The coach is an idiot and annoying. His comments post game is that of a child blaming everyone else for dropping his ice cream.
Absolutely. Compare that with Fitz's pre-game interview this week.
When asked about the frustration of Nicho being ruled out, his response was something like "I don't see it as a frustration. I see it as an opportunity for Braydon Trindall. He gets his chance to show what he can do".
AOB: "We were down to 12 men for a second time when for some reason they pull Kurt Mann behind the dead-ball line and the Warriors score off the back of that".
Err, yeah. The defense didn't even last one tackle in that scenario.
What messages are they sending their respective playing groups?
Fitz: Shit happens. Get on with it.
AOB: merkins! This is bullshite! They're out to get us!