I would add one caveat to the discussion about who is doing what in New Zealand's response to the pandemic.
In functional real time and day to day decisons the Science bodies from the Director General and the head of Civil defence down are running the country (It's an invisible concession of power from elected officials to experts in the public service where the unique conditions of a state of emergency have ended up seeing these advisors make recommendations that the government due to the circumstance and risk are compelled to follow).
All kinds of interesting things spring into action including special powers granted under the state of emergency which are designed to cut through normal parliamentary and court process's to enable the Govt to act swiftly on these recommendations, in other words if there isn't a law to support a given proposal the government can essentially write one on the spot.
We are leading the world in this regard by appointing a parliamentary committee headed by the leader of the opposition specifically acting as a watchdog for the pandemic response. We are unique in the west for having chosen a body populated largely by the opposition.
When Adern was asked after a state of emergency, who is running the country, she replied along the lines of, we both have roles in leading the country (she was referring to the head of civil defence).
But the lockdown and the nuts and bolts of it are at the recommendation of Doctor Bloomfield.
Of course as with other countries Political leaders have the choice to ignore the recommendations, but that's not what is happening in New Zealand, the parliament are using their power to follow the leadership through directives coming from the Scientific body.
To lock up most of the population you can assume the Science is exercising more power than any other body has in our history on home soil, more than our military.
Level three we are told by Jacinda Adern is being rolled out in a all embracing acceptance of a written report by Doctor Bloomfield.
Interesting times.
Quite honestly for all Aderns faults I think without her we would have been placed in harms way.
As for us being an island, dont forget the United Kingdom geographically similar. They have in the past during world wars shown with strong leadership they are well capable culturally of closing their countries down.
Singapore is the one to compare with, an initial excellent response, now in a worrying second wave of infections, if New Zealand beats Singapores response to this thing then yes we are world beaters.
Singapore was geared up for this thanks to previous pandemics, we were not.
If we make good decisions and stay with low cases then we are the leaders in this thing (along side Australia at this stage). The virus was everywhere in New Zealand and right on the cusp of getting completely out of control.