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Observations on Supporters

Focal Point

I think Penrith were crazy to let Whatuira go after 2004. He was by far one the most consistent performers in the 2004 Panthers squad.

It certainly came back and bit them on arse with the way he performed at Wests Tigers. Penrith had to make do with Franze.

Every first grade rugby league player dreams of owning a premiership ring. Fatz has two - and good on him!!


Post Whore
Bernster said:
I have always been at Dairy Farmers Stadium...I have stuck by my boys through thick and thin and put up with a lot of people that were calling them Cowgirls over the years...SO THERE!!!

As have I, mate.

True, I was only introduced to Rugby League and the Eels 5 years ago. But I will stick with them forever.

And I dislike when people label my club as a 'bandwagon' club - where is the proof?

Every club has them - hell, there weren't that many passionate Cowboys fans such as yourself 6 years ago. Not publicly, anyway.


Post Whore
Bomber said:
No personal offence taken mate, and I hope none the other way.

Rugby league up here didn't start in 1995 though ;-)

Yeah. Short-sightedness on my behalf. I meant the NRL team.

But I give you kudos for being passionate about your team.

In fact, I reckon everyone who posts in these footy forums deserves a big wrap- you're all passionate about your team, whether it's SL or NRL. And the one thing we can ALL agree on is that Rugby League is the greatest sport on Earth!


Post Whore
Jobdog said:
I do agree to some point on the theory about every team having bandwagon fans, however, I dare say the Knights have the least amount of bandwagon fans.

Btw don't worry about ur case in point on the 2001-2004 Eels - Parra fans really are a rare breed, i mean seriously who boos their own team off the park (apart from the Dragons) :p

Go easy, mate!

The booing is not a big issue. Why does everyone think so? I, myself, didn't do it - but I don't think demanding better performances from your team is a sin!

I don't know who has the most or least bandwagon fans. I guess the Sydney-based teams have the most - it's easier to change teams when you have the Eels, Manly, Roosters, Souths, Dragons, Tigers, Panthers etc. to choose from in Sydney. I guess maybe because Canberra and Newcastle nad New Zealand and Melbourne only have the one team they may have less bandwagoners...Who knows?

I just think stating that one team has the most bandwagoner fans is a big call, is all.

But how much does rugby league rule? I NEED the season to start! lol

Special K

Parra Guru said:
Bad experience at Marathon.... people being abused and having beer thrown on them just because they're wearing the Blue and Gold.

I'm not saying that all Knights supporters are like that, but sometimes it's the ferals that ruin it for everyone else!! In saying that, I have a lot of respect for the Knights fans who travel to the Sydney games each week.
Yeah I've had a old grandma start swearing at me and even throw rocks at me when Kimmorley was tearing the Knights apart in 2003. It was strange because I didn't say a word then I just started copping it from this old lady when the Knights atarted to make a comeback but weren't good enough. When I turned around the old bag was no where to be seen...


Post Whore
I think every team has bad fans.

I remember at Parra Stadium 4 years ago, some mob of Eels fans were abusing some Warriors fans during our Semi (the one where we put 50 on them). Calling them sheep-shaggers and ruder things.

Normally, in a good-humoured way, I don't think they take offense. But these guys were doing it in an intimidating fashion. I was very disappointed.

And there were a few instances at Bulldogs games.

But here's the great part - the vast majority of fans from every team are great people. So you shouldn't let a minority of idiots ruin this great game.


Bandwagon supporters can be very hard to distinguish, especially around finals time. I'm a Penrith supporter and after we got knocked out last year I started wanting the Tigers to win and I did go to some of their finals games, mainly just to watch some rugby league, but I also supported them quite loudly. I don't know how many other people are out there like that but it could overexaggerate the so called bandwagon supporter influx, but come Round 1 this year, there's only one place my heart lies.

I noticed it at the 2003 GF as well, the crowd was about 90% Panther support and I heard a lot of comments about bandwagon supporters, I came to the conclusion that there were a lot of people there who supported neither team but on that particular night wanted Penrith to win.


Generally Parramatta fans have a sense of humor when i mention the 1998 game

Dragons fans in general think their team is the best thing since sliced bread

Raider fans that i have met are cool

Warrior fans ditto

Manly fans are whingers

Have seen many more tiger fans in the past 3 months than i have seen since my existence

Most penrith fans are ok

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Eelementary said:
I don't know who has the most or least bandwagon fans. I guess the Sydney-based teams have the most - it's easier to change teams when you have the Eels, Manly, Roosters, Souths, Dragons, Tigers, Panthers etc. to choose from in Sydney. I guess maybe because Canberra and Newcastle nad New Zealand and Melbourne only have the one team they may have less bandwagoners...Who knows?

Warriors have the biggest bandwagon. When they are going badly theres about 7-10,000 who hold much of an interest, but when they are going well the entire country will jump on the bandwagon.


When it comes to bandwagon, i'm sick of hearing it. Bandwagon supporters don't really belong to any club, they jump from one to another, so to label any club as having the most bandwagon supporters will simply be a case of picking the premiers. Case in point, i used to go for Balmain, when the Tiges and Dogs played in the 88 GF my mate reckoned he went for the Dogs. He was so passionate about the Dogs that 3 years later he was claiming he had always gone for Penrith when they beat the Raiders. Who does he go for now......well wouldn't you know it, the last time i saw him he was a Wests boy from way back. Now that IS a bandwagoner.

As for the other type of person that is continually labelled bandwagon, well it's just the Aussie way of life to jump on board the underdog once your own team is kaput. It's been happening since Adam was a boy and theres absolutely nothing wrong with it. Most people on this forum would have "got on the bandwagon" for whoever played the Roosters in GF's over the last few years.


Special K said:
Yeah I've had a old grandma start swearing at me and even throw rocks at me when Kimmorley was tearing the Knights apart in 2003. It was strange because I didn't say a word then I just started copping it from this old lady when the Knights atarted to make a comeback but weren't good enough. When I turned around the old bag was no where to be seen...

Similar story with my group of mates at the Tigers match in Round 26 last year - just replace grandma with 30-something year old tool, and nothing was thrown.

They're everywhere.


IanRitchie said:
Warriors have the biggest bandwagon. When they are going badly theres about 7-10,000 who hold much of an interest, but when they are going well the entire country will jump on the bandwagon.

The media too, it seems. I was in NZ for two weeks in 2002 - the first weekend I was there, they beat Brisbane at ANZ, and it was the leading story in the sports news, and had legs for a few days. The next week they lost to Cronulla at Toyota Park, and they tried their best to bury it somewhere in the middle.

Parra Guru

Special K said:
Yeah I've had a old grandma start swearing at me and even throw rocks at me when Kimmorley was tearing the Knights apart in 2003. It was strange because I didn't say a word then I just started copping it from this old lady when the Knights atarted to make a comeback but weren't good enough. When I turned around the old bag was no where to be seen...

When I went there the Eels lost pretty convincingly but just for laughs we had the Eels theme song blaring out of the car. Then this old bloke in his driving hat came up and told me to go back and "jump in that river of yours". He was actually disturbed by the fact that we could be happy losers!!

Obviously, some people have nothing else to look forward to during the week and take everything a bit too seriously on a Saturday!!


Raider_69 said:
:lol: true, but you stuck through the tigers when they were sh*t, im here still follow canberra while we blow chucks... just seems the penrith league public in general lack alittle back bone

Sunny, i consider these people coming out of the woodwork to be a variety of bandwagoner's... if you dont have enough back bone to show your support during the hard times, you dont deserve the good times IMO

Then maybe you could "support" your club a little better, instead of bitching and whinging about certain factions and personalities within the organisation that you have a problem with. That aint support, thats whinging.


First Grade
Eels - Most annoying supporters (IMO)who think they know the rules very well but actually have no idea, and ALL the referees hate them (which is true because they are tools)

Dragons - Think their side is the sh*t, until they lose then it must be the coaches fault, LOOK AT THE TEAM!

Broncos - I've found them to be laidback and not too worried about things.

Wests Tigers - Although lot of bandwagoners have jumped on, most have been loyal magpie or tiger fans for many years. Very big drinking (wests) and working class team.

Cowboys - Progressively become more prominant, generally good people who like to have a bit of fun.

Storm - Very few, but generally very nice

Sharks - FICKLE! (I'm a sharks fan too). Kimmorley plays well he is great, plays average who should never have been here. Look at Dykes in 2005, plays well he is the good ol' local boy, by the end of the season who is useless.

Manly - Either love the hate tag, or hate it.

Roosters - Mixture of nice people or assholes. Nice people have been fans since 60s 70s... Assholes 2002.

Panthers - Young Girls....

Warriors - To be honest i dont know nor have i met and warriors fans to comment.

Bulldogs - Very few nice fans, most from years ago, others arent fans are just dickheads.

Souths - Woodwork fans.. if they win they will appear.

Canberra - In their early to late 20s

Newcastle - Generally Arrogant

Parra Guru

Frailty said:
Eels - Most annoying supporters (IMO)who think they know the rules very well but actually have no idea, and ALL the referees hate them (which is true because they are tools)

How do one group of supporters have a better understanding of the rules than another??

Also, where did you get your Ref stats from??

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