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Police harassed me: El Masri

STEVE R said:
I believe that El Masri beat the story up a bit. He made a big deal of it, when there really was no need to. He is trying to be all upstanding and a 'role model' for the people in his community (good on him), but seriously, does he need to go this far?

If the cops asked me for ID, I'd just show them. Problem solved. I don't feel the need to get on my moral high horse and claim racism.

Just on not having to show ID, does this apply to big dumbarse bouncers at nightclubs?
If they ask to see proof of age, do I have to show them? If so, why can't the cops have the same right to ask for ID ?

yes you have to show the bouncers because it is a licenced premise , it is up to you to prove your age.

this has no connection with the police's rights to ask for ID.


herbert henry1908 said:
yes you have to show the bouncers because it is a licenced premise , it is up to you to prove your age.

this has no connection with the police's rights to ask for ID.

Mate, if people HAVE to show their ID to dodgy bouncers, then why do Police not have the same rights?

Liek I said before, El Masri brought a lot of it on himself. If he just did what any normal citizen would do, and show the cops his ID, there's no problem. ;-)
innsaneink said:
Yeh maybe the cops should be looking on the other side of town. Or QLD.

Theyre damned if they do and damned if they dont.

come on your clutching at straws here.

being a suspect requires some tangible evidence , sitting on a bench doesnt pass that test.

the police had every right to have a chat to Houda and el masri , but asking for ID was over stepping the mark.
STEVE R said:
Mate, if people HAVE to show their ID to dodgy bouncers, then why do Police not have the same rights?

Liek I said before, El Masri brought a lot of it on himself. If he just did what any normal citizen would do, and show the cops his ID, there's no problem. ;-)

because the LAW says so.

dont like it move to IRAN or perhaps Zimbabwe.

Dave Q

The cops first on scene made an assessment and they got it wrong.

And instead of clearing it up and apologising they act stubbornly.

And then they wonder why people are asking questions.

A Public Relations disaster stemming from their conduct.

This is not the first time El Masri has stood up for ordinary people.


herbert henry1908 said:
because the LAW says so.

dont like it move to IRAN or perhaps Zimbabwe.

Nah mate, I'll stay here in Australia. Tthe country where I was born. The country that I love.

I guess you are one of those moral high horse people huh?
Good luck with that.


Dave Q said:
The cops first on scene made an assessment and they got it wrong.

And instead of clearing it up and apologising they act stubbornly.

And then they wonder why people are asking questions.

This is not the first time El Masri has stood up for ordinary people.

Why is it always El Masri standing up for "normal people"?
Why did he play the race card by saying it was racially motivated?
The bloke should stick to what he's paid for (ie, kicking goals for the Bulldogs).


herbert henry1908 said:
because in this instence there was no valid reasoning behind the questioning for ID. Offcourse if they are genuine suspects that is fine.

but just because there have been some robberies in the area doesnt make 3 guys with no other connection than sitting in the same street as some of the robberies suspects.
it could make them suspects. it could also make them witnesses. it could make them anything.

i'm bowing out of this one.. there will be no convincing anyone in this thread and you will all continue to run around in circles until you run out of steam.

have fun.


herbert henry1908 said:
come on your clutching at straws here.

being a suspect requires some tangible evidence , sitting on a bench doesnt pass that test.

the police had every right to have a chat to Houda and el masri , but asking for ID was over stepping the mark.
Wow, asking for ID....talk about an incovenience....and people are calling that female journo from 2GB soft.

They asked for ID.
Hazem and his pals declined to show it.

Were they arrested? Nup.

So whats the frikken problem?

They then turn it around, playing the victim//racial card.

That needs a bit of tangible evidence to accuse someone of a racial attack, a bit more than....
Q. "Why do you think it was racial vilification, Hazem?"
A."Well, what else can it be?"

Theyre clutching at straws.


perverse said:
it could make them suspects. it could also make them witnesses. it could make them anything.

i'm bowing out of this one.. there will be no convincing anyone in this thread and you will all continue to run around in circles until you run out of steam.

have fun.

It doesn't matter anyway mate.
I'm right! :crazy:


The police were entitled to ask for ID.

Hasim and Houda were entitled to decline.

If the police could assert reasonable cause they could have demanded ID, or arrested the "suspects'.

Instead they attempted to intimidate them by repeatedly calling for backup until 9 officers were present.

No charges were laid, which suggests that at some stage the cops realised they had stuffed up.

I agree though that no one was really injured and it's not a huge deal. Let's face it, truly corrupt police would have arrested them or beat the crap out of them, or done both then planted a kilo of coke on them.

But the fact is, the cops erred in piling officers out there when the citizens asserted their legal right. there was an element of harassment in that, as the citizens had done nothing wrong.

They also embarrassed themselves by failing to recognize a prominent criminal lawyer and an international sportsman who performs charity work for police causes.

But I agree - no one got killed and a simple apology from the cops would dispose of the issue.

But El Masri and houda did nothing wrong.


Bigfella said:
Instead they attempted to intimidate them by repeatedly calling for backup until 9 officers were present.

But the fact is, the cops erred in piling officers out there when the citizens asserted their legal right. there was an element of harassment in that, as the citizens had done nothing wrong.

Did the Police concerned call for 9 Officers as back up? Or did they call for the assistance of another unit, and 9 more cops turned up?


STEVE R said:
I believe that El Masri beat the story up a bit. He made a big deal of it, when there really was no need to. He is trying to be all upstanding and a 'role model' for the people in his community (good on him), but seriously, does he need to go this far?

If the cops asked me for ID, I'd just show them. Problem solved. I don't feel the need to get on my moral high horse and claim racism.

Just on not having to show ID, does this apply to big dumbarse bouncers at nightclubs?
If they ask to see proof of age, do I have to show them? If so, why can't the cops have the same right to ask for ID ?

EXACTLY Well said


Dave Q

STEVE R said:
Why is it always El Masri standing up for "normal people"?
Why did he play the race card by saying it was racially motivated?
The bloke should stick to what he's paid for (ie, kicking goals for the Bulldogs).[/quote]

So El Magic cant go out and have a coffee with his mate? May as well be in gaol.

I am sure that El Magic and Houds would support anybody in their situation not just those of middle eastern appearance.

I reckon the the cops should stick to what they are paid to do and so do the cops I know.

If they wont give him and Houds an apology, then they are entitled to ask a court to determine whether they are owed one.

They are not a law unto themselves, they are entirely accountable to the citizens they are supposed to be serving.

You'd be hard pressed finding a better model citizen than El Magic.


Dave Q said:
I am sure that El Magic and Houds would support anybody in their situation not just those of middle eastern appearance..
I think not, if that were truly the case there would be no claims of racial discrimination, rather they would just be demanding their rights of privacy as normal citizens.


CrazyEel said:
I think not, if that were truly the case there would be no claims of racial discrimination, rather they would just be demanding their rights of privacy as normal citizens.

I was just thinking the same thing.........but you beat me to it.
Can someone start a poll on this thread...would you show i.d. or not ???...this is the onl;y way we will get a consensus ??.

Dave Q

So now they cant express themselves freely?

In case you didnt know, we are not living North Korea.

Dave Q

kia ora storm said:
Can someone start a poll on this thread...would you show i.d. or not ???...this is the onl;y way we will get a consensus ??.

You wont get a consensus but try this:

Q: Do you believe people should be considered innocent until found guilty?

a: Yes


b: I am an idiot.