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Police harassed me: El Masri


Willow said:
So presumably this means you are retracting your earlier comments?

Such as:

"He broke the law by refusing to show ID."

No, because if a policeman asks for ID and you refuse, it is an offence. You don't have to have ID on yourself, but that doesn't excuse you from not having to identify yourself to them.

If a policeman asks for ID, I am presuming they have satisified the requirements for requesting it.

I have showed you where they can force you to provide ID under certain circumstances. You have not shown me where they don't have to provide it under those same circumstances.

2 True Blues

All the losers !!! Who actually would suggest that this incident is in any way racially motivated. Wake up and get a fricken life. Any clearer for you ???


Assistant Moderator
CharlieF said:
No, because if a policeman asks for ID and you refuse, it is an offence. You don't have to have ID on yourself, but that doesn't excuse you from not having to identify yourself to them.

If a policeman asks for ID, I am presuming they have satisified the requirements for requesting it.

I have showed you where they can force you to provide ID under certain circumstances. You have not shown me where they don't have to provide it under those same circumstances.
From the link you provided, the document says that you don't always have to identify yourself to police.

It therefore not against the law.

You specifically said: "He broke the law by refusing to show ID."

Your idiots guide to the law proves you wrong on that point alone.

Its already established that police have to have good reason to find out your identiity. If they can't provide a good reason, then you not breaking any laws by refusing to show ID.


Assistant Moderator
2 True Blues said:
All the losers !!! Who actually would suggest that this incident is in any way racially motivated. Wake up and get a fricken life. Any clearer for you ???
Hung over?


Willow said:
From the link you provided, the document says that you don't always have to identify yourself to police.

It therefore not against the law.

You specifically said: "He broke the law by refusing to show ID."

Your idiots guide to the law proves you wrong on that point alone.

Its already established that police have to have good reason to find out your identiity. If they can't provide a good reason, then you not breaking any laws by refusing to show ID.

-They had good reason.
-ID was requested by police.
- ID was refused.
-Offence committed.

Maybe police treat the offense like they do jaywalking, but it is none the less an offence.

People still have plenty of individual freedoms and its very much because of these rules not contrary to them.


Moffo found this;-

The ‘Access Card’ proposal, as announced by the Australian Government in April 2006, is to introduce a new card to replace a number of existing cards, including the Medicare card and various benefit cards issued by Centrelink and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Those agencies currently run separate programs. This proposal would break down the vital privacy protections that are inherent in separate schemes.

The Government proposes to use a ‘smart card’, meaning there would be a computer chip inside the card, and special card-readers would need to be installed by any person or organisation wanting to read the information from the chip. In addition, some information would be clearly visible on the face and back of the card.

But the crux of the proposal is the creation of a unique identification number for every Australian, combined with the imposition of a new concept called a person's 'official name' or 'legal name'.

And not only would personal data be held on the card and be accessible at readers throughout the country, but that and even more information would also be held on a national population database to be created by the Department of Human Services.

There is to be a "rigorous" (i.e. intrusive and onerous) registration process, requiring every adult in Australia to prove who they are to a government authority.

This is a proposal to establish a National Identification Scheme.

The APF opposes it, and urges all Australians to oppose it.



Assistant Moderator
CharlieF said:
-They had good reason.
I must have missed that in the media reports. What reason did the police give to El Masri charlie?

When you find out, might be an idea to let the acting assistant commissioner know.

""I don't know exactly how many people attended and whether additional police were called to attend and for what reason."
- Acting assistant commissioner Frank Mennilli

Was El Masri charged with committing an offence?

2 True Blues

Willow said:
Hung over?

A constant hang over from idiots who WOULD be of the mentality to actually think this incident is racially motivated. But it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Try belonging to one of the smallest groups within society, one with FAR fewer members than the Lebanese community or Aboriginal community have, then you for a moment may begin to understand the true meaning of the words stereotyped, belittled, and being " Racist "not against a race or religion, but against a service. A service whose few members are actually from all walks of life and racial backgronds themselves.

Like I said " Idiots, get a life and wake up "

2 True Blues

:crazy: Next they'll be suggesting that Police will draw a line as to whom they will actually risk their lives for in a shift like they do without hesitation every day and night of the year .

Hang on, I am not going into that burning house cause the kids are Lebanese.

Come On ??? Crazy allegations !!:crazy:


nqboy said:
..or on public transport, or suspected of having just committed an offence, or suspected of being about to, or being a witness to an indictable offence. Pretty much identical to the Sunshine State. Pardon me, your ignorance is showing.

Thats the key point in this whole situation

There the only situations where you are required to show your ID. But Hazem wasnt in any of those situations, so he is entitled to not show his ID

Balmain Bug

[furrycat] said:
Here we go; the resident lawyer comes out of the woodwork.

The police have every right to ask a person for identification on the street and they do not in any way have to explain their reasoning for it to the person they are asking. If the police have reason to believe you have committed or will commit an offence, then they can ask you. Its like how stop and searches can occur... You have nfi what you're talking about and should do a little research before you start lying.

You are 100% wrong.
The police can ask you for your name but you do not have to give it. There is no law that says you must give it. Quote the Act and Section mate.

You have to give it when you have comitted an offence or when you have witnessed a serious indictable offence.

If you are driving then you have to give it. If you are sitting in the street or in a cafe drinking coffee, you do not have to give it. Under LEPRA the police must give you their name.

Not you give them yours.


I think everyones missing the point here.

Its pretty clear in the situation Hazem and his mates were in, its been determined they didnt have to show ID, and they didnt...good for them, where they arrested?


They then take it further and claim racial harrasment, yet still havent told us why its racial despite having several opportunities to do so.


I am absolutely not fussed to read through 300+ posts of arguing....

But Hasem El Masri has the biggest case of "us and them" syndrome of all time.

I've been asked for ID by police plenty of times in my life, not once have i been breaking the law at the time, and not once did I refuse. Basically because in each situation I knew the cop was just doing his or her job. Never carried on like a prized pork chop (or halal lamb chop, as it were) and questioned their motives. Most times after getting whatever misconception the police had of me and my mates we usually have a nice chat to them and end it with a handshake.

As one of the first posters said, build a f**king bridge Haz and deal with it like the rest of us.


Your not a real man in NSW unless the cops have hassled you for nothing..........HEY they do it to everyone they feel like here........Just a whinger ....sometimes footballers think they are so freakin special....welcome to the real world.

gunnamatta bay

2 True Blues said:
:crazy: Next they'll be suggesting that Police will draw a line as to whom they will actually risk their lives for in a shift like they do without hesitation every day and night of the year .

Hang on, I am not going into that burning house cause the kids are Lebanese.

Come On ??? Crazy allegations !!:crazy:

Failure to address the real issue as usual 2TBs.

Here is an irrefutable fact.

There is no law in NSW which compels a citizen going about his or her lawful business to produce identification upon demand by a police officer. No one on this thread has proved otherwise.

Charlie F maintains it is an offence. This is false. The legislation he trotted out is a machinery section of the crimes act which states a police officer MAY request a person's particulars who he has a reasonable belief may be able to assist with an inquiry. There are all sorts of provisos police must abide by listed and a number of acts such as traffic which empower police to demand a drivers licence and place of abode.

But when you are in a public place minding your business/acting within the law the police cannot demand your id and there is nothing they can do if you refuse.

You will never see anyone appear before a Magistrate charged with failing to identify themselves unless it applies to a traffic breach or other laws governing public utilities (public transport) and certain premises (pubs).

The attitude of some posters is astounding. Instead of rejoicing in the fact this is a free and democratic society they want 'jackboot' police methods on the pretext the cops are only doing their job. There is a principle at stake. A precious freedom and we should all be ecstatic we live in this country.

Move to Iran for six months if you don't believe me.