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Queensland at it's best


Nice one Angry. I never said she was knocking NSW you dumb f*ck. You are the arrogant f*ckwit mentioning your mother-in-law then sinking the slipper into those that showed concern.

I stated that Bligh probably meant nothing by it. Others think differently. Yet if Bligh wasn't sinking the slipper in - why the f*ck are you ya f*cking sook?

Grow up and accept that a woman under immense stress can make a comment that may be seen as ambiguous.

Seriously, I hope your mother in law gets her medical attention and makes a full recovery - enough to whack you over the scone with a roling pin for being such a pretentious f*cking sook.

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
State of Origin is doomed if this love-fest keeps up. Please maintain some hate on the sporting field NSW. Bligh will have to propose moving the border south a week before the series starts just to bring back some spice.


"We are the ones they make tough - the ones from north of the border"

It take it she thinks that anyone south of the border would not be able to cope with such a disaster?

I lived in Queensland for years and love the place, but the Queenslanders have a superiority complex that just makes me laugh. I remember talking to someone in Noosa who told me that they come from the best town, in the best state, of the best country in the world. I could never figure out how she came to that conclusion as she had never left Australia :?


First Grade
"We are the ones they make tough - the ones from north of the border"

It take it she thinks that anyone south of the border would not be able to cope with such a disaster?
Yep, that's exactly what she meant. FMD disasters bring out the best in some people, and then there's the others. Mostly populating these forums.


Super Moderator
Staff member
where did she mention other states at all.

f**k me, some of you morons are redefining moron so much, that previous morons are going to be regarded as almost normal.


...until she came out with some drivel that somehow Queenslanders are superior to the rest of humanity and that they are the only people who could possibly cope with something like this :oops:

Apart from Loudy I am (or was) probably the most anti-QLD person on this forum. FMD I cannot believe how massive the chip is on your shoulder is, wake up you pathetic wanker. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing Bligh said can be construed as attempting to be or sound superior.

"We are from north of the border -they keep trying to knock us down....."

That bit.

"They" are actually in your state trying to help. You can understand how it can be interpreted either way, but for those who have left their own families and security to go north into the disaster zone to help out deserve to be treated as heroes and thanked, as NSW did to the volunteers who helped out in the bushfires of 2001.

Besides, many thousands of the "We" are from other states stranded in there as well.

Those that argue that it's simply a rallying call for Queenslanders are equally as guilty as Bligh was (unintentional as it may have been) as discounting the other Australians who are sharing this experience with them.

Sorry Loudy, totally disagree, way of the mark here champ.

Here is what she said ;

"As we weep for what we have lost, and as we grieve for family and friends and we confront the challenge that is before us, I want us to remember who we are". We are Queenslanders. We are the people they breed tough north of the border. We’re the ones that they knock down, and we get up again."I said earlier this week that this weather may break our hearts, and it is doing that."But it will not break our will. And in the coming weeks and the coming months we are going prove that beyond any doubt. Together we can pull through this, and with your help, we can achieve this."

How can this be seen as anything other than a rallying call, defies belief.

Anyone trying to make some sort of us V them, QLD V NSW, QLD V The rest of Oz, really needs to seek help.


If my state had flooded I'd want a premier to come out and show leadership. Part of this leadership would be a speech to rally my fellow state citizens. That is what Bligh did, so kudos to her. Next stage of the leadership is to get it right at ground level.


Well it appears to have worked.

Volunteers pouring in for QLD flood victims


AS THE waters recede Queenslanders supported by thousands of volunteers are beginning today the task of cleaning up what's left from devastating floods.
Across Queensland 86 communities have been affected, including the state's capital, with some towns deluged three times by floodwaters.

Volunteering Queensland says it has 20,000 on its books, including volunteers from interstate, ready to help.


IMO she is doing nothing more than what any other person would do in a time of crisis such as the ones faced to those of the SE over the last week if placed in charge of the state.

It doesn't in my mind, negate any of the piss poor decisions her and her f**ked out government have made over the last 2 years. She may be talking the talk at the moment, but it's in the next few months to be seen wether she can walk the walk.



Interesting point we were discussing at work yesterday. Where is John Paul LANGBROOK ?

I have seen him twice on TV conducting a 2 min interview.


suppose the spotlight will always go to the sitting premier I guess, seeing as though she is the one actually making some of the decisions in this crisis. Not sure why he isn't in the media a lot at the moment.

Sort of 'damned if he does, damned if he doesn't' get in the media, people will criticize him for being in the spotlight too much and making it a political statement/issue
not being in the media and being accused of doing nothing. It's a lose lose situation I suppose.

I was down in Brisbane (Amberley) on Tuesday and it was one of the most 'full on days' I have ever had in my job. The rain was insane where I was and the evacuation of the RAAF Base bar essential personnel at about 9am shows just how intense the weather was. I feel for the people down there, I hope they can get their lives on track soon.

I hope the looters get AIDS
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Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Nice one Angry. I never said she was knocking NSW you dumb f*ck. You are the arrogant f*ckwit mentioning your mother-in-law then sinking the slipper into those that showed concern.
And you were thanked for your concern. FTR it did take long trips but the treatments were made, I can thankyou again for your concern.

I stated that Bligh probably meant nothing by it. Others think differently. Yet if Bligh wasn't sinking the slipper in - why the f*ck are you ya f*cking sook?
Now that we are on a separate subject, you were the one having a sook.

Grow up and accept that a woman under immense stress can make a comment that may be seen as ambiguous.
Fair dinkum you still say she running others down.

Seriously, I hope your mother in law gets her medical attention and makes a full recovery
Thanks for that

- enough to whack you over the scone with a roling pin for being such a pretentious f*cking sook.
Again I point out you were having sook, I just could not see how someone could take her words as running others down and having a sook about.

Go the blues!!!


During a disaster, I think people bind together under one common denominator, and as such are identified by that common denominator. We saw it in New Orleans with Katrina, New Yorkers after September 11, Chinese students during Tiananmen Square and Victorian's during Black Saturday. I don't think it's intended by Gillard, but I think as a society we tend to categorise people.

I lived in Queensland for years and love the place, but the Queenslanders have a superiority complex that just makes me laugh. I remember talking to someone in Noosa who told me that they come from the best town, in the best state, of the best country in the world. I could never figure out how she came to that conclusion as she had never left Australia :?

I don't think it's Queenslander's only. I think it's a select few. I lived in Queensland for 10 years and sure they are proud of there state - rightfully so - but they aren't all so insular as that woman you are talking about. Tasmanian's are bad with that. Half of them have never left the state let alone the country but still believe there is nowhere else better. You would be surprised.

In my experience, Australia is quite an insular country in general, with the select few above really highlighting that. Not that that's always a bad thing. But sometimes I think we forget there are other countries around. What I find really interesting is that those who have travelled past Bali/Fiji/Vanuatu etc, and out into the big bad world, are much more worldly characters as compared to those who have travelled very little distance. Each to their own I suppose.

The Tank

Nice one Angry. I never said she was knocking NSW you dumb f*ck. You are the arrogant f*ckwit mentioning your mother-in-law then sinking the slipper into those that showed concern.

I stated that Bligh probably meant nothing by it. Others think differently. Yet if Bligh wasn't sinking the slipper in - why the f*ck are you ya f*cking sook?

Grow up and accept that a woman under immense stress can make a comment that may be seen as ambiguous.

Seriously, I hope your mother in law gets her medical attention and makes a full recovery - enough to whack you over the scone with a roling pin for being such a pretentious f*cking sook.

I can see where you're coming from, but as you said, I don't think she meant anything by it.


During a disaster, I think people bind together under one common denominator, and as such are identified by that common denominator. We saw it in New Orleans with Katrina, New Yorkers after September 11, Chinese students during Tiananmen Square and Victorian's during Black Saturday. I don't think it's intended by Gillard, but I think as a society we tend to categorise people. .
Not sure about that. New Orleans saw a lot of old race divisions come to the surface and in China a lot of students were quick to turn informer after Tiananmen square. But I get your drift.

Perth Red

Post Whore
After reading what she actualy said and taking it in the emotional context of events I take it back and think it was appropriate and everyone should get the frick over themselves. It was a rallying call to Queenslanders who need to hear it, the rest of us should shut the frick up and let them do/say whatever they need to at this time.


That's the thing PR. It's not an us v them thing. There are a lot of non Queenslanders doing it tough up there as well, and these people need the rallying call as well.

Bligh has been phenomenal - the woman must be exhausted, and when the emotion spills out one realises the effort she has made to reign it in. These people are used to speech writers of the calibre of Don Watson or Alan Jones, so speaking off the cuff is something they are not so rehearsed at.

I think anyone launching an attack over this issue is missing the point of her call. I also believe those that read the ambiguity in her speech as singling out Queenslanders as better or tougher probably also needed the rallying call, but felt excluded by it. After all, this is not exclusively Queensland's own problem, its far wider than that. Me and my family were only a few of the tens of thousands of non Queenslanders caught up in it too. We were stranded in a small town with rapidly dwindling supplies for 5 days, and everyone around us were absolutely fantastic. That was the catalyst for this thread.

Those who want to make those sentiments into a bitchfight, or who intend to trivialise what some raw emotioned non Queenslanders may have felt from the unintentional ambiguity of Blighs speech need a very long and very thorough look at themselves, because the value that the countries intellectual capital that is contributed by you is hardly worth the waste of oxygen.

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