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Jesus that woman is god-awful.

Why do people who commentate/write about other sports feel the need to talk about Rugby League constanty?

FFS, piss off, talk about your own sport.


I really can’t understand why the AFL is suffering such an inferiority complex over State of origin III.

AFL really is a pitiful insecure sport. What other sport would interview the CEO and ask them to comment on an incident out of another football code? Why would the CEO of their League want to go on a radio on Thursday and reassure the Victorian mass’s that this type of behaviour would not be tolerated in the Feminie League?

Because Victorians have always roamed safely in their own football paddock, oblivious to the outside world.

The sudden appearance of rugby league's wild horses inside the fence has startled the bejesus out of the poor souls, and they need to hear some reassuring words.


afl is jealous of origin.

they would cream their tweeds if they could get tv ratings like that.

the "offsiders" treatment of the 3rd origin game was hideous.how the f**k they linked a bashing in a public place to white/price is beyond me!

go roy!


I sent the below, see what response i get/if any:

The rugby league bashing is getting out of hand, the cultural difference between the two codes is nothing when it comes it drugs, illegal or legal, attitudes to women and violence on or off field but for some reason AFL incidents continue to be played down or not commented on but minor league incidents play like capital crimes.

In recent months your show has lost its balance, Jeff Kennett was bad enough, but today's sanctimonious display was below par for 'THE' national broadcaster. And a week after the blinkered Francis Leach was allowed to unload!

The producers need to start thinking outside the bizarre Melbourne prism that is the current demonstrated mindset of the show. That or ask for a subsidy from the AFL directly, as recent displays have been nothing more that paid advertising.

This was the response i received:

Thanks for your e-mail.

The Offsiders panel members are employed by the program to provide opinion. They are guests and their views are their own and do not represent the editorial opinion of the ABC.

The behaviour of some NRL players as an issue has been discussed in wider forums than Offsiders. As recently as last week NRL boss David Gallop and club CEO’s brought in tougher measures to address such problems in the code, such was their concern about the issue.

The point some Offsiders panel members tried to make last Sunday was that any violence on a sporting field can influence some who watch it – whether it be Barry Hall’s behaviour or players going the biff in Rugby League.

Vision of the fight in the fast food store was used to illustrate the growing concern in society about violence – regardless of where it occurs. The contradiction seemed to be that people (including the Victorian Premier) were appalled at the fast food violence on one hand, yet on the other hand, on-field violence in Origin 3 seemed to be celebrated by some.

The Offsiders program has been strident in its criticism of the AFL where appropriate – former Carlton President John Elliot was strongly criticised by panel members over his comments about alleged hush money paid to women complaining about sexual assault by players and Barry Hall’s on-field behaviour has been condemned in previous programs, including the Sunday after he announced his retirement.

In 2007 when details emerged of illicit drug use - incriminating some AFL players - the Offsiders program was unrelenting in its criticism of this behaviour. This issue was one of the dominant themes for several months in that year.

Best regards, Offsiders.


That response just tows the line of the PC crap that their show illustrates and to be honest that reply is fairly predictable.


The Offsiders program has been strident in its criticism of the AFL where appropriate – former Carlton President John Elliot was strongly criticised by panel members over his comments about alleged hush money paid to women complaining about sexual assault by players

wwwwhhhhhhhhhoooooooooahhhhhh wait a minute

criticising a former president FOR SPEAKING OUT is being critical of the AFL???

why weren't they critical of the behaviour he was speaking out against????

what the????

El Diablo

Post Whore
wwwwhhhhhhhhhoooooooooahhhhhh wait a minute

criticising a former president FOR SPEAKING OUT is being critical of the AFL???

why weren't they critical of the behaviour he was speaking out against????

what the????

because he should have kept his mouth closed

they don't want AFL scandals talked about on their network
Critical of the behaviour?

Why weren't they critical of the AFL's 3 strikes policy and the fact that they won't name the players...

And again, critical of Elliot, an assumption that he was lying. Shooting the messenger because they don't like the message...
Critical of the behaviour?

Why weren't they critical of the AFL's 3 strikes policy and the fact that they won't name the players. Do they think that not naming the players and keeping them safe from scrutiny will help them get off the gear?

And again, critical of Elliot, an assumption that he was lying. Shooting the messenger because they don't like the message...


From that response it would seem that if an AFL player does something unacceptable, the Offsiders will give it to HIM, he is a bad individual.

If a league player does something unacceptable, it is a symptom of a poisonous culture, and the NRL, neigh the northern states are Satan's representatives on earth.

A little inconsistent one might suggest.

On inconsistencies, I was amused to see in the Courier Mail yesterday a story about a punch-up between two of the Wallabies at training during the week. Instead of them being labeled as thugs, and part of a culture to be despised, they were labeled a being passionate and fired up for this weekends game.


From that response it would seem that if an AFL player does something unacceptable, the Offsiders will give it to HIM, he is a bad individual.

If a league player does something unacceptable, it is a symptom of a poisonous culture, and the NRL, neigh the northern states are Satan's representatives on earth.

A little inconsistent one might suggest.

On inconsistencies, I was amused to see in the Courier Mail yesterday a story about a punch-up between two of the Wallabies at training during the week. Instead of them being labeled as thugs, and part of a culture to be despised, they were labeled a being passionate and fired up for this weekends game.

That's a mighty good summary of what's been happening.


Response from Offsiders

Thanks for your e-mail.
> The Offsiders panel members are employed by the program to provide
> opinion. They are guests and their views are their own and do not
> represent the editorial opinion of the ABC.
> The behaviour of some NRL players as an issue has been discussed in wider
> forums than Offsiders. As recently as last week NRL boss David Gallop and
> club CEO’s brought in tougher measures to address such problems in the
> code, such was their concern about the issue.
> The point some Offsiders panel members tried to make last Sunday was that
> any violence on a sporting field can influence some who watch it – whether
> it be Barry Hall’s behaviour or players going the biff in Rugby League.
> Vision of the fight in the fast food store was used to illustrate the
> growing concern in society about violence – regardless of where it occurs.
> The contradiction seemed to be that people (including the Victorian
> Premier) were appalled at the fast food violence on one hand, yet on the
> other hand, on-field violence in Origin 3 seemed to be celebrated by some.
> The Offsiders program has been strident in its criticism of the AFL where
> appropriate – former Carlton President John Elliot was strongly criticised
> by panel members over his comments about alleged hush money paid to women
> complaining about sexual assault by players and Barry Hall’s on-field
> behaviour has been condemned in previous programs, including the Sunday
> after he announced his retirement.
> In 2007 when details emerged of illicit drug use - incriminating some AFL
> players - the Offsiders program was unrelenting in its criticism of this
> behaviour. This issue was one of the dominant themes for several months in
> that year.
> Best regards, Offsiders.


Response from Offsiders

Thanks for your e-mail.
> The Offsiders panel members are employed by the program to provide
> opinion. They are guests and their views are their own and do not
> represent the editorial opinion of the ABC.
> The behaviour of some NRL players as an issue has been discussed in wider
> forums than Offsiders. As recently as last week NRL boss David Gallop and
> club CEO’s brought in tougher measures to address such problems in the
> code, such was their concern about the issue.
> The point some Offsiders panel members tried to make last Sunday was that
> any violence on a sporting field can influence some who watch it – whether
> it be Barry Hall’s behaviour or players going the biff in Rugby League.
> Vision of the fight in the fast food store was used to illustrate the
> growing concern in society about violence – regardless of where it occurs.
> The contradiction seemed to be that people (including the Victorian
> Premier) were appalled at the fast food violence on one hand, yet on the
> other hand, on-field violence in Origin 3 seemed to be celebrated by some.
> The Offsiders program has been strident in its criticism of the AFL where
> appropriate – former Carlton President John Elliot was strongly criticised
> by panel members over his comments about alleged hush money paid to women
> complaining about sexual assault by players and Barry Hall’s on-field
> behaviour has been condemned in previous programs, including the Sunday
> after he announced his retirement.
> In 2007 when details emerged of illicit drug use - incriminating some AFL
> players - the Offsiders program was unrelenting in its criticism of this
> behaviour. This issue was one of the dominant themes for several months in
> that year.
> Best regards, Offsiders.
Comment: This is what I wrote originally

The bias the Offsiders demonstrates to AFL is getting more
> sickening by the week. The last two weeks have seen the show at its worst.
> Each week more derogatory comments against Rugby League. I am not
> defending the poor actions of any players from any code but AFL bores such
> as Caroline Wilson are clearly biased against the code of Rugby League and
> take obvious joy in deriding it.
> This is at best, poor journalism. Wilson comes across as one of those
> sanctimonious bores who talks endlessly about the game of AFL also known
> as 'fumbleball'.
> The idea that people who play AFL are better people than those who play
> Rugby League is at best idiotic.
> Roy Masters looks angrier every week as the AFL snobs on the panel look
> down the nose at 'the greatest game of all'.
> I am sick of it.
> How about some balance?

El Diablo

Post Whore
I got the same reply. Show's they don't want to address the many different points in emails sent

ABC suck c**k


I got pretty much the same reply on Offsiders to the complaint I sent in,but the thing I was amazed at here in Perth the ABC sports people do their level best to avoid talking about Rugby League at all, you cant even get the scores on ABC news Perth.
However tonight the ran the story about the QLD side and the drugs party boys allegations,ABC Perth so I was told get their sports news out of Melbourne,so Monday I shall be on the phone to the complaints dept and asking if the cant be bothered to give the scores Fri, Sat or Sunday nights why show that out of the blue,bit odd to my mind,but then it shows RL in a bad light in this state WA.
The Drugs ect story was in the OZ given NEWS LTD problems with truth I have my Doubts it occurred


This was the response i received:

Thanks for your e-mail.

The Offsiders panel members are employed by the program to provide opinion. They are guests and their views are their own and do not represent the editorial opinion of the ABC.

The behaviour of some NRL players as an issue has been discussed in wider forums than Offsiders. As recently as last week NRL boss David Gallop and club CEO’s brought in tougher measures to address such problems in the code, such was their concern about the issue.

The point some Offsiders panel members tried to make last Sunday was that any violence on a sporting field can influence some who watch it – whether it be Barry Hall’s behaviour or players going the biff in Rugby League.

Vision of the fight in the fast food store was used to illustrate the growing concern in society about violence – regardless of where it occurs. The contradiction seemed to be that people (including the Victorian Premier) were appalled at the fast food violence on one hand, yet on the other hand, on-field violence in Origin 3 seemed to be celebrated by some.

The Offsiders program has been strident in its criticism of the AFL where appropriate – former Carlton President John Elliot was strongly criticised by panel members over his comments about alleged hush money paid to women complaining about sexual assault by players and Barry Hall’s on-field behaviour has been condemned in previous programs, including the Sunday after he announced his retirement.

In 2007 when details emerged of illicit drug use - incriminating some AFL players - the Offsiders program was unrelenting in its criticism of this behaviour. This issue was one of the dominant themes for several months in that year.

Best regards, Offsiders.

That is the word for word response I received to my e-mail.Even suggested why the ABC hand't pursued the Carlton hush money,the way they did the NZ Sharks drana.Notice they ignored that one,wonder why?.
Response from Offsiders

Thanks for your e-mail.
> The Offsiders panel members are employed by the program to provide
> opinion. They are guests and their views are their own and do not
> represent the editorial opinion of the ABC.
> The behaviour of some NRL players as an issue has been discussed in wider
> forums than Offsiders. As recently as last week NRL boss David Gallop and
> club CEO’s brought in tougher measures to address such problems in the
> code, such was their concern about the issue.
> The point some Offsiders panel members tried to make last Sunday was that
> any violence on a sporting field can influence some who watch it – whether
> it be Barry Hall’s behaviour or players going the biff in Rugby League.
> Vision of the fight in the fast food store was used to illustrate the
> growing concern in society about violence – regardless of where it occurs.
> The contradiction seemed to be that people (including the Victorian
> Premier) were appalled at the fast food violence on one hand, yet on the
> other hand, on-field violence in Origin 3 seemed to be celebrated by some.
> The Offsiders program has been strident in its criticism of the AFL where
> appropriate – former Carlton President John Elliot was strongly criticised
> by panel members over his comments about alleged hush money paid to women
> complaining about sexual assault by players and Barry Hall’s on-field
> behaviour has been condemned in previous programs, including the Sunday
> after he announced his retirement.
> In 2007 when details emerged of illicit drug use - incriminating some AFL
> players - the Offsiders program was unrelenting in its criticism of this
> behaviour. This issue was one of the dominant themes for several months in
> that year.
> Best regards, Offsiders.

I got the same form letter

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