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Pritchard Stabbed


Assistant Moderator
Panther said:
By negative slant I meant they might put the blame on the footballers.Seems the go in every story involving rugby league players these days.
Two blokes were stabbed and the first thing you think about is how this will affect the image through the media....? OK.


lol @ people blaming the Telegraph.

They are harldy going to put a positive slant on an all in brawl invloving stabbings.

Dave Q

Its a bit early to call fault for mine.

The media make mistakes in reporting and people dont tell the cops the truth.

Perhaps the focus should be on the injured first. That includes the non-Pritchards.

The law will inevitably take its course.

Big Mick

Locky Jr...two guys got stabbed and your saying you are glad they did...or happy they did because they were sticking up for their sister?...

You are a sick and twisted individual and hope you get whats coming to you. Karma has a funny way of getting back at you.


Big Mick © said:
Locky Jr...two guys got stabbed and your saying you are glad they did...or happy they did because they were sticking up for their sister?...

You are a sick and twisted individual and hope you get whats coming to you. Karma has a funny way of getting back at you.

Your an idiot.

What happened to the Prtichard's is what happens to idiots. It has nothing to do with karma.

Far more likely you will be the one in trouble, not me.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
FMD, people in here are acting like they're involved.

Why doesn't everyone just take a step back and wait until some concrete facts come to light, eh? ;-)

Big Mick

lockyrulz said:
Your an idiot.

What happened to the Prtichard's is what happens to idiots. It has nothing to do with karma.

Far more likely you will be the one in trouble, not me.

you are such a moron it astounds me.

I'm saying Karma will get to you, you freaking tool.

Saying someone deserves to be stabbed for standing up for themselves and their family is ridiculous.

You are a moron of the highest order, and like I said, I hope you get whats coming to you in your life and its very unpleasant.


Willow said:
Two blokes were stabbed and the first thing you think about is how this will affect the image through the media....? OK.
No, Willow my first thoughts were for the wounded which had already been expressed by other posters. I guess I made the mistake of thinking this was a rugby league forum. Sorry, I won't make that mistake again :roll:


Big Mick © said:
you are such a moron it astounds me.

I'm saying Karma will get to you, you freaking tool.

Saying someone deserves to be stabbed for standing up for themselves and their family is ridiculous.

You are a moron of the highest order, and like I said, I hope you get whats coming to you in your life and its very unpleasant.

I'm not surprised you're astounded. You are so utterly thick you haven't grasped my point in either of my posts.

I am in no way excusing those who threatened Pritchards sister. But we have a police force to deal with these matters. If everyone took up vigilante justice this whole country would be f**ked. Thanfully most of us aren't as freakin dumb as you.

Go check your local prisons. Go ask the prisoners what they would do in a similar situation. You will get a lot of satisfaction, they will agree with you completely. That's why they are in gaol.

Maybe they can save you a cell for when its your turn to f**k up and be a thicksh*t. Don't forget to drop the soap now will you?

People who sort their problems out by 'going to bash em' are morons who get what they deserve, and if you try and sort out all your problems with violence, eventually this will be the result.

Let me try and sum this up so even a complete moron like you can get it.

My way has everyone ok and alive. Thats why I'm immune to your 'karma' because I use my brain, try it sometime champ.

Your way has a guy nearly dead in hospital. Luckily no police officers died in the melee.

Glad you think its the right way of handling it... genius.

Big Mick

i'm not saying its the right way of handling it you freaking tit. Find my post were I said, "i'd do the same thing" you dumbarse.

You're saying i'm not getting the point of you're posts, maybe you're too dumb to get mine.

I'm not saying they should have done it...but to say they DESERVE to be stabbed, like you are so ridiculously saying is just so f**king pathetic, even for a gumby bastard such as yourself.

Police were called as well if you bothered to get the story right, but police never responded to the call, typical of the NSW undermanned police force.

My problem is not with your philosphy i probably would do the same thing, but to suggest that they deserve to be stabbed...is the biggest crock of sh!t i've ever heard. That's my problem with you.

You want to go on about how your so good, you are happy a kid is in the hospital after getting stabbed...how much of a human being are you? Yeah they may have approached it the wrong way, but you are such a f**ktard for saying you are practically jumping for joy that he got stabbed because you would have done something different.


Big Mick © said:
i'm not saying its the right way of handling it you freaking tit. Find my post were I said, "i'd do the same thing" you dumbarse.

You're saying i'm not getting the point of you're posts, maybe you're too dumb to get mine.

I'm not saying they should have done it...but to say they DESERVE to be stabbed, like you are so ridiculously saying is just so f**king pathetic, even for a gumby bastard such as yourself.

Police were called as well if you bothered to get the story right, but police never responded to the call, typical of the NSW undermanned police force.

My problem is not with your philosphy i probably would do the same thing, but to suggest that they deserve to be stabbed...is the biggest crock of sh!t i've ever heard. That's my problem with you.

You want to go on about how your so good, you are happy a kid is in the hospital after getting stabbed...how much of a human being are you? Yeah they may have approached it the wrong way, but you are such a f**ktard for saying you are practically jumping for joy that he got stabbed because you would have done something different.

Yep sure am you brainless wanker. All could have been avoided if they had used their sense. Instead they put their own lives and the lives of the police who attended at risk needlessly.

Play with fire and you deserve to get burned. I have no sypmathy for people who use violence without need, none. The more they disappear of the earth, the less chance I will have the misfortune or running into one.

Funny thing is, if it wasn't a footballer inlvolved, you wouldn't care less. Or are you sympathetic to all people who start street brawls?


Staff member
Just saw Channel 9's coverage on the story. Twice they showed a picture of Junior Moors saying it was Tom Pritchard...

Dave Q

Funny how quickly these things can get out of hand (not, not the incident, here on the forum!).


locky has a good point.

If i went to a bikie club told them to turn it down. They told me to f**k off with a knife. Would i come back with a group of people?

1. Would they be scared and turn down the music?
2. Why come back if you already know that a knifes been used?
3. Do i want to be famous and end up on the news?

Would people say im stupid if i got stabbed for confronting them after being at knife point. OF COURSE.


I used to live in a near by apartment block in Liverpool and i can assure all concerned that the Police would be very, very unlikely to attend to a noise complaint. We had that many lunatics living in my apartment block that the police, ambulance, fire brigade were there atleast once almost every day, but because of this they didn`t treat a lot of important calls real seriously and crap like what happened to the Pritchards was a common occurance. I realise that you SHOULD be able to rely on Police, but this is the real world and the bottom line is that unfortunately you CANNOT always rely on the police. I heard something along the lines that a young child was continually unable to get any sleep because of this partying and crap that was going on and that police HAD been called numerous times previously and that there didn`t appear to be too many other options than to try and get someone to sort them out. It`s very unfortunate what has eventuated and i hope young Tom Pritchard pulls through, but i don`t think you can blame him nor Frank in any way for what they tried to do.

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