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NZ - The Forgotten Frontier?


First Grade
pretty sure that local govt in places like Brisbane would be streets ahead of most local authorities in NZ locky4.

Wellington is a pretty go-ahead place but the 'old school' values and principles apply.

there are some big stadiums planned (Bob "the builder" Clarkson) in the Bay of Plenty...

Even with the night-time restrictions and compromise design, Wellington is streets ahead of Perth, Adelaide and Auckland (that Waterfront Stadium would've been awesome).

Te Kaha

First Grade
They actually were going to build a new super stadium on the Ekka grounds, and they came pretty close to ditching Lang Park completely. However public outcry forced the government to redevelop Lang Park.

Because of the location they spent a lot of effort making sure that light and noise didn't disturb the local residents, as a result we can use the stadium pretty much whenever we want.
So you are comparing the redevelopment of an iconic stadium in the same location with a brand new one where none existed.. and you are calling Wellington backwards on that stupid logic????

Having usage restrictions on a major piece of infrastructure like a stadium is just ridiculous.

No ridiculous would have been to spite the locals and not built it... then everyone would have lost out... so a compromise was reached.... sounds rather forward thinking to me.


First Grade
So you are comparing the redevelopment of an iconic stadium in the same location with a brand new one where none existed.. and you are calling Wellington backwards on that stupid logic????

No ridiculous would have been to spite the locals and not built it... then everyone would have lost out... so a compromise was reached.... sounds rather forward thinking to me.
That chip on your shoulder is really showing TK.

The point is that the Wellington council should've gone to the extra effort and designed the stadium so that light and noise didn't affect the local residents. Which in turn would mean that they wouldn't have the problem whereby the stadium is held hostage by a bunch of NIMBY's.

Te Kaha

First Grade
That chip on your shoulder is really showing TK.

The point is that the Wellington council should've gone to the extra effort and designed the stadium so that light and noise didn't affect the local residents. Which in turn would mean that they wouldn't have the problem whereby the stadium is held hostage by a bunch of NIMBY's.

easr to have a chip when people make statements with a distict lack of knowledge about a situation... gross stupidity irks me.

The stadium was the biggest, widest, tallest it could be... it only had a small area to be built in, and a very short amount of time... it also had to be built with cost in mind.. wellington city has only a couple of hundred thousand ratepayers to foot most of the bill... and again... its never been a problem until someone wanted to put a forth professional team in place... one that didnt commit any funds to building the stadium.

And its rather ironic that the laws, that allowed the blocking possibilty, were put in place by a govt thats leader and prime minister is a League fan first and formost.
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I think this is quite important actually.

For a while now I've just automatically believed that the Central Coast and Perth should be the next two clubs admitted.

But the situation in New Zealand demands serious attention and thought. There's a strong opening for Rugby League to take a serious chunk of Union's market share. Union will still be number one - it's in the country's blood. But there's room for League to be a relative equal rather than a bit player.

New Zealand has always been the home of "running Rugby" but attempts to change the laws have been blocked by the European countries, leaving New Zealand (and Australia) isolated.

I think New Zealanders would be receptive to an increased League presence.

As a New Zealander, a Wellingtonian, and a league fan I totally agree with your point.

A second NRL team is surely the way forward, not just for the betterment of Rugby League in New Zealand but for the growth of the game internationally.

By adding a new team into Wellington or Christchurch, you get a wider market in NZ.. bigger depth for the Kiwis.. and I'm pretty sure the crowds would be ok.

I'm a Warriors supporter, but I'd switch to a Wellington-based team from day 1 - and me and the wife would be first in line for season tickets. (even though she's a Bunnies fan!)

Plus if the home games alternate each week with the Warriors, it's a guaranteed 5.30 or 6pm eastern Australia time-slot for TV EVERY WEEK!

The Tank

Its Backwards to consider the impact of residents who are less then a few hundred metres from the stadium??? ... but then i spose a fan of the roosters wouldnt know much about consideration of others.... your team members certainly dont.

:( I didn't mean any offence. Also, I'm not a Roosters fan.


Not that I want to disagree with the resident expert, but the ground looks like it's in a great spot in an old docks/wharves area, predominantly away from housing except for one side. Certainly is further away from housing than the SFS, Suncorp or Subiaco.

Anyways, whilst these laws certainly exist I'm sure if Gallop shocked the RL world and announced that Wellington would be afforded the NRL's 17th license only on the proviso that the lights situation was sorted - then I'm sure the good people of Wellington would get together and come up with a solution or amendment to the laws.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Why haven't we heard any bidding noises from Wellington yet? Given they were keen last time and even threatend to join the ESL I would have thought they'd have officially thrown their hat in the ring by now. Has their billionaire backer given up?


In Aussie??? which makes it even more irrelevant to the NZ situation... so your original post was nothing more than a troll post... well that figures.

Coming from the Yawnion supporter who goes around LEAGUE Unlimited constantly talking up Rugby Union. Too funny :lol:

But on the topic of expansion, although id love to see the Bears back in the NRL i just dont think they should be getting into the competition in front of teams such as Perth and Wellington. Another NSW team wouldnt add much to the NRL in this time of war with the AFL.


First Grade
I would rather NZ be part of Australia than Victoriania.

And yes League is a better product than Union.
Yes that would of been perfect.
It true League been copied yet f**ked over and bagged off but at the end of the day it's the best oval ball out there.


First Grade
I think this is quite important actually.

For a while now I've just automatically believed that the Central Coast and Perth should be the next two clubs admitted.

But the situation in New Zealand demands serious attention and thought. There's a strong opening for Rugby League to take a serious chunk of Union's market share. Union will still be number one - it's in the country's blood. But there's room for League to be a relative equal rather than a bit player.

New Zealand has always been the home of "running Rugby" but attempts to change the laws have been blocked by the European countries, leaving New Zealand (and Australia) isolated.

I think New Zealanders would be receptive to an increased League presence.
Before 1895 the European(british)old boys where bossing round the working class rugby folk and the bastards are still doing it to the Kiwi's as well as dangling pot's of gold to AB's players yet 16 years ago that was totally what the IRB and RFU where against.

I wonder how much $$$$ does the NRL get from NZ television alongside that the NRL have New Zealand,the AFL haven't and won't.

Te Kaha

First Grade
Not that I want to disagree with the resident expert, but the ground looks like it's in a great spot in an old docks/wharves area, predominantly away from housing except for one side. Certainly is further away from housing than the SFS, Suncorp or Subiaco.
It doesnt matter how close it is compared to other stadium, arr any of those stadiums inside a bowl? or have a hill across the road that puts the houses at light level?

Anyways, whilst these laws certainly exist I'm sure if Gallop shocked the RL world and announced that Wellington would be afforded the NRL's 17th license only on the proviso that the lights situation was sorted - then I'm sure the good people of Wellington would get together and come up with a solution or amendment to the laws.
And why would they do that? those same people could care less about League than they do about any other sport played there.

Why haven't we heard any bidding noises from Wellington yet? Given they were keen last time and even threatend to join the ESL I would have thought they'd have officially thrown their hat in the ring by now. Has their billionaire backer given up?
Ken Laben said he is still there but wouldnt elaborate... maybe the global recesion has hit this person hard?

Coming from the Yawnion supporter who goes around LEAGUE Unlimited constantly talking up Rugby Union. Too funny :lol:
And unlike your stupid post point out one where i have trolled??? I love both codes, i have for most of my 50 odd years... I have done more for League than you ever have.. what do you do? go to games? watch on tv? play?... have you ever coached? run a club? fundraised? organised? my guess would be no.... but then you act like a 12 yeard old soits not surprising.


Well, its up to the Kiwis I guess to put forward a good bid. I know they are bidding but I can't find a bid website. Thats not a good look. Even Central QLD and PNG have good websites.

1 Eyed TEZZA

And unlike your stupid post point out one where i have trolled??? I love both codes, i have for most of my 50 odd years... I have done more for League than you ever have.. what do you do? go to games? watch on tv? play?... have you ever coached? run a club? fundraised? organised? my guess would be no.... but then you act like a 12 yeard old soits not surprising.

John Ackland?

Ronnie Dobbs

Or you could relocate the Sharks to CC or Perth.

But yes, that seems to be the ideal "18 team" solution.

Though i still get the feeling we need another one in Southeast Queensland.

Redcliffe Dolphins would be the logical choice for mine. Strongest club in QLD. History, Geography, $$$$, big supporter base & own their own ground. I'm sure QLD Govt would build them a stadium after setting a precedent on the Gold Coast.

Also, the Gold Coast were going to be called the Dolphins, but Redcliffe sued them and stopped the move, based on the fact they wanted to maintain the naming rights for a future NRL bid.


While the Caketin is a new stadium, it is not rectangular, and it was designed to accomodate cricket (like the stadia in the other main cities like Eden Park and Christchurch). Having watched League and Union there, there are parts of the stadium are distant from the pitch. Would the second team need to be based in Wellington or Christchurch? There are several potentially better options for another NRL team:
* North Harbour (Albany) - ignored for a Super Rugby franchise, yet it has a good rectangular stadium (unlike most major NZ grounds), and Auckland as a whole has a large playing base and market in both codes. 2/3 of the RL player base (and probably fan base) comes from the greater Auckland area anyway. That could build a strong local rivalry for RL. IIRC previous private bidders for the Warriors came from Auckland.
* The Waikato - its only professional sporting franchise is the Chiefs, who play in Super 14. The region has produced a number of NRL players like Hohaia and Koopu, and Hamilton has a good dedicated Rugby stadium with a rectangular pitch.
* Other regions like Taranaki (New Plymouth) and Hawke's Bay also bid for a Super 15 franchise in Rugby, but the NZRU rejected them as they only want to support 5 franchises.

Nevertheless, North Harbour and Waikato could be realistic contenders for a 2nd franchise. Splitting Auckland between the Warriors and a Northern team would still allow them to draw upon bigger markets than Christchurch or Wellington, and Waikato (and its surrounding regions) is not much smaller than Wellington:

Region - Population
Auckland - 1,414,800
Canterbury - 552,800
Wellington - 473,700
Waikato - 402,200

Geographically though having a second team in Auckland or the Waikato still freezes out most of the southern population from having a "home" team. The Waikato is close enough to Auckland to be able to attract fans to attend games there already, so harnessing the crowd support from that area should be on the Warriors agenda.

I reckon the nest idea would be for a new team to be a "Southern" franchise rather than a "Wellington" one, and to split their home games between Wellington and Christchurch. That would also assist with fitting scheduling in around Union and soccer matches at the Caketin (which is a fine stadium anyway, stop worrying about it's oval shape) and Jade Stadium in Christchurch. Having home games only every 3-4 weeks in each city should also hopefully mean that more fans turn up to each game as they'll want to make the most of each opportunity.
Only problem I can see is jersey colours- if you combine Wellington colours (yelolow and black) with Canterbury (red and black) you end up with a Waikato strip!


Some good ideas there spacemonkey.

A "southern" franchise sounds like the way to go and would build up a massive rivalry with the Warriors.
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Some good ideas there spacemonkey.

A "southern" franchise sounds like the way to go and would build up a massive rivalry with the Warriors.
yep. The idea would be to create an Auckland vs the rest type rivalry, and it would also carve up the player resources more evenly.


That was the idea for a New Zealand Origin iirc, Auckland vs the Rest.

Also, the Wellington Orcas bid looked at being the Southern Orcas for this reason. It would be nice if there was a more specific name though.


And unlike your stupid post point out one where i have trolled??? I love both codes, i have for most of my 50 odd years... I have done more for League than you ever have.. what do you do? go to games? watch on tv? play?... have you ever coached? run a club? fundraised? organised? my guess would be no.... but then you act like a 12 yeard old soits not surprising.

Dont preach to me old man. I dont care what you have "done for the game". You could be bullsh*tting for all i know (which isnt very hard on a forum where nobody knows your identity). And even if it is true it doesnt make you any better than any other person on this forum who love their team, are members, and turn up week in and week out to yell and scream and support their team.

So why dont you carefully climb down from your high horse. You may very well love League to some extent but through your bias in the many threads i have seen you post in, you make it quite clear that Union is your code of choice. So dont try and fool anybody here.
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