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Poll on NRL fan safety

Do games involving the Bulldogs pose a greater threat to your personal safety?

  • Yes

    Votes: 62 78.5%
  • No

    Votes: 17 21.5%

  • Total voters


I'm interested to see if their is a general opinion amongst NRL fans regarding their safety (or otherwise) when it comes to games involving the Bulldogs.

It's for a research project.


Post Whore
Heck no! I will NEVER and I mean NEVER go to a dogs game since I copped personal abuse when i was 14. Never will go to a dogs game again!


Went to dogs game last year at telstra apart from a few delinquents with drums hassling us to the bus we didnt have any problems.

Kurt Angle

First Grade
As I have white skin, I have encountered racial abuse from many Bulldogs fans at every game I attended between 1990 and 1998.

There is a group of Bulldogs fans, despite being labbeled a "tiny minority", who all share the same ethnic background and are extremely racist.


Mz, 90% of leagueunlimited fans feel this way, not necessarily NRL fans. There are flaws in suggesting it is.

For it to be considered something worthy of NRL note it'd need to be a properly conditioned audit emcompassing a complete demographic of NRL fans, inclusive of those who do not have the internet or who do not use leagueunlimited.


Mzilikazi said:
90% of fans feel threatened?

I wonder what the NRL thinks of this?

That was not the question mate!!!!!

Yet despite that the Bulldogs always seem to average more then most NRL clubs in SYdney:oops:


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
90% of 30 fans on an unofficial website. Hardly a cross section of society. Anyone who can draw a conclusion from such a minute study is bound to fail.

lockyno1, if you think 'personal abuse' hasn't happened at any other team or any other fan, you're soft.

Kurt Angle, if you think Parramatta fans have never abused Bulldogs fans or been racist, you're a straight out liar.

And El Diablo? Have a nice day ;-)


Post Whore
dodge said:
90% of 30 fans on an unofficial website. Hardly a cross section of society. Anyone who can draw a conclusion from such a minute study is bound to fail.

lockyno1, if you think 'personal abuse' hasn't happened at any other team or any other fan, you're soft.

Kurt Angle, if you think Parramatta fans have never abused Bulldogs fans or been racist, you're a straight out liar.

And El Diablo? Have a nice day ;-)

Ive been to quite a few games and many teams and the only instance was the Dogs game! The very reason I have NEVER been back to a Dogs game!


My mate got mouthed off to by some weedy 5'6 git at a Chargers game. He stood up to all 6'5 in height and asked him to repeat it. The Charger fan became very interested in the game all of a sudden.

Moral of the story. D*ckheads are everywhere. But when they over step the line, they must be stepped on like the cockroaches they are.
The inherent bias in the setup and purposes behind this poll make it useless for any kind of credible or serious 'research project' - unless it's for year 7 Show 'n Tell.

Despite ALL this bad press - and all the 'terrible troubles' of the past few years - As has been stated above - the Dogs still consistently somehow to manage to be the highest averaging Sydney team, attendances-wise.

You'd do far better trying to produce a 'research project' correlating this to the press headlines of ' Canterbury Hoons on the Rampage Again - Opposition Fans Flee For Their Very Lives!!!! !! !!! !!!! !' than try to make anything of this poll.

There's a little tip for you, junior - Gratis, that one! ;)
lockyno1 said:
Ive been to quite a few games and many teams and the only instance was the Dogs game! The very reason I have NEVER been back to a Dogs game!

Well - Are you an incurable mouthy smartarse??

Or are you just totally full of crap? Have you been to Campeltown Stadium? Sat on the Hill at Brookvale? Parramatta Stadium? Kogarah Oval??....ALL of these places are NOT a pleasant place to be at times - if you're sat in the wrong area, near the d*ckheads, and like to think out loud!...I can guar-an-TEE you!

Therefore I thoroughly disbelieve your asserions that you have only encountered anti-social behaviour at a Bulldogs game - I simply don't believe you at ALL I'm afraid.

When I visit other team's home grounds - I am suitably respectful, and only enter into banter where it is invited, or clearly welcomed. Else I shut my gob to those around me and just cheer on my team.

Unfortunately, when people come to Bulldogs games - they do not seem to come with the same philosophy...I've seen it TIME and again.

And even so - with absolutely NO provocation on y part - down the years I have had glass bottles thrown at me by Parra fans walking back in a small group of Bulldogs jersey clad fans (Including women) from Parramatta Stadium to the station - beer thrown at my direction at Parramatta Stadium, Kogarah & Campeltown stadiums - plastic cups full of URINE - no less - thrown in our direction on the hill at Brookvale (thrown by a Manly fan - which overshot their mark, missed us and splashed onto the PRAM of a fellow Manly supporting couple down the bottom of the hill - the father just happening to be a rather large Maori fella who proceeded to charge up the hill and beat the SNOT out of the drunken idiot and that threw it, and the misguided drunken mate that tried to come to his aid - Full on Manly fan on Manly fan biff! :lol:) - and COUNTLESS other occasions.

Does that stop me from going to the footy? Hell NO!

This sh*t happens - you just avoid it as best you can...But if you KNOW there are idiots about - then why 'bait' them?

Which is not the cause of ALL the issues at Bulldogs games before some vapid critic jumps on that - I understand this....But as I say - I modify my behaviour to suit my environment when travelling to 'away' football gounds.

See the 'cockroach' comment above. It happens EVERYwhere.


Post Whore
Bring Back the Spliff said:
Well - Are you an incurable mouthy smartarse??

Or are you just totally full of crap? Have you been to Campeltown Stadium? Sat on the Hill at Brookvale? Parramatta Stadium? Kogarah Oval??....ALL of these places are NOT a pleasant place to be at times - if you're sat in the wrong area, near the d*ckheads, and like to think out loud!...I can guar-an-TEE you!

Therefore I thoroughly disbelieve your asserions that you have only encountered anti-social behaviour at a Bulldogs game - I simply don't believe you at ALL I'm afraid.

When I visit other team's home grounds - I am suitably respectful, and only enter into banter where it is invited, or clearly welcomed. Else I shut my gob to those around me and just cheer on my team.

Unfortunately, when people come to Bulldogs games - they do not seem to come with the same philosophy...I've seen it TIME and again.

And even so - with absolutely NO provocation on y part - down the years I have had glass bottles thrown at me by Parra fans walking back in a small group of Bulldogs jersey clad fans (Including women) from Parramatta Stadium to the station - beer thrown at my direction at Parramatta Stadium, Kogarah & Campeltown stadiums - plastic cups full of URINE - no less - thrown in our direction on the hill at Brookvale (thrown by a Manly fan - which overshot their mark, missed us and splashed onto the PRAM of a fellow Manly supporting couple down the bottom of the hill - the father just happening to be a rather large Maori fella who proceeded to charge up the hill and beat the SNOT out of the drunken idiot and that threw it, and the misguided drunken mate that tried to come to his aid - Full on Manly fan on Manly fan biff! :lol:) - and COUNTLESS other occasions.

Does that stop me from going to the footy? Hell NO!

This sh*t happens - you just avoid it as best you can...But if you KNOW there are idiots about - then why 'bait' them?

Which is not the cause of ALL the issues at Bulldogs games before some vapid critic jumps on that - I understand this....But as I say - I modify my behaviour to suit my environment when travelling to 'away' football gounds.

See the 'cockroach' comment above. It happens EVERYwhere.

I've been to Brookvale, have not been to campbelltown. Brookvale was fine in fact I had a nice chat to a very pasionate Manly supporter. Very pleasurable experience actually. I have been to most stadiums around and most grounds bar the Belmore Ground where I had a terrible night. I did nothing wrong that night and it was so bad that I left after half-time. It was miserable for me. Even though it was a few years ago, I won't go to a Dogs game ever again unles sthe game is in another state such as Queensland or Melbourne.