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OFFICIAL "little things that piss you off" thread

Forum Idiot

im sure everyone has plenty. ill get things underway though.

bad drivers. especially merkins who dont check their blind spots and almost take you out everytime they change lanes and then theres merkins who dont quite see the point of using turn signals.

high beams. no point of ever having them on ever! all they do is make things harder for me! why is it that i can drive down the same road as you without mine on but you have to have yours on? i will kill your family!

truckers. these think they own the road dont they! i especially hate when im overtaking one at 110 up a hill and they change lanes right out on top of me because they want to overtake the truck in front of them going 70. so now i have to slam on my breaks and go 70 ks an hour in a 110 zone! WHY COULDNT YOU WAIT FOR ME TO GO PAST YOU SON OF A WHORE?!?!?! it wouldve only taken 2 seconds for me to go past.

people who eat with their mouths open. i can see and hear their food. that makes me so angry. people need to learn some manners. all of my dickhead mates do this.

bicycle riders on the road. i dont have a problem with those glory thiefs using the raod but do they have to use the middle of my lane?! why would they even want to do that?! BLOODY SHOW OFFS! theyre just letting us know that they can! if i was a bicycle rider id get as close to the side of the road as possible. nothing more anoying than having to go onto the other side of the road to avoid a push bike.

people who dont flush after doing a piss. i dont want my piss interacting with your piss! something seems very wrong with that.

dance music of any kind. its not even music. what instruments do they use?... id rather listen to recordings of difficult childbirths.

fat girls that wear innapropriate clothing i.e; not enough of it. put your clothes back on, rosanne! nobody wants to see your rolls!

drunk people when i myself am not drunk. shut the hell up you drunken idiot.

people who leave doors, cabinets open after opening them. you can open it so whats so damn hard about closing it?! just do the exact opposite of what you did before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my sister.


Post Whore
people whom use a pun on purpose and then proclaim "no pun intended" you clowns, most of the time they use that phrase specifically because it is a pun, therefor pun was intended :evil: :evil:


i once had a bike rider punch my window (and smash it) while i was overtaking him

so i went about 400m up the road and waited for him to get near and just as he was about to pass, i pulled out from the gutter. he stacked it massively

he told me he was going to call the cops so i thanked him because i was going to do the same thing

and the still had to pay me for the window :lol:


First Grade
People who drive up ya ass when you are already going pretty quick
People asking the same question over and over again
People talking when all you want is quiet.

El Coconuto

People who ask you a question, and you give them the answer, only for them to say "nah, that can't be right!".

What the! :evil:

Forum Idiot

lolesi said:
People who drive up ya ass when you are already going pretty quick
People asking the same question over and over again
People talking when all you want is quiet.
forgot about that one. tailgating is pretty much the most annoying thing that could ever happen to you on the road especially when youre speeding already. what the do they want you to do?! gits!


I actually get pissed off with everything FI just said.

Also people asking "whats up" when the answer always is "nothing much" or "the sky" if you're really intelligent. What's the point in asking when the answer is always the same.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I hate plenty of pissy little things.

People using my stuff without asking me.

People who make stupid irritating noises to get attention (ie, my father)

People who stand in shopping aisles TALKING! Does the sign outside say 'Conversation Centre?" No it doesn't! Get your nattering arses out of the way so I can buy some vegemite you merkins!

Being asked "Is that all" at shops. If it wasn't all I wouldn't be at the check out.

Text messages from telstra.

People who ask stupid questions/say stupid things just to make you talk.

Neighbours who dont appreciate loud music at 3am. If you were asleep you wouldnt hear it. Get some drugs!

Half time at the footy. How they can call that entertainment is beyond me.

I'll think of more...

Forum Idiot

i thought of another one:
when someone rings your house or mobile and you see their name or number and think " ah it i dont want to talk to that dickhead" so you dont pick up and the phone rings out... 20 seconds later the phone rings again and its a private number. ooooh almost had me fooled there you dickwad!


lolesi said:
People who drive up ya ass when you are already going pretty quick
People asking the same question over and over again
People talking when all you want is quiet.

I hate people with really hot cousins who won't give out their phone numbers...

Le Rouge


Rove- The guys just unfunny proof the logies are just not credibe, or that Australia has low TV talent.

Paying for paking- Why do we have to pay for the use of an emtpy space?

The price of petrol


Shaving- All men must join the revolt from the metrosexual insurgence and just stop shaving. Why are we "more" presentable if we shave our faces?.... It Sucks. I think i look better with a bit of stubble.

oh ...and finding a hair from an unknown source in the food i'm eating, it happened to me today, it ruined a good meal and put me off from eating at that place again.... I had to pull this hair out of my mouth ... not nice.


Partners who bottle up heaps of shit and then one day throw it all in your face :evil:

Unit... let's talk :lol:
Nah I pretty much agree with everything you said dude :thumn


Super Moderator
Staff member
Garbage men at 4 am. Are they quiet? No.

Train drivers who can't speak clearly into the microphone.

Not being allowed into clubs at night cos I haven't got any tits to flash at the bouncers.

Checkout personnel who ask me how my day is, like they give a.

Checkout personnel who don't care how my day was when I tell them.

Mark Latham

People who start a conversation with me in messenger and then don't converse.


That irritating noise that you hear at rail crossings. TURN IT OFF!!!!

Parents who flog their kids because they are crying. Is that going to stop the crying? NO. Don't belt your kid if you want it to shut up, thats the dumbest theory ever.

Teenage conversations over the phone. "Like they like are sooooooooooo like wack, like wo, like man, like Ive never like seen like stuff like that like before like"


-dirty old men
-people who eat with their mouths open (so fkn annoying especially on public transport #-o )
-people who dont clean up after themselves (ie. my sister without fail leaves breadcrumbs on the bench every time she makes toast)
-when my sister leaves the butter out of the fridge and it goes all soft n smells funny ...
-Sydney Roosters :oops:

too many things annoy the hell outta me to write it all down!!
Fat people eating.

Idiot kids who think they are tough and wear beanies and long pants and a wu tang jacket in the middle of summer

Dumbasss dole bludgers doing tough laps in their crappy 15 year old falcon with brand new mags and they think they are totally cool :?


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