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Ot. Hallelujah and praise the lord


Want a tissue?

You lefties were very bitter on Twitter.

Hope you are all getting help seems you are all not handling the result very well.

Poor Whaleed Aly was predicting 81 seats to Labor. Bahahahaha!!!
No. Ill be right, got no kids so doesnt matter to me if we keep f**king up the planet to the point that it will make things harder for humanity. Ill be looooong dead by then. So just like you like laughing at egocentric people getting knocked down a peg, i like laughing at the people who want to ensure their grand kids live in a shittier world than they did, financially and geologically speaking.
Twitter is full of bitterness and idiocy on every possible side, so i avoid that shit like the plague.
It is what it is. Better luck next time in 3 years with an actual leader instead of a charisma vacuum of a puppet.
Aly should know better, You cant win elections when there is such a disconnect between the extremes, and you cant win elections when the other team spends their entire campaign targeted at idiots and those at the breast of the coal/gas industry and you offer nothing to them but "We HaVe To PrOtEcT ThE PlAnEt".


This is exactly why the ultra left will always be marginal.

Im yet to see a workable solution and instead you prefer to label anyone with a differing view vile things like xenophobic or cruel.

But the good news is you don’t need a solution because the facts show the mainstream political solution works...and not just government facts. Do you think if there was any shadow of a doubt that the greens wouldn’t be trumpeting the failure from every rooftop (and rightly so). They aren’t because they can’t.

The stories you want can’t come from 0 deaths and 0 kids in detention.

So how many turn backs were there last year? What was the fate of those ships en route? What was the fate of the people once returned to the place they were fleeing? If you know any of those facts, please share, since the Government isn't. And that is just the start of what we would need to know to say that locking up kids is preventing deaths (which no longer really happens, incidentally, thanks to some Liberals having pangs of conscience about it, after organisations like Medicine sans Frontiers highlighted some of the troubling things that were happening, despite members facing legal penalties in Australia for breaching laws set up to hide away any issues. I'm guessing when they learned of what senior people like ScoMo were doing, they too thought it was vile)

What we do know is that locking up kids is a pretty terrible thing to do, especially for long periods, especially kids lacking education, resilience, social capital, and language skills needed to cope. So we would want the case to be pretty convincing that it is preventing deaths (and even then there would be cause to question if that is how we want to conduct society, in strictly utilitarian terms).

There are workable solutions throughout the world, with really only a handful of modern, western democracies resorting to locking up children.

The burden of dealing with most displaced refugees (about 85% of them in recent years) falls on developing countries. In those cases the refugees, children and all, often do live locked up and in terrible conditions. But countries that have many, many refugees, like Bangladesh, that are also very poor and have plenty of citizens living poor lives, don't have the resources to offer much better to hundreds of thousands of refugees. And despite the poor conditions, refugees still pour in, as living a bad life, taking risks to get there, is still often better than living somewhere where a militia may come at night and slaughter your family and pass you around for rape if you are a girl over about 8.

We have the resources to do more than lock those kids up, and we have no evidence that locking them up did anything to reduce the deaths of people (who often would be pretty desperate to flee even if they would be locked up, as Bangladesh and Thailand, for example, show). It was cheap political point scoring, which is obvious because we are now doing "workable solutions" that don't involve locking children up (well, depending on definitions, some would disagree). I still can't believe anyone with humanity would endorse punishing children like that for cheap political point scoring, but obviously the solution is "0 boats, 0 deaths"....

How the f**ken hell is Australia’s contribution to world pollution an election winning tactic? We are less than 1% of the worlds total emissions. How the hell can we change India & China, the two worst contributors to pollution?

“Solar panels, wind turbines & lithium batteries” I hear the lefties squeal. “We need to ban mining” they squeal louder.

Oh, really? Mines dig the silica to make the solar panel cells and bauxite is mined to make the aluminium frames and fixtures for the panels. Copper is mined for the cables. Lithium is mined for the batteries and f**ken iron ore is mined to help make the steel for the windmills you f**ken dumb leftie kaaarnts.

FMD, spare me.

Global warming is a measurable phenomenon ,mans contributions to it are measurable, The precise causes and effects are complex Scientists need to work across a wide range of causes, effects ,Take complex and precise measurements under difficult conditions, analyse data under rigorous tests , test correlations, statistical significance of data ,and whether results can be repeated ... mostly not in a lab ,but the real world where controls for experiments are harder. It also follows that the solutions needed to reverse the trends are not going to be simple or easy or painless. ,Certainly not as easy as the cherry picking the experts in here are doing . What the significance of THAT is is that we need to get started working on those solutions now .Notice Ive not mentioned anything about Lefties or righties ? You lot are talking about the noisy minority ,",we can save the world Lefty equivilant to your own noisy rusted on The SKY WILL FALL if we concede we might be wrong about something Right wing loonies .

Time will tell ,just as it did for the flat earth theories , Man cant Fly, or whatever other seemingly "common sense " beleifs were later Proven wrong but took along time to accept after initial suggestions Too bad about the damage done in the meantime .

As for Australia not Mattering ? How much of our Coal, steel , Bauxite etc goes to China , India , US to add to their Pollution|carbon output .? I dont Know and I suspect neither do any of you. But you are prepared to Rabbit on as if you know its insignificant .... China had a 1 child policy for many yrs ,how much credit does that get them for anything?, If we are left Behind in the technological race to find solutions I dont think China or India are going to come help us catch up.Well be so far behind the lefties WILL take over and finish the job of f**king us up.

Lithium Batteries I think most of the Electric Cars and Off the Gridders see them as temporary solution till some better things in the pipeline come along ,. Oh but yes they are no good, therefore blah blah blah . f**k Me !! Please Great Gandho when you finish Sparing Sad Please Spare me from Lefty and Righty loonies
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First Grade
So how many turn backs were there last year? What was the fate of those ships en route? What was the fate of the people once returned to the place they were fleeing? If you know any of those facts, please share, since the Government isn't. And that is just the start of what we would need to know to say that locking up kids is preventing deaths (which no longer really happens, incidentally, thanks to some Liberals having pangs of conscience about it, after organisations like Medicine sans Frontiers highlighted some of the troubling things that were happening, despite members facing legal penalties in Australia for breaching laws set up to hide away any issues. I'm guessing when they learned of what senior people like ScoMo were doing, they too thought it was vile)

What we do know is that locking up kids is a pretty terrible thing to do, especially for long periods, especially kids lacking education, resilience, social capital, and language skills needed to cope. So we would want the case to be pretty convincing that it is preventing deaths (and even then there would be cause to question if that is how we want to conduct society, in strictly utilitarian terms).

There are workable solutions throughout the world, with really only a handful of modern, western democracies resorting to locking up children.

The burden of dealing with most displaced refugees (about 85% of them in recent years) falls on developing countries. In those cases the refugees, children and all, often do live locked up and in terrible conditions. But countries that have many, many refugees, like Bangladesh, that are also very poor and have plenty of citizens living poor lives, don't have the resources to offer much better to hundreds of thousands of refugees. And despite the poor conditions, refugees still pour in, as living a bad life, taking risks to get there, is still often better than living somewhere where a militia may come at night and slaughter your family and pass you around for rape if you are a girl over about 8.

We have the resources to do more than lock those kids up, and we have no evidence that locking them up did anything to reduce the deaths of people (who often would be pretty desperate to flee even if they would be locked up, as Bangladesh and Thailand, for example, show). It was cheap political point scoring, which is obvious because we are now doing "workable solutions" that don't involve locking children up (well, depending on definitions, some would disagree). I still can't believe anyone with humanity would endorse punishing children like that for cheap political point scoring, but obviously the solution is "0 boats, 0 deaths"....
If you think 200 deaths a year are a basis for “cheap political point scoring” then good onya. I call it a dire tragedy that could not be ignored. I’m glad it wasn’t.

I’ve personally got no problem with an increased refugee intake. That can be done without facilitating the killing of hundreds every year and that should be the focus.


Post Whore
So how many turn backs were there last year? What was the fate of those ships en route? What was the fate of the people once returned to the place they were fleeing? If you know any of those facts, please share, since the Government isn't. And that is just the start of what we would need to know to say that locking up kids is preventing deaths (which no longer really happens, incidentally, thanks to some Liberals having pangs of conscience about it, after organisations like Medicine sans Frontiers highlighted some of the troubling things that were happening, despite members facing legal penalties in Australia for breaching laws set up to hide away any issues. I'm guessing when they learned of what senior people like ScoMo were doing, they too thought it was vile)

What we do know is that locking up kids is a pretty terrible thing to do, especially for long periods, especially kids lacking education, resilience, social capital, and language skills needed to cope. So we would want the case to be pretty convincing that it is preventing deaths (and even then there would be cause to question if that is how we want to conduct society, in strictly utilitarian terms).

There are workable solutions throughout the world, with really only a handful of modern, western democracies resorting to locking up children.

The burden of dealing with most displaced refugees (about 85% of them in recent years) falls on developing countries. In those cases the refugees, children and all, often do live locked up and in terrible conditions. But countries that have many, many refugees, like Bangladesh, that are also very poor and have plenty of citizens living poor lives, don't have the resources to offer much better to hundreds of thousands of refugees. And despite the poor conditions, refugees still pour in, as living a bad life, taking risks to get there, is still often better than living somewhere where a militia may come at night and slaughter your family and pass you around for rape if you are a girl over about 8.

We have the resources to do more than lock those kids up, and we have no evidence that locking them up did anything to reduce the deaths of people (who often would be pretty desperate to flee even if they would be locked up, as Bangladesh and Thailand, for example, show). It was cheap political point scoring, which is obvious because we are now doing "workable solutions" that don't involve locking children up (well, depending on definitions, some would disagree). I still can't believe anyone with humanity would endorse punishing children like that for cheap political point scoring, but obviously the solution is "0 boats, 0 deaths"....

Contrary to leftie social media sources all the info you want is available here


The govt is not hiding boats


Post Whore
batteredflake said:
As for Australia not Mattering ? How much of our Coal, steel , Bauxite etc goes to China , India , US to add to their Pollution|carbon output .? I dont Know and I suspect neither do any of you. But you are prepared to Rabbit on as if you know its insignificant .... China had a 1 child policy for many yrs ,how much credit does that get them for anything?, If we are left Behind in the technological race to find solutions I dont think China or India are going to come help us catch up.Well beso far behind the lefties WILL take over and finish the job of f**king us up.

China are too busy selling us solar panels and steel, after we export coal and ore for them to produce it.

We should produce it here but this so called free trade has f**ked our country right up the clacker, big screen tv’s are cheap though.
China are too busy selling us solar panels and steel, after we export coal and ore for them to produce it.

We should produce it here but this so called free trade has f**ked our country right up the clacker, big screen tv’s are cheap though.

Absolutely, couldnt agree more., and not just Big screen tvs are cheaper . Have you compared price of anything manufactured out of steel in Australia to Chinese made ? I recently made up a galvanised steel field bin with swinging loading Gate and Forklift slots at bottom . Simple job for me as I was a Boilermaker once upon a time. These type Bins are in demand and I thought I could easily knock up a few and sell them .. The Steel cost more than the price I initially thought I could sell them for .. 410 dollars just for the materials! . I probably coulld still have sold a few if I worked for about 50 cents an hour...Literally! Everybody now gets Plastic ones .. Cheaper less durable Dont last as long and dont have the good solid gates to unload into higher receival bins. Lose Lose for everyone . ,in Australia.

Instead we ship the iron ore and coal to china and india Where they pollute their own environment and ,Kill us on anything Mass produced with their labour costs and less demands and rules about quality and pollution. They send 2nd class steel back at a higher price than we can afford to manufacture even the niche type things , They send back cheap mass produced less suitable products. Anyway everyones happy if they can get a cheap BIG TV . and hey it keeps the big money coming into the mining sector and all those envolved in that . ... For how long ?
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Haha since the Coalition election win there’s been a spike in “Aussie’s” wanting to migrate to NZ.

Cheerio, Cheerio, Cheerio.....Cheerio, Cheerio, Cheerioooo..... Cheerio!, CHEERIO!

Have plenty of tissues for them when they get there.

Climate alarmists, give me a call when we actualy have the technology to even remotely analyse the environemental cause & effects. I.E. Qantum computing.
Ill talk to you in 50 years, when its envisioned to exist.
Climate science. LOL!
Climate alarmists, give me a call when we actualy have the technology to even remotely analyse the environemental cause & effects. I.E. Qantum computing.
Ill talk to you in 50 years, when its envisioned to exist.
Climate science. LOL!

The different aspects are measurable, and the analytical and statistical tests are proven across many fields,for many years Complex ,sure.... that is one reason the word "Consensus " is important But hey if you want to ignore what we already know for fifty years go right ahead . Build your house on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Beautiful views, No worries! Worth a fortune in 50 yrs cause only smart guys like you will be doing that.
Wait for Quantum Computing! LOL!
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First Grade
Bad luck to all voting for a tax break, it ain't happening this year.
But the penalty rates are gone for some still.
Still have heard zero acknowledgment in regards to Indigenous people. Typical LNP, nothing happened.
Wonder who Fifita voted for.


First Grade
Climate alarmists, give me a call when we actualy have the technology to even remotely analyse the environemental cause & effects. I.E. Qantum computing.
Ill talk to you in 50 years, when its envisioned to exist.
Climate science. LOL!
We don't need the technology , we have Alan Jones to tell us everything about climate change...lol.
Bad luck to all voting for a tax break, it ain't happening this year.
But the penalty rates are gone for some still.
Still have heard zero acknowledgment in regards to Indigenous people. Typical LNP, nothing happened.
Wonder who Fifita voted for.

You lefties need to take a deep breath and get over your disappointment.

It’s been 3 days after the election and you are saying promises haven’t been implemented yet.

And the Liberal Government has done more meaningful things for Indigenous people than any lefty Government ever would.

Gee the Liberal/ National Government is so bad and mean yet it has won the last three elections.

Imagine how bad the opposition party must be then.
We don't need the technology , we have Alan Jones to tell us everything about climate change...lol.

He actually does his research unlike most. He has had many discussions with Scientists on his program.

Unlike that woman from the newspaper on Q & A last night which he embarrassed. She couldn’t even answer a basic question on the subject yet she was so convinced that Australia can change the climate.

I call them Climate Change Robots who have been brainwashed and just follow hysteria on the subject.

Anyway she had her 1 hour of fame on TV.
The different aspects are measurable, and the analytical and statistical tests are proven across many fields,for many years Complex ,sure.... that is one reason the word "Consensus " is important But hey if you want to ignore what we already know for fifty years go right ahead . Build your house on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Beautiful views, No worries! Worth a fortune in 50 yrs cause only smart guys like you will be doing that.
Wait for Quantum Computing! LOL!
Yes , they can take a ruler out every day, & measure. When Qantum computing arrives, independent scientists will have access to real time data, measured every second, from every conceivable location. & that is the minium required, to make any sort of analysis remotely worthwhile.
The only way that can be achieved, is with qantum computing.
Instead of raising taxes to fight off something that cant be currently anlyslised, they should be raising research funds for qantum computing , to prove the flat earthers like me wrong. But hang on, what if it doesn't!!
Next socialist agenda please!
Yes , they can take a ruler out every day, & measure. When Qantum computing arrives, independent scientists will have access to real time data, measured every second, from every conceivable location. & that is the minium required, to make any sort of analysis remotely worthwhile.
The only way that can be achieved, is with qantum computing.
Instead of raising taxes to fight off something that cant be currently anlyslised, they should be raising research funds for qantum computing , to prove the flat earthers like me wrong. But hang on, what if it doesn't!!
Next socialist agenda please!
Lol .. Yep you sure can measure how high the water has risen with a ruler and how much of your backyard has fallen into the sea with a tape measure but better wait till you get a quantum computer before you decide if your house is going to fall into the sea.. That makes sense ! LOL! We knew a lot about atoms and molecules and forces involved in them long before we could look at them with Electron microscopes or measure speeds,and energy with Hadron accelerator or whatever its called We used that (Pre acurately individually measured but Scientifically studied through Hypothesis ,Theory and experiments and analysis of Data gathered .)( information to predict their behavior and use it in many many modern applicatiopns . Did you not know that? We certainly cant acurately predict where or when next Hail storm will hit (two hit my farm this year) But if we wait for your Quantum computers to realise whats already staring us in the face it will be too late .. But I repeat if you dont beleive in Global warming , build a house on the beach thats been there for thousands of yrs . When your Quantum computer is here and tells us its all a hoax its value will Skyrocket..Its a certainty . Nothings free so when you cash in I'll take 10% for the advice
Alan Jones' discussions with Scientists lol . Really! You and Defer to Reefer should Form a comedy Duo. I've heard him lapping up all the Scientific evidence to put with his Anecdotal evidence for Dangers of Fraking when it threatened some of his Mates properties..Ive heard him grovelling to the "well paid experts ,working for oil companies or mineral exploration company experts who have a vested interests to protect.. I Dont listen to him that much cause hes an idiot,But if he has spoken to any legitamate scientists about Global warming neither he or his rusted on listeners would have understood what they were saying anymore than you would.
Alan Jones' discussions with Scientists lol . Really! You and Defer to Reefer should Form a comedy Duo. I've heard him lapping up all the Scientific evidence to put with his Anecdotal evidence for Dangers of Fraking when it threatened some of his Mates properties..Ive heard him grovelling to the "well paid experts ,working for oil companies or mineral exploration company experts who have a vested interests to protect.. I Dont listen to him that much cause hes an idiot,But if he has spoken to any legitamate scientists about Global warming neither he or his rusted on listeners would have understood what they were saying anymore than you would.

He’s no idiot. The complete opposite actually. No one has come anywhere near his ratings for decades. Do you think an idiot would be doing that you bloody fool. You should listen to him but make sure your ears are wide open so you fill your empty brain cells with the good oil.

Stop following losers like Shorten, Bowen, etc. that are more suited to be used car salesman than representatives of the people. They don’t care who they hurt, who they ruin, who they run over the top of to implement their socialist ideology that is now resembling communist ways to pay off the Greens for their support.

It was revealed today if we had first past the post election system like they have in England the Liberals would have won 89 seats. The Labor Party primary vote is that low now.

If you lefties are crying because you have another 3 years of Coalition rule let me give you the bad news you won’t be winning the next election either. The gap between the two parties only got wider and already it seems Labor hasn’t excepted their policies were poison. But what would you expect from a bunch of dumb farkers who don’t know what’s life in the real world.
Haha .Thanks for proving you cant even follow an argument , I wouldnt vote for Shorten or Bowen or "follow "them and have never said anything to indicate I would . They are morons and Jones is a moron just like abbot.Sure they work hard and research (find things to support their already biased views and ignore the rest) They do more to help socialist cause than Shorten does ,because If Australia does not start a more serious conversion to environmental friendly g and sustainable energy sources We will be left so far behind the rest of the western world loony lefts will soon have plenty of ammunition .Ratings ? He has a talent for saying what a lot of people want to hear . Doesn't make it true OR smart.. As far as rightwing left wing stuff goes If right wing means people that work harder and make sacrifices to get ahead should be justly rewarded and People that dont and make dumb decisions need to be responsible for their own situations .... Well if thats what you mean by Right wing Im more right wing than you , or Jones or Abbot, or defer or ...Clive palmer or.... I dont know you name someone who doesnt blame their problems on others always pays their own way ,doesnt ask for Govt handouts,has enough brains to distinguish relevent facts from non-secateurs and ad hominens that are the tools of your heros etc.... Dick Smith comes to mind,, Turnbull comes to mind , but none of the neanderthalls you grovell to are true to right wing ideals
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He actually does his research unlike most. He has had many discussions with Scientists on his program.

Unlike that woman from the newspaper on Q & A last night which he embarrassed. She couldn’t even answer a basic question on the subject yet she was so convinced that Australia can change the climate.

I call them Climate Change Robots who have been brainwashed and just follow hysteria on the subject.

Anyway she had her 1 hour of fame on TV.
This explains everything DS has said in this thread.
Hes an Alan Jones listener.

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