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Pritchard Stabbed


girvie said:
What if you go to your sister's apartment and the karaoke gangsters are in the hallway and attack you?

How do you know that didn't happen?

I haven't read that the Pritchard's started the fight.

So how the hell did they end up on the corner of lachlan and biggie streets?

If it was a genuine case of self defence, then I retract all my statements and agree they did what they had to do.

Some of you people however have no idea what self defense actually is.


girvie said:
What if you go to your sister's apartment and the karaoke gangsters are in the hallway and attack you?

How do you know that didn't happen?

I haven't read that the Pritchard's started the fight.

So how the hell did they end up on the corner of lachlan and biggie streets?

If it was a genuine case of self defence, then I retract all my statements and agree they did what they had to do.

Some of you people however have no idea what self defense actually is.


Panther said:
By negative slant I meant they might put the blame on the footballers.Seems the go in every story involving rugby league players these days.

you nor i would have any real idea what happened. and im not convinced anyone in this thread does either no matter how convincing they try and sound

it could well have been them that started the brawl? who knows? i would just like to know how your convinced that the 'footballers' are blameless here. truth is your not.

%90 of whats written in this thread is rubbish, speculation, or penrith fans creating a story to make themselves feel better
the real story of what happened will probably never come out as always in cases like this. either way the whole thing is just madness and the fact that someone young person is fighting for their life in hospital over something like this proves that sydney is going down the sh*t

gunnamatta bay

Vicious said:
I used to live in a near by apartment block in Liverpool and i can assure all concerned that the Police would be very, very unlikely to attend to a noise complaint. We had that many lunatics living in my apartment block that the police, ambulance, fire brigade were there atleast once almost every day, but because of this they didn`t treat a lot of important calls real seriously and crap like what happened to the Pritchards was a common occurance. I realise that you SHOULD be able to rely on Police, but this is the real world and the bottom line is that unfortunately you CANNOT always rely on the police. I heard something along the lines that a young child was continually unable to get any sleep because of this partying and crap that was going on and that police HAD been called numerous times previously and that there didn`t appear to be too many other options than to try and get someone to sort them out. It`s very unfortunate what has eventuated and i hope young Tom Pritchard pulls through, but i don`t think you can blame him nor Frank in any way for what they tried to do.

This paints a pretty bleak picture of our society but I don't doubt it is pretty accurate. You have to wonder how many incidents like this would never happen if we had an effective police force.

They are reasonably good (there are still plenty of f**kups) at picking up the pieces and presenting their cases to court but crime prevention seems beyond them.


lockyrulz said:
Right so your telling me they were so thick that they couldn't envisage that a scenario invloving violent asians and a known knife threat might end up in a stabbing....

Its called comon sense mate, you don't need to be a fortune teller or a paranoid to use it. Feel free to give it a try sometime.
No i'm not saying they were so thick they couldnt come up with that scenario. I'm saying that the scenario is not one that you would rate highly on the possible outcomes, atleast not until after it has happened. And that outside of being over paranoid, knowing that these Asians were a gang with knives and baseball bats, how were they to know it would end the way it did?

You know things went bad, because you're speculating on events that already happened. Yay for you. You can come up with scenarios that would've avoided an incident that already happened. You're so smart. It's easy to speculate after the fact.

At any rate, you weren't present, you don't know all the facts, you weren't emotionally involved and you have no idea how much control if any these guys had over the situation. How do you not know they showed up to escort their family away and were approached on their way in? It ended up on the streets, so that's a very possible scenario. You have no idea even the situation was avoidable for these people. FOr all you know, they could have taken the exact same approach as you, and were intercepted on their way in or out of their family members apartment. Maybe they went right up to the Asian gangs door, and upon seeing weapons ran out to the street, were the Asians managed to catch them before they escaped. Whatever happened, it ended or started on the streets from the newspapers story.

No matter what happened, nothing they did warranted you saying that a 20 year old kid fighting for his life deserves what he got.
mxlegend99 said:
Are you also too scared too open the door at night if somebody knocks on it?

I must be a huge wimp if I didnt know someone and they knocked on my door after dark I sure as f**k wouldnt answer it!

El Diablo

Post Whore

Stabbing accused says Pritchard brothers attacked him

A Sydney court has heard that a man accused of stabbing an NRL player and his brothers had been attacked by them.

Stephen Peter Lee has been charged with four counts of malicious wounding.

He is accused of stabbing New Zealand international and Penrith player Frank Pritchard and three of the player's brothers during a fight at Liverpool in south-western Sydney.

The court heard the Pritchard brothers repeatedly punched and kicked the accused, who then lashed out with a knife.

The fight was sparked by a noise complaint.

Twenty-year-old Tom Pritchard was stabbed in the heart and remains in a critical condition in hospital. Frank Pritchard underwent surgery after being stabbed in the thumb, and has been released from hospital.

Police did not oppose bail being granted to the 24-year-old.

The magistrate granted him conditional bail and adjourned the case until April.


The court heard the Pritchard brothers repeatedly punched and kicked the accused, who then lashed out with a knife.
This fella must be extremely tough to take a beating from these guys, then manage to pull a knife from nowhere and stab them all.


What a cowardly bunch of mongrels.

So these Asian fellas were being really loud late at night and had been asked to be a bit quieter yet continued to ham it up without any regard to people who live around them.

When confronted, they take matters in to their own hands with knives and bats and nearlly kill someone. And then they plead self defence?

Something stinks here.


dubby said:
When confronted, they take matters in to their own hands with knives and bats and nearlly kill someone. And then they plead self defence?
Ofcourse they would claim it was self defence, the sentence would be greatly reduced if they got away with self defence.

Nothing unexpected.

Those people are such cowards though. I guarantee had they not had weapons they would have either run off scared or gotten their asses handed to them.
Well the bloke got bail. And police didn't oppose. Which is very rare in violent cases such as wounding, assault, murder, etc. Suggests to me that there is going to be a self defence claim made and that in all likelihood the police case against the bloke is weak ...

Pierced Soul

First Grade
who doesnt claim self defence these days? of course the pritchards and co. probably didnt help matters by taking tyre irons with them (i would have done the same). it'll prob be a while till we find out the truth (if ever).

I will say if frank pritchard was coming at me i'd be grabbing a weapon and running like hell


mxlegend99 said:
This fella must be extremely tough to take a beating from these guys, then manage to pull a knife from nowhere and stab them all.

give it a rest mate. you dont know any better than anyone else what happened. whos innocent, whos not, what got said, who got hit, who brandished weapons. ANYTHING

if frank pritchard played for any other club you wouldnt be saying anything that you are. thats what makes your posts in this thread useless.

forget trying to imagine a situation that paints your clubs player in the brightest light. there is no good that has come from this situation. you would have to be pretty dumb to believe that one side is completely faultless here.


It always amazes me on this forum that people continually put Sh*t on the newspapers and then the next minute there quoting it and CREATING assumptions based on the newspapers report. 90% of a newspaper story is what the police tell the media (sweet fa) and then witness testimony. Not the most reliable witness testimony! The most interesting. The other 10% is assumptions made from the police and the testimony.

What happened that night was between the Asians and the Pritchards they'll tell there story from there different perspectives and they'll both lie a little, none of us will ever know exactly what happened.


Caged Panther

First Grade
I don't know the details of what happened and there have been so many conflicting reports I couldn't even begin to contemplate what actually happened. I think the only truth there is at the moment is that both groups probably share some responsibility for the ultimate outcome.


badav said:
give it a rest mate. you dont know any better than anyone else what happened. whos innocent, whos not, what got said, who got hit, who brandished weapons. ANYTHING

if frank pritchard played for any other club you wouldnt be saying anything that you are. thats what makes your posts in this thread useless.

forget trying to imagine a situation that paints your clubs player in the brightest light. there is no good that has come from this situation. you would have to be pretty dumb to believe that one side is completely faultless here.
Where did i ever say either side was completely faultless? I haven't said that the Pritchards are faultless here. :roll: My comments would be the same regardless of which team he played for. Infact, i've been doing more defending of young Tom Pritchard then Frank, due to some people saying that he got what he deserved. So get the facts straight :oops:

As for not beleiving what the Asian who stabbed Tom said. Why would i beleive that nonsense? The fact is he had a knife on him. He used that knife to stab multiple people, a number of times. He claimed that he usually didn't carry a knife around. Gee, how convenient that he had one on him at that point in time.

I'm not saying that he walked up to Tom out of nowhere and stabbed him for the sake of doing it. But this group of Asians were making threats earlier in the night, and if the Pritchard boys rocked up and weren't intimidated by those threats... maybe one or both parties felt they had to do more then just make threats?
I really havent read this thread because i try not to focus on the neagtives , but one thing i will say is that these problems with rugby league players are community problems too. Until we as a society fix anti social behaviour the problems in rugby league wont go away.

that said i wish tom pritchard and frank pritchard all the best and hope they recover both physically and mentally.


No locky is right he was obviously there and we should all bow to his greater knowledge of how the trouble started and when, who and how she called. FFS


_Johnsy said:
No locky is right he was obviously there and we should all bow to his greater knowledge of how the trouble started and when, who and how she called. FFS

I'm going on what has been reported you moron.

I can't belive how ridiculous some of you are over this. Anyone would think Tom Pritchard jumped on a knife just before it went into his kidnapped sister.

Dont worry morons, the truth will come out in the end. Will be hilarious to see how you all try and justify the Pritchards stupidity when it does.

You know as a Brisbaneite, I never really understood the whole 'Penriff' thing, now I do. No wonder Fittler couldn't wait to get out of the place, what an IQ vaccuum :lol:

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