Another mistake. This will be the new titans, the next titans with support dwindling after the shine of a new team wears off.
Auckland need a derby, like Brisbane. You create massive interest by having two teams playing out of the one stadium every weekend. Creating a Wellington will just create another gold coast, a team in the middle of faking nowhere, with fake-all support, and stuck in a round lifeless stadium, in the cold, in the heart of winter with no cover.
This bid has failure written all over it, while we could have a team in Auckland, and lobby the government with a bit of cash to build a new stadium, (or better still invest with their own money(the NRL) to build a decent stadium in Auckland for our code.)
With massive derbies, a support base that can grow, and the bonus of a stadium for our code to call home in NZ.
We need vision, not the same old mistakes. Wellington is a mistake, i dont care how many millionaires are on board.
"Dear oh dear oh dear!" I don't know where to start and finish with what you wrote here
The only time Wellington should ever get a team is if a Sydney team relocates, or they bring in promotion relegation..
Promotion/Relegation will never be introduced in any Australian sport. Unlike the UK, we don't have the multitude of teams below first-grade level which could potentially make the step-up to that level. UK also has nearly triple the population of Australia.
If the Titans moved to Logan, then i would say bring in Wellington, and the NRL would have to prop them up, because it costs around 20 million and rising to run a NRL team. One bad year and your on the ropes.
Titans moving to Logan? That will do me:lol:
NZ needs a second team to keep bringing in the fans that are getting swept up in league with the success of the national team.
I agree with the part in bold. If NZ's national side continues to be a strong, dominant side over the next few years, the NRL needs to capitalise on that with a second NRL side in NZ no later than the end of the next tv rights deal at the very latest (assuming tv rights deal will be 5yrs, that will be end of 2022). Because NZ has a population of only 4.5 million, competition between sports organisations to win kids over to playing their sport will intensify and many of especially the Polynesians/Maoris that could make it in league will be led over to Union.
NZ2 is my top pick for expansion, marginally ahead of Perth.
Regarding the potential timeslots and subsequent ratings this adds to the tv rights deal, Perth slightly has the upper hand in that regard and offers more to the tv broadcasters in terms of ratings. Say for example the current timeslots stay the same, Ch9/Fox retain the rights and the 9th game is on Sunday evening. A Perth side gives:
- Ch9 the flexibility of scheduling a live double-header on Friday night when Perth plays at home, with the Perth side playing in the second/late match. This would be ideal if Perth played the Broncos or the Sydney teams that obtain high FTA ratings, as Ch9 love scheduling the Broncos on Friday night
- Fox Sports the flexibility of scheduling a live triple-header on Super Saturday in primetime, with the Saturday 3pm game (which doesn't rate well) shifted to Saturday 9:30pm EST when Perth play a home game on Saturday night
- Fox Sports the flexibility of scheduling a Perth home game on Sunday 6/6:30pm EST, which is another "day" game on Sunday at 4-4:30pm in Perth.
- Fox Sports the flexibility of scheduling Perth on Monday Night Football on Easter Monday or Queen's Birthday Holiday at 7pm EST (which would be 5pm in Perth, and 4pm during daylight savings for the Easter match). Those would be the only two Mondays, more so Easter Monday, where I would schedule Perth to play a home game on MNF and get the monopoly with no other sports being played in Perth on that day.
So, a Perth team opens up three timeslots in primetime (Friday 9:30pm, Saturday 9:30pm, Sunday 6/6:30pm if a Sydney team doesn't want to play on Sunday evening in the cold of winter). A NZ team would only allow one: an extra Sunday game at 12pm EST.