Disagree boss. I think Messiah is spot on. ASADA have had nothing to do with today. It?s the NRL coming down on the sharks for poor governance. Said it months ago when the Penriff group CEO was turning himself inside out on radio to espouse the benefits of their governance that doesn?t allow the Sandor Earl issue to occur again. That rang alarm bells for me. Now riddle me this gangsters. Why would ASADA wait? They hit Earl and recently Kennedy as soon as they knew. Why would they not get the Sharkies? Answer, and Smith alluded to it, they dont know what the substances are (our clubs or any others btw I suspect) and can?t gather the evidence they thought was there. Who knows the supplements could be just fine. However, the commish have enough to meter their own punishment (for poor governance) and have done so today. The 2 items (ASADA and Club Governance) are related but are totally separate items. The comish have evidence, however ASADA...well you know how it goes