifit to the game of rugby league ill eat my hat...

because of this decision RL will lose talent to other codes, either in SL or in the group 9 area... and for what reason? because canberra wont field a team in the pissy NSW cup...

what good can come of this decision? NSW cup gets strong whilst SL dies, or Souths Logan lives on and the grass roots pathways in Riverina dies...

no one with the best interests of this code nationally can logically support this decision. Carr is a f**king dog and i hope the old f**king dinosaur carks it


The problem I see with the second tier of Rugby League is that the membership of the second tier comps is not being decided with any clear central strategy, either nationally or even at a state level. Teams appear and disappear from the second tier on the whim of funding from individual NRL clubs. As such the make up of the second tier, especially in NSW, tends to reflect the make up of the NRL.

Instead of ensuring second tier teams are based in regional areas such as southern NSW or mid west NSW, most of the second tier teams end up where we already have a saturation of first tier teams. The powers that run the game say to the Raiders "you need to fund a second tier team of your own or ally with a strong existing second tier team in this specific area" (within NSW state borders), when really the NRL should be saying to Albury-Wodonga "you are a growing area of strategic importance for our game, we will fund you and 15 or 17 other teams in areas of our choosing in a national second tier comp."

Rather than have a second tier with nine Sydney teams simply because the top tier has nine Sydney teams, we need to fund them in the areas that need teams because the NRL can't currently meet their needs. We need to centrally fund a number of these teams at least equal to the number of first tier teams and then let the NRL clubs work it out among themselves who allies with who.

Once we have a second tier that meets the strategic needs of the game itself, who allies with who is no longer an issue of real significance. It is reduced to an argument of convenience for individual NRL clubs. If the Raiders choose to ally themselves with Souths Logan, leaving the Albury Wodonga franchise to ally with Cronulla then so be it. Neither the Raiders or Albury Wodonga should be penalized for that because the central authority has already ensured the game's second tier presence in that area is centrally funded regardless of what the top tier clubs do.


El Diablo

Post Whore
i dont know about you but i give a flying f**k if ANY long standing RL club was facing extinction, be it SL, Newtown, Norths, Bulldogs or even Easts.

Do you not see how absurd it is for Carr to basically force the extinction of a very good football club with direct NRL pathways in a booming population area in QLD, or force the the extinction of direct pathways for talented teens in the riverina into the nrl

as i said, if anyone can explain to me how destroying the pathways for either riverina or souths logan area is a bennifit to the game of rugby league ill eat my hat...

because of this decision RL will lose talent to other codes, either in SL or in the group 9 area... and for what reason? because canberra wont field a team in the pissy NSW cup...

what good can come of this decision? NSW cup gets strong whilst SL dies, or Souths Logan lives on and the grass roots pathways in Riverina dies...

no one with the best interests of this code nationally can logically support this decision. Carr is a f**king dog and i hope the old f**king dinosaur carks it


you are either part of the NSWRL or you aren't

if the Raiders chose to go with Souths Logan they have opted out of the NSWRL


you are either part of the NSWRL or you aren't

And that's the problem. It's not about all working towards what is good for Rugby League without regard to an arbitrary set of borders but rather which political body you choose to align with. What should matter is ensuring the development of the game in southern NSW, the development of the game on the Sunshine Coast, and providing a strong and stable second tier competition. But the state based politicking and club based second tier funding model pretty much ensures that one or more of those goals will be compromised.

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LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Quidgy, why should we put up with NSW/ACT teams strengthening the QRL?

With the current set of governing bodies it's hardly fair that Canberra and Manly have their cake (QRL 2nd tier feeders to the NRL club) and eat it too (junior teams in the NSWRL).

It seems they only want the NSWRL as it suits them. Carr and the NSWRL board have every right to stick it up them.


Quidgy, why should we put up with NSW/ACT teams strengthening the QRL?
Put up with?!? What matters is that we have Rugby League teams strengthening Rugby League. Taking punitive action because they cross an arbitrary geographical border in doing that is ultimately self defeating. We need to lose this attitude of NSWRL vs QRL and get on with doing what is needed for the development of Rugby League where it is needed. And if that means NSW clubs helping the game beyond the confines of the borders of the State of NSW (given current NRL membership is heavily skewed towards NSW) then so be it. Neither they, nor Souths Logan, nor junior devlopment in southern NSW, nor the game itself should be punished for daring to do so. Especially not by a body that supposedly exists solely to foster the game of Rugby League.

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Post Whore

you are either part of the NSWRL or you aren't

if the Raiders chose to go with Souths Logan they have opted out of the NSWRL

explain to me how forcing the raiders to condemn Souths Logan to death, or condemn group 9 pathways to the NRL is good for this game

El Diablo

Post Whore
Put up with?!? What matters is that we have Rugby League teams strengthening Rugby League.

they are strengethening the QRL and weakening the NSWRL

the QRL is strong enough already and NSW Cup isn't

it is action like this that will hopefully stop it getting weaker and making it stronger


Post Whore
Quidgy, why should we put up with NSW/ACT teams strengthening the QRL?

With the current set of governing bodies it's hardly fair that Canberra and Manly have their cake (QRL 2nd tier feeders to the NRL club) and eat it too (junior teams in the NSWRL).

It seems they only want the NSWRL as it suits them. Carr and the NSWRL board have every right to stick it up them.

never got that saying... why would you get cake and not eat it?
generally speaking people get their cake and eat it too... and thats my off topic post of the day

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