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Police harassed me: El Masri


First Grade
fatshark said:
It is different down here. For one,NSW is not a Police state like QLD and the Police are far less brutal than VIC. Some of QLDS laws are a joke to peoples freedom.
Police don't have the phone tapping powers up here they have in every other state, so where's you're evidence Qld is a Police State? No, didn't think so.

fatshark said:
You dont have to show ID unless arrested, or driving a car.
..or on public transport, or suspected of having just committed an offence, or suspected of being about to, or being a witness to an indictable offence. Pretty much identical to the Sunshine State. Pardon me, your ignorance is showing.


He did play tonite, complete with special jersey commemorating his 250 games im assuming.

I think he should find himself another manager, this doesnt sound like El Masris go at all....to me its an opportunistic manager playing the victim card for god knows what reason, one possibility being as someones mentioned, he has recently released a book, as far fetched as that may seem. Managers ARE known to be greedy occasionally.

I'm willing to bet we never hear why they think it was a racially based thing, mainly because it wasnt, I may be wrong but I doubt it.


Kilkenny said:
Is this same El Masri who declined to provide a DNA sample after the Coffs Harbour incident a couple of years back. He was probably complying with his legal rights on that occasion, but if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear?

The Police make a request for El Masri to produce ID and he apparently declines to do so. Again there may not have been any legal requirement for him to do so but you have to ask the question........................?

This great country bends over backwards to accomodate our multicultural society and the bleatings of certain minorities smacks of reverse discrimination against the greater majority of citizens of all colours and races of this wonderful country.

Grow up El Masri! Produce some ID and I'm sure when the Police confirm your identity and the fact you are obviously a law abiding member of society they will apologise for any inconvenience and be on there way!

I completely agree on point 2.3.4.
Especially the 'accommodate our multicultural society' part.

I can understand not wanting to associate himself with the alleged rape and all that.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Yes, I apologise to Saab, I thought he was a Qlder, going for the Broncos and Qld. I did not realise he just had zero loyality, perhaps he will go for NZ next year.

Fortunetly there are those who fight for our rights.

Unfortunetly there are those who would give them up without thinking twice about it.

But hey they do not have to worry, people with real minds will think for them, they have the government after all, to think for them.

Big brother is there for you sheep.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Ant said:
Mr Angry if you think you are leading the good fight by saying no one show those dirty cops your ID, they don't have the right, then you keep your highly righteous crusade. While you are at draw us up a bill of rights, so we can all bare arms and please sue anybody who looks at you funny, breathes on you with Garlic breath or makes fun of you for wearing a pink shirt.
Great NIC for the likes of you. Are you the work ant or the soldier ant?

USSR failed commrade.

Yes you are correct I will fight to death believeing the state does not own individual, the individuals of the state own the state.

drone said:
Because your rights are number one and you should be allowed to do whatever you please
No, but I should be able to sit on a bench without being harrassed by a government official. If I have done nothing wrong why are they even speaking to me?

Give up your rights and move to Iran.


Mr Angry said:
Yes, I apologise to Saab, I thought he was a Qlder, going for the Broncos and Qld. I did not realise he just had zero loyality, perhaps he will go for NZ next year.

Fortunetly there are those who fight for our rights.

Unfortunetly there are those who would give them up without thinking twice about it.

But hey they do not have to worry, people with real minds will think for them, they have the government after all, to think for them.

Big brother is there for you sheep.

Get a grip bud, people with real minds...like you?
You...comparing this to Nazi Germany. :lol:

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
You are a well estasblished facsist ink.....no suprise you would support this. You know best after all.

Are you suggesting nazi germany did not ask people for their papers?

Are you suggesting nazi germany did not brand people?


I've just grown up mate, I was a lot like you once, fighting everything and everyone. You'll see.
Fascist ...LOL,nup, just ditched the bowl n bong.

Nazi germany gassed millions, are YOU suggesting THIS is comparable?
They werent even arrested.


Mr Angry said:
No, but I should be able to sit on a bench without being harrassed by a government official. If I have done nothing wrong why are they even speaking to me?
And if you had done something wrong,or their was suspicion you had done wrong, i would want the police to do their job.
Even if it meant an inconvenient couple of minutes..theres no denying that the world has changed since 9/11 and unfortunately that means extra vigilance..would YOU want a bomb detonated in your workplace/home etc because the police were worried about detaining someone acting suss (as el masri was) and upsetting their civil liberties?
As has been repeated in this thread,if your not guilty,whats the big deal?
El-Masri goes on about all the charity work he does and the example he sets,this latest example says he is above the law.
(Either because of his background,or his club.)


TITAN1 said:
And if you had done something wrong,or their was suspicion you had done wrong, i would want the police to do their job.
Even if it meant an inconvenient couple of minutes..theres no denying that the world has changed since 9/11 and unfortunately that means extra vigilance..would YOU want a bomb detonated in your workplace/home etc because the police were worried about detaining someone acting suss (as el masri was) and upsetting their civil liberties?
As has been repeated in this thread,if your not guilty,whats the big deal?
El-Masri goes on about all the charity work he does and the example he sets,this latest example says he is above the law.
(Either because of his background,or his club.)

Some peoples civil liberties and their moral rights, their lifestyles if you will make the cops a...shall we say, an occupational hazard and themselves somewhat 'guilty' as todays law stands....aint that right Mr aggro

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
innsaneink said:
I've just grown up mate, I was a lot like you once, fighting everything and everyone. You'll see.
Fascist ...LOL,nup, just ditched the bowl n bong.
lol yet now you would put your self in gaol for years for the same thing, imagine my suprise.

FTR I have 19 year old son, I would fight for his rights too, you're obviously one those old and bitter carrnnts, who knows better than everyone else and should tell them what to do. It is OK ink, the world does suck, fascist carrnnts are eveywhere.

And no ink I do not put myself in the class as
Martin Luther
Rosa Parks
Nelson Mandela
Abraham Lincoln

They are the greats who fought against the states right own the individual.
innsaneink said:
Nazi germany gassed millions, are YOU suggesting THIS is comparable?
Incapable of answering a question, geez I am in shock.

No I am comparing it too the nazis asking people for thier papers.
innsaneink said:
They werent even arrested.
that is the point ink, there where not charged for not "producing their ID"

But still you think they should have.


Mr Angry said:
lol yet now you would put your self in gaol for years for the same thing, imagine my suprise.

FTR I have 19 year old son, I would fight for his rights too, you're obviously one those old and bitter carrnnts, who knows better than everyone else and should tell them what to do. It is OK ink, the world does suck, fascist carrnnts are eveywhere.

And no ink I do not put myself in the class as
Martin Luther
Rosa Parks
Nelson Mandela
Abraham Lincoln

They are the greats who fought against the states right own the individual.
Incapable of answering a question, geez I am in shock.

No I am comparing it too the nazis asking people for thier papers.
that is the point ink, there where not charged for not "producing their ID"

But still you think they should have.

Do I?
Please show where.

Youre obviously off in youre own hazy world, Too much hard work carrying on a straight convo...I'll leave you to it.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
innsaneink said:
Youre obviously off in youre own hazy world, Too much hard work carrying on a straight convo...I'll leave you to it.
Perhaps you should arrest me, and no I am simply watching cricket, do not answer any questions now ink.


Actually no.....I havent really made a point on the ID either way here....I just think your comparing it to nazi germany is stretching it a tad too far...my main beef is Houda and El Masri claiming it to be racial.

as an aside though, some people dont see the cops as the enemy, dont see being asked for ID as a breach of their rights, most people I'd say, and are quite happy to CO -OPERATE with them in their duties....but I guess theyre all sheep,eh?


Mr Angry said:
And again I will ask what is the charge that I may or may not be guilty off?
I wouldnt know,you dont exactly have it printed across your shirt in big letters..:sarcasm:
This might sound unbelievable and crazy,but sometimes the police have to judge a situation on what they see/hear and act accordingly...