What really concerns me is our record of intercepting cases at our border.
It appears a carrier can host the virus for 7 days before showing signs of illness or fever.
The one fatality we have reported to hospital where she was treated for flu prior to dying.
If she wasn't correctly diagnosed at a hospital what chance of being identified at an entry point?
Philip, your point about borders being shut till vaccines are here is concerning in light of the likelihood that won't happen for 18-24 months.
I think this lockdown is going to take far longer than a month.
Hope Lion is safe and well.
I suspect there might be an option of some form of immunity certificate proving you are immune, it would have to be linked to your passport as could be easily forged so you can prove you won't spread it. But vaccine most likely time boarders open to those vaccinated. Possibly like a yellow fever certificate (needed to enter certain countries in Africa).
Winter is the real test for the southern hemisphere.
Get your flu vaccine (had mine yesterday) it takes around 2 weeks to kick in. (Immune system responses and memory storage)
Not sure if NZ has the boosted version for over 65yrs? Only from your Dr in Aussie, pharmacist have the standard quadrivalent vaccine.
Some interesting new powers for Aussie pharmacist.
Can provide ongoing medication (with proof) without a prescription if you can't see a doctor.
Can change drug strength if out of stock without having to call the prescriber.
Complete lockdown is pointless with asymptomatic patients walking around in essential jobs. Unless the curve is out of control. Any measures take 2 weeks to show results.