I’m glad they’re citing walking three abreast as an issue, multiple times I’ve been out for a daily walk/jog and ended up in the gutter/road trying to maintain distance from people coming the other way walking abreast and taking up most of the pavement without the courtesy or self awareness to move into single file while passing me. If people were more sensible government wouldn’t have to spell this stuff out.
You should've been here two weeks ago, it was thickos all over place, no one 'getting it' in regard to keeping a safe distance from others.
Believe me, things have gotten better.
Our work has put up big 'piss-off' screens to keep the thickos off us, who are sort of left to fight it out amongst themselves now. We estimate (and this is Australia in general) that 20-30 percent of the population still refuse to play ball with the social distancing and I see that at work and on the street.
A few anecdotes,
1) an older gent, who kept creeping up on a woman in line, who kept telling him to back the hell up. She ended up in tears. I had to play both security guard and counsellor.
2) This mum, who thought it was amusing that her hyper young son tried to climb up and stick his head through the hole in our new screens and say 'hello man! Hello man! Hello man!' I told him, in nice words, to 'back the hell away, kid' and he ran off, fell on the ground in a ball with his head in his hands and started bawling. Mum said 'sorry, his emotions are all over the place at the moment'. Well, mum, there's signs up now enforcing the social-distancing, which includes emotionally unpredictable kids.
3) Two young joggers thinking (or not thinking, probably) it was OK to run right in front of this 70 year old woman, as she waited at the curb, ready to cross the road. It was windy too, and the direction was towards her. They should've mounted the footpath and run behind her, which would've given her two metres of space easily, as it was she got about two feet. She was waiting at the curb before the joggers decided to turn around and head back her way, so it's not like she was at fault.