I'd imagine you will appreciate this Quigs...
My mate is a serial writer to the comments section of the tele. The most right wing farkwit you will ever meet. All his comments are how women should stay in the home, about Juliar (haha what a funny play on words) or how Dr No is the best.
So I would send in comments all the time, but News Ltd don't like publishing normal peoples comments, so I've had to write satirical comments for them to be published, such as
So my mate (david) posts this on my fb wall this morning
along with "my mate Alan liked this so much he read it on air this morning". I can't confirm or deny, as I don't listen to that farkwit, but I'll take his word on it.
However, the best part is.... for all his worship of Dr No, my mate David is a pillow biter. So he's in a hard place at the moment. Wonder what Alan thinks of Gay marriage. He's probably secretly hoping they legalise meeting other blokes in public toilets.