The other dumb shit Hunt does are these crap short drop outs
Ok this one actually won us the game I accept but it should have cost us the game in reality
Last week cost us a try with the dumb short drop out only he knew he was doing and failed to get, led to a try
You either have to practice this shit and get it right or not do it at all
DCE does this well almost every week, he obviously practices it and the good option he often does is the short low smashed dropout to the side line about 15m out which teams often bungle , including us when we played Manly
Couldn't agree more. I hate the short drop out. If it succeeds, then you've got possession maybe 20 metres from your own goal line. Great! If it doesn't succeed, which I reckon is about 90% of the time, then you're under attack on your own goal line, six to go! Why offer the opposition an opportunity to attack again in your red zone, immediately after you've been defending your line in the previous set? It's a shit tactic. Drill the damn thing straight down the guts as far as possible, chase it like a mad greyhound and tackle the bastards as deep in their half as possible. Who gives a shit if its predictable?
The other super dumb tactic that annoys me is kick offs that flirt with the dead ball line and the sidelines. Again drill it down the middle of the field and get in their face asap. Don't be a dumb poser trying to explore the extremities of the field.
While I'm in full rant mode:
I also can't stand the penalties for tackling a catcher whose feet aren't on the ground. It's the catcher's responsibility to catch the fkn ball without making himself a sitting duck. It's the defender's responsibility to nail the bastard. It's always been a penalty (and dirty play) to deliberately try to injure a player. It's not a fkn ballet!
Same goes for attacking the head. FFS, guys would get sent off these days for applying a warm towel to the face of the opposing player.
These days apparently its legal to tackle the guy without touching above the neck and then elbow him in the face once he's on the ground. I'd much prefer a gutsy tackle followed by a clean ruck.
I don't like the captain's challenge either. The ref makes the call - good, bad or indifferent. P off and shut up, whether you're the captain or not! We can throw stuff at the prick after the game if he's been really shithouse. It's part of the game! How often does the ref make a correct call only to be overruled by bunker bullshit judgments? The sooner we get back to one ref makes the call and that's it, the better.
Some of these rules are obviously simply designed to bring the bunker into the game to generate TV entertainment value. Well, the most entertaining games are always the least interrupted - even badly refereed or controversial ones. Everyone who loves the game feels that way.