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Put up or shut up, ASADA 2

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Essendon or Cronulla football departments, or for that matter what Stephen Dank is

"confidential information, protected by Commonwealth law until any cases that might be brought against them are finally determined."

Lets go kunnjjttt.

Southern Shark

Rebecca has somehow turnrd the Afl Show cause notices to being all about the Sharks. Disgraceful. She has been saying the Sharks will receive notices next week for the last 70 weeks. She should sack her Asada snitch. Useless. Has made her look a total fool. You could fill a book with her false Asada predictions related to the Sharks. I' ve lost count.

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Essendon or Cronulla football departments, or for that matter what Stephen Dank is

"confidential information, protected by Commonwealth law until any cases that might be brought against them are finally determined."

Lets go kunnjjttt.

Now you are talking about the Privacy ACT, not leaking information surrounding the status of an investigation.

You are talking about two different things you poor confused child.


Now you are talking about the Privacy ACT, not leaking information surrounding the status of an investigation.

You are talking about two different things you poor confused child.
No im not you dumbb kunjjjtt. I have said all along that ASADA has beeen leaking & if caught ,that commonwealth employee will serve 2 years jail. You argue against that. Are you changing your mind now fucckkjjiwtt?

Ronnie Dobbs

You know nothing you dumb kunjjtt.
The lawyer for Essendon has evidence of who the leaks are in ASADA & is pressing the Federal police to go after them & they are at risk of minimum 2 years jail.
I think I will take a Queens council opinion over yours.
If you are a Fed, its the quality of people like you weorking for the public why this country is such a mess.
Yoiu are a low life.

Red isnt a QC. Hes a great bloke and a bloody great lawyer, but he aint a QC.

2012....Sharks Year

First Grade
Rebecca has somehow turnrd the Afl Show cause notices to being all about the Sharks. Disgraceful. She has been saying the Sharks will receive notices next week for the last 70 weeks. She should sack her Asada snitch. Useless. Has made her look a total fool. You could fill a book with her false Asada predictions related to the Sharks. I' ve lost count.

First time I've heard her called Rebecca in quite a while...way too polite imo.

Card Shark

Why would you think that?
Why cant you think that the players werent injected with anything banned, like thymosin Beta 4?
Why cant you think that that only coaching & support staff were using, something that Dank has readily admitted as he uses all sorts of sporting banned substances in his anti-ageing clinic in Sydney?
Why would you think that? Even ASADA doesnt think it. They are suspicious of it,that is why show cause, not infraction

Why I think that is because I saw the transcripts between the boss of WADA & Dank. He asked was it banned & she said no but it may not yet be approved, so check with ASADA. He then said, so it's not banned & she repeated I may not be approved just because it's not banned, under S0 clause.

He obviously ignored her. Not sure what substance he was asking about, id have to google it but if that's the attitude he uses, yes I believe he pulled the wool over Essendon & our eyes.

I'll see if I can find the article & which substance he was asking about.

Edit: ABC 7.30 Report emails between Dank & Irene Mazzoni from WADA - manager of research & prohibited substances. AOD-9604 was the substance.

Edit 2: It's process for ASADA to issue show cause notices, then infraction notices. The player has a right to state their case with the show cause...& possibly give evidence & get a sentence reduction.
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Luke Bowden

First Grade
No im not you dumbb kunjjjtt. I have said all along that ASADA has beeen leaking & if caught ,that commonwealth employee will serve 2 years jail. You argue against that. Are you changing your mind now fucckkjjiwtt?

The information that has "been leaked" (your words, certainly not mine) has contained no personal information and has simply been regarding the status of the investigation.

Again, there is no such thing as a mendatory jail term in Australia.


First Grade
Thank god for this. The pain will be over soon hopefully.

ASADA inquiry: Cronulla Sharks rule out Essendon-style legal action

Chris Barrett and Brad Walter
Published: June 13, 2014 - 6:24PM

Cronulla have ruled out legal action should current and former Sharks players be issued with show-cause notices by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, saying they are desperate not to prolong a 17-month saga.

While Essendon reacted on Friday to having 34 players asked to explain possible doping allegations, by challenging ASADA and the AFL in the Federal Court, the NRL's last-placed team revealed it would not go down that route.

The NRL is also anxiously awaiting the prospect of show-cause notices being delivered to players, despite confusion over comments made by ASADA chief executive Ben McDevitt on Friday.

Asked in a television interview whether he was preparing notices for players involved in Cronulla's 2011 supplements programme, McDevitt said: "No, I'm not. And what I need to say here is that the NRL circumstances here are entirely different than what we are dealing with in the AFL and I really can't go any further than that at this stage."

A representative for ASADA later added: "Matters involving the NRL remain ongoing, so we are not at a point to elaborate on what action we will take in the NRL."

The Bombers lodged an application in the Federal Court on Friday alleging that ASADA’s joint investigation with the AFL was "unlawful" and a breach of the ASADA Act.

NRL representatives also sat in on interviews with more than 30 players by ASADA investigators. However, Cronulla chairman Damian Keogh said the Sharks would not follow Essendon into court.

"There has been no discussion at a board or management level relating to that at this stage," Keogh said. "As much as it's been frustrating and disappointing, and I think the punishment that we've suffered as a club and continue to suffer has been exorbitant, I would just like the whole thing to go away and come to a conclusion as soon as possible. So dragging out another court case on top of that is not going to achieve that.

"I think the convenient thing to do is to lump the two [Essendon and Cronulla] together and a lot of people have kind of done that. There's a lot of assumptions that what's good for the goose is going to be good for the gander. But we've maintained from day one that what happened at our club was markedly different from what happened at their club.

"To be honest, right now with everything we've been through in this saga, that's the last thing that we're looking at. We just need this whole saga to be finished so we can move on and get a fresh start. One way or another."

NRL chief operating officer Jim Doyle admitted the code was bracing for show-cause notices to be issued to players but said the long-running inquiry would drag on for some more time – even without court action.

Once players' names are listed on ASADA's register of findings, they then have the option of challenging the charge through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal – as former Canberra and Penrith winger Sandor Earl did this week.

Doyle dismissed concerns that the timing of show-cause notices to players could tarnish State of Origin.

"Timing is not something we can concern ourselves with, it is how we deal with it when we get the information that we will most likely receive," he said at the launch of the NRL's "Better Choices” program, which teaches teenagers about the pitfalls of alcohol, illicit drugs, the filming and distribution of private acts without consent, social media and cyber-bullying.

"It would appear from what they did yesterday with the AFL that everything is coming to a head, which is positive. [But] that is only a step towards the end, and this could go on for some time, depending upon information, process, appeals, tribunals etc."

Earl, who is facing a ban of up to four years for the use and trafficking of banned substances, responded to the latest developments by tweeting: "I officially regret assisting in the process with ASADA and the NRL. Should of just shut up after reading all the news today wow. Fairness?".

But Doyle said the NRL had no option other than to stand Earl down once he admitted injecting the banned peptide CJC-1295 to treat a shoulder injury, and questioned whether players should receive a discount of up to 75 per cent for providing "substantial assistance" to ASADA.

"There should not really be any benefit for anyone who takes performance-enhancing drugs, there is no place for it whatsoever in our sport and they should not be taking it from the start, so to me there should be no benefit," he said.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...ssendonstyle-legal-action-20140613-zs7bi.html


The information that has "been leaked" (your words, certainly not mine) has contained no personal information and has simply been regarding the status of the investigation.
Rubbish. All players in the AFL, Essendon & sharks NRL were named in media reports. Their interview days were given to the press & the secret location.

Again, can an ASADA representative or politician be jailed for 2 years for divulging this information, under any law in Australia?
Yes or no you dumb fucckken faggjett

Card Shark

Rubbish. All players in the AFL, Essendon & sharks NRL were named in media reports. Their interview days were given to the press & the secret location.

Again, can an ASADA representative or politician be jailed for 2 years for divulging this information, under any law in Australia?
Yes or no you dumb fucckken faggjett

Info was definetely leaked & as Essendon are saying, this & other things in the investigation process are illegal.

It may rule ASADA's evidence inadmissable?
Just a couple of Tiny observations/questions from a confessed muppet(but not Mumpet) on such things

1. -our system is "rule of law"I thought, not "Spirit of law" ,unless legislation is specific on who or what it applies to,and who it doesn't - it applies universally to all citizens ?

2. How can you say its against the law to take a substance not yet tested or approved by Wada? Has the new Dominos Pizza been tested ?

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Rubbish. All players in the AFL, Essendon & sharks NRL were named in media reports. Their interview days were given to the press & the secret location.

Again, can an ASADA representative or politician be jailed for 2 years for divulging this information, under any law in Australia?
Yes or no you dumb fucckken faggjett

No, i don't believe anyone will be jailed for that.

Was that even a leak? I thought it was a full blown press release.

Card Shark

It's not against the law bit it's against WADA / ASADA code for sportspeople.

Illegal & banned / not yet approved are not the same thing.


No, i don't believe anyone will be jailed for that.

Was that even a leak? I thought it was a full blown press release.

yeah right , a full blown press release of a secret location for interviews, so that they could photograph Wade Graham going in and out.


"Pursuant to Commonwealth law whoever it is that is the source of the salacious headlines detailing the, substance is too strong a word, vague and prejudicial assertions made in the media, is liable to two years jail. Equally liable to jail are any third parties who have received the information knowing or ought reasonably to have known that their source was subject to the obligation of confidence established by the ASADA Act."


Just a couple of Tiny observations/questions from a confessed muppet(but not Mumpet) on such things

1. -our system is "rule of law"I thought, not "Spirit of law" ,unless legislation is specific on who or what it applies to,and who it doesn't - it applies universally to all citizens ?

2. How can you say its against the law to take a substance not yet tested or approved by Wada? Has the new Dominos Pizza been tested ?

For a substnace to be banned by wada it must satisfy 2 of 3 conditions.
1. not approved for human use.
2. That is performance enhancing.
3. That it is against the spirit of sport.

Under those conditions, sugar could be banned as it could be argued it satisfies points 2 & 3.
That is the nebulous state of affairs of WADAs own ridiculous 3 point code made in the 50's

Thymosin beta 4 is explicitly banned in 50% of its variations. The other 50% require the 2 out of 3 method to dtermine if it is banned.
They are approved for human use, so that leaves points 2 & 3.
Are they performance enhancing? Who the fuccjjkk knows, until WADA use research on current athletes to dtermine the level , if any, performance enhancement. Does anybody know any current athletes willing to go through clinical testing & risk their careers for doping?
point 3 , the nebular "agains the spirit of the sport"
What a load of crap.
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