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People You Want To Hurt. A lot.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
- Bulldog Force

- people who stand in front of lift doors with prams and strollers. Make some f**king space so I can get off - in order for you to get on. Impatient pr!cks.

- people who think putting a sticker saying "Country Driver" on their car is a free pass to using the far right lane of a 110km/h freeway at just 90km/h.

- people who drive 10km/h or more beneath the limit. If the weather's fine on a 90km/h road, what's your problem? Pay attention.

- people who tailgate you when you're already speeding. The biggest laugh though comes when they take the same exit as you and you end up back behind them anyway.

- people who stop in shopping centres and chat in walkways. 3 more steps to the side would avoid the problem. Also, people who can't walk in a straight line in a shopping centre, and people who walk wide of each other so you can't get past. Have some courtesy.

- Japanese and Chinese people who encroach on personal space. I understand your populations are condensed into much smaller areas, but get out of my face.

- my local Westfield for having no trolley bays in the roof car park. You wonder why trolleys are rolling around everywhere? WAKE UP!

- emo/teenage gangs at shopping centres on Thursday night. You can't think of anywhere cooler to hang out in your obscenely coloured fashions?

- people who use the Mariners as a reason why the Central Coast should not get an NRL team.

- people who use the Nthn Eagles as a reason why the Central Coast should not get an NRL team.

- Malcolm Turnbull. You're the leader of the Liberal party - the OPPOSITION. When something is being introduced that will impact the people of this country greatly and you think the government is doing something wrong, show some balls and do something about it. Turns out you agree with the government though... I'd suggest you f**k off and join Labor. Someone's got to oppose this rubbish ETS, it's clearly not going to be you.

- Climate change fanatics. I refuse to believe science where there isn't even a consensus and facts about it aren't conclusive. I strongly believe we should be doing something about helping our environment, I don't for a moment think contiuning to burn fossil fuels is going to help us - but global warming... no, climate change... no, what's it called now... crock of sh*t :x

- that brings me to this ETS. Call me simplistic but it looks to me like the average Joe is going to be taxed, pay higher bills etc etc etc - and then that slush fund will go to big corporations as some sort of ridiculous incentive to get them to "go greener". Ridiculous. Kevin Rudd, you're an idiot.

I'm sure I've got more but I felt like a rant :)


people who get on the train before people are done getting off, there is a reason you're supposed to wait for everyone to allight before you board:fist:

Johns Magic

- people who stop in shopping centres and chat in walkways. 3 more steps to the side would avoid the problem. Also, people who can't walk in a straight line in a shopping centre, and people who walk wide of each other so you can't get past. Have some courtesy.

Let's be honest...Asians.

Everytime you try and get off a train they're standing outside as the doors open trying to push on before you can get off.

They walk ridiculously f**king slow, 3 or 4 abreast laughing between themselves in their own little conversation on footpaths so you can't get past.

Going to uni is a nightmare. I used to just let the rage build up and find a way of getting around them, but now I just push through them and make sure to give them a good shove if they're blatantly being obstructive.

Tom Ace

• Kyle Sandilands
• Clive Palmer
• Anthony Mundine
• Chris Walker
• Serena Williams
• Corey Payne
• Andrew O'Keefe
• Wil Anderson
• Dools and Linda
• Rafael Nadal
• People who go to Hillsong
• People who blindly follow religion and rationalize it, when you point out the stupidity and complete inaccuracy of it, by claiming "you have to have faith"
• People who use the term "lol"
• Smokers
• Over confident fat people
• Any person over 65 that I don't know
• People that defend womens sports
• People that whinge about needing a morning coffee to function properly
• People that "do breakfast"
• Blonde Melbourne reporter on Fox Sports News
• People that wear flouro
• Daryl Sommers
• Brad McEwen and his awkward comments to Sandra Sully
• Russell Crowe
• Andrew Demetriou
• David Koch

That's just the beginning.


• Over confident fat people
I have no problem with fat people having confidence, I have a problem with fat pride and anyone who advocates it, being fat is a bad thing and often a serious health problem, you should not have pride for your health problem, you should want to fix it:fist:


Andrew Hilditch and the Australian cricket selectors, I don't even support Australia in the cricket, but their stupidity and cluelessness really piss me off


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
• Kyle Sandilands
• Clive Palmer
• Anthony Mundine
• Serena Williams
• Andrew O'Keefe
• People who go to Hillsong
• People who blindly follow religion and rationalize it, when you point out the stupidity and complete inaccuracy of it, by claiming "you have to have faith"
• Smokers
• Over confident fat people
• Any person over 65 that I don't know
• David Koch
Agree with the above out of your post.

Sandilands is just an out-and-out f**kwit, even if he is putting it on.

Clive Palmer is one of the dumbest football club owners I've ever heard of.

Anthony Mundine's self-importance and idiocy defies words.

Serena Williams should be banned from tennis, permanently.

Andrew O'Keefe is a dope. He's not loveable at all, f**k him off. Faker than a Britney Spears live performance.

Hillsong is f**ked. Brainwashing, borderline cult.

Couldn't agree more on the Religion thing. Although when you call them out on something, you kinda feel bad for shattering their illusions :lol:

Smokers can GAGF :x

Over confident fat people - in particular women and men who don't dress appropriately to their size. If I wanted to see under your top, I would ask you. Put it away.

Old people... couldn't agree more either. Most can't drive or walk properly. Onto the bus!

David Koch, and hell, Mel Doyle as well. Worst morning television presenters... apart from Andrew O'Keefe. :lol:

Let's be honest...Asians.

I was trying to not be too racist, but yes :lol: