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Parra Future / 3P - Move on


There is absolutely no speculation Gronk, Col stepped back because I asked him too. We had long discussions last week, and Col agreed on every point I put to him. The hours put in for his senior management position, and what he was trying to acheive for 3P shows the measure of the bloke, but something was going to give. You cannot perform at any level without sleep, and the weekends were being spent catching up up on his work committments. Col's passion for this joint is second to none, but he had to make a decision, and I made it for him, as his family and his health are the number one factors in why I asked him to step back. Col is 32 years old and will without a doubt be involved in the future, but for the time being we will discuss matters as we have over the weekend and today, and will continue to up to the election. I know Col has some dissappointment, but I made the decision, and I will take the responsibility. Finally Gronk, Col's beautiful wife Kristy has supported Col from day one on this, but even supportive wives have the right to get the sh*ts occassionally, even though we dont deserve it. I am guilty as charge for bringing this decision to Col, but please admire and respect his decision.

Thanks Terry, extremely decent of you to go into so much detail that was not necessary other then to stop certain rude and ungrateful posters from making endless and unfounded speculations till the cows come home.

Col a very big thanks for all your work and effort in trying to turn Parra around from the brink. Most people, I think, have valued your informative posts and will miss your almost daily updates in keeping us all in the loop and up to date on proceedings. Thank you once again and best wishes from me.

Gronk, I just want to say, you're a numb nut fool.
Thanks Terry, extremely decent of you to go into so much detail that was not necessary other then to stop certain rude and ungrateful posters from making endless and unfounded speculations till the cows come home.

Col a very big thanks for all your work and effort in trying to turn Parra around from the brink. Most people, I think, have valued your informative posts and will miss your almost daily updates in keeping us all in the loop and up to date on proceedings. Thank you once again and best wishes from me.

Gronk, I just want to say, you're a numb nut fool.



Thanks Terry, extremely decent of you to go into so much detail that was not necessary other then to stop certain rude and ungrateful posters from making endless and unfounded speculations till the cows come home.

Col a very big thanks for all your work and effort in trying to turn Parra around from the brink. Most people, I think, have valued your informative posts and will miss your almost daily updates in keeping us all in the loop and up to date on proceedings. Thank you once again and best wishes from me.

Gronk, I just want to say, you're a numb nut fool.
Agree in total


I don't understand what you find funny about that Mark. Personally I don't find the position the club has gotten itself into the least bit funny.
And most of us here consider the fact you don't worry about such things a rather bigger concern.


Tut tut tut, Suity. Who says I don't worry about such things, I am concerned as the next man, but I am not that ignorant to think that

1) That we are in dire straights just yet.
2) That many things have been done over the last few years to try to turn it around, indeed with positive results year on year.


I find it funny that people on here think a 3.3 Million Dollar operating loss is the end of the world.

Well, in isolation it's not the end of the world. But when it looks like it will become a reccurring thing and there seems to be very little being done about it besides pinning all our hopes on a lost cause then I'd say it's still not the end of the world, but it could very well be one of the steps along the way.

Pesonally, I find that extremely worrying.
Well, in isolation it's not the end of the world. But when it looks like it will become a reccurring thing and there seems to be very little being done about it besides pinning all our hopes on a lost cause then I'd say it's still not the end of the world, but it could very well be one of the steps along the way.

Pesonally, I find that extremely worrying.

See i'd like to see you prove that. Any of it accutally.


Post Whore
Tut tut tut, Suity. Who says I don't worry about such things, I am concerned as the next man, but I am not that ignorant to think that

1) That we are in dire straights just yet.
2) That many things have been done over the last few years to try to turn it around, indeed with positive results year on year.

Still, if you think a $3.3 million loss - (nice sweetener MITS - I swear the Leagues club announced a $7.8 mill loss) is something to laugh at, well.....

Still, if you think a $3.3 million loss - (nice sweetener MITS - I swear the Leagues club announced a $7.8 mill loss) is something to laugh at, well.....


Oh once again the standard Suity ploy, start arguing about your argument and not the one at hand.

I wasn't laughing at the loss, indeed as I said, I was concerned, but as I said I was laughing at Ram's ignorance with his statement that the club is at the brink.
Tut tut tut MITS.


Well Suity, I have had posts removed in this argument, for speculating on how something came to pass. Indeed I see the above as speculating, or at worse a base lie. NOTHING has been done? Nothing at all? No changes made what so ever over the last 5 years? I am quite sure we saw some articles about that where things were being changes.


See i'd like to see you prove that. Any of it accutally.
I'm not sure what you want me to prove????

That very little seems to be being done about it besides pinning our hopes on a lost cause???????
Well clearly I can't prove it, just as you can't prove i'm wrong, however you will not I used the word "seems". It appears from the outside that the club is hoping that the Pokie Tax will be either reduced or overturned. Clearly not going to happen.

What else are they doing???
Well it SEEMS not a great deal at all to me.


See i'd like to see you prove that. Any of it accutally.
Actually, he's not looking for votes so he doesn't need to prove anything, as current directors are looking for votes then the onus is on them to disprove, or allay, his concerns (and the concerns of many others) if they hope to get our votes.

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