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Racial slur in Parra v Souths match


First Grade
When you're in the work place, which the football field is for these blokes,just use merkin. It's more than offensive enough. Tacking anything on the front of that word, whether it be white, black, Mediterranean Descendant, skippy, fat, skinny, short, ugly, dumb, gay or whatever is just plain idiocy.
Outside the work place it's a great way to start a punchup, sometimes with more than the person intended. Your dentist will rejoice.

I have been called a white merkin many times on the footy field, most especially when playing Cleveland St back in the day. A couple of my team mates came out unscathed; they were Koori lads. "Mate, they just like to bash you white merkins, don't take it personal."

No matter what it's not nice to cop racist abuse. Modern society might ignore it against Anglo-Celtic caucasians of english speaking backgrounds, but it still stings. Whether manifested as sadness, anger, contempt or frustration depends on the victim.

I have always strived to be imaginative in my insults, so a tacky racial slur is pretty low brow IMO.

I used to live near a Greek community, and had a lot of mates from Greek backgrounds. Strangely enough, a lot of them didn't tell their parents I was an "Aussie", because they were discourage from associating with non Greek Australians. It made me pretty angry to be villified based on race, especially by foolks who chose to be near us.

By the time I hit twenty, I had been called a white merkin, a Mediterranean Descendant prick, filthy gook and even dirty Aboriginal. When buying some Metho with a mate we were asked if we wanted some orange juice to go with it.

You see, I am an Anglo Aussie, but with black hair, dark eyes, off white skin all due to a speck of Chinese in my ancestry, which means I can fulfill many racial slurs. I can be whipping boy to everyone.

To wrap up my diatribe, racial surs are stupid and unnecessary.
I'm sure Dean Widders is not crying himself to sleep over this, but he is right to be angry that someone could use such an insult in a professional arena in the modern day.
This isn't maroubra vs Cleveland st, it's two professional sporting arena with millions of viewers, it's absolutely untenable. If Dean were to have called Brian a white so-and-so, I would be saying the same thing.
This crap just has no place in professional sport. If we can't get it out of sport, how can we hope to get it out of society in the main?
Not sure if it has been mentioned yet (I haven’t read all 15 pages!) but I heard this morning that he didn’t call him a Black merkin, he called him a Fat merkin. It was on the Today show on 9.


Homer's Bowling Ball said:
Not sure if it has been mentioned yet (I haven’t read all 15 pages!) but I heard this morning that he didn’t call him a Black merkin, he called him a Fat merkin. It was on the Today show on 9.

He said fat c after widders confronted him about what he said

The telegraph has a pretty good transcript of what was said after the initial incident

the fact that fletch has apologised would suggest it wasnt as 'innocent' as saying fat c

Misty Bee

First Grade
Racism is not only the domaine of those with Aboriginal background in Australia. In fact, racism laws dont reference which races are not to be picked on. Therefore, racism, by law, applies to all discriminatuion based on racial issues. The problem is that no one has ever been sucessful bringing a claim against someone who was discriminated against becaus ethey are white.

I'm white. Anyone who reckons white people don't cop racism is in dreamland. I have a germanic surname. My grandmother was evicted from a house in the early 1940's because of her germanic surname. Didn't matter that her hubby copped a bullet at Gallipoli, or that at the time she had 5 sons fighting at Kokoda.

The day my eldest finished school, a mob of fellow students attacked him at school and wrote horrible messages all over his clothes. Swastikas, Jew killer, nazi. The school did nothnig about it. Thankfully, like his forbears, he is serving his country in the navy, and cops nothing about it anymore.

racism is a massive issue, that affects all. Sadly, authorities can only see/deal with some sections of it. Aboriginals have an avenue for recourse - if I had that avenue I would have used it too. Far better than my other option, involving a baseball bat and the offenders testicles.

It's a pity that the laws and mechanisms designed to stamp out vilification only protect homosexuals, non anglo saxons and people with some disabilities. But that's the fault of those that ajudicate the laws. When those laws extend to cover society in full, we will be a better place. Ask obese people about discrimination, or the aged. It's not confined to aboriginals.

NRL people are role models. Mostly good ones, sometimes bad. Widders has an opportunity to further the cause of stopping racism. Any blow struck is therefore a good one.


First Grade

build a bridge and get over hey guys, stop seeing people as white,black,brown yellow or pink with green spots start thinking of people as humans were all the same we eat,drink and sleep.

and if you want to be small minded continue to use the different discriminations that exist then go right ahead

no one should ever use race,age or friggin weight agaisnt someone its just stupid

and if you think your better then someone else because your white,black skinny,fat, tall or short then get over yourself


bartman said:
If you re-read my post, you'll see I edited it after you posted your apology for mis-reading Dilmah. So I took back my snipe (but left it there for accuracy of what was posted at the time).

Care to do the same? I thought your apology might put an end to your use of "snappy" and oh so witty debating tactics in this thread. Guess I was wrong...

Care to do the same what?

I misunderstood dilmahs inference. I was wrong. I apologized.
Its no admission of weakness to admit youre wrong, many here should try it.

If im not wrong, youre having a go at me for not "debating" to you liking,using 'witty tactics' and the like ....sounds to me youre acusing me of something and doing exactly the same thing in the process.

Looks like youre wrong on a few things.....oh well.

I look at the papers today, front page, back page, the airwaves and TV are saturated with this.....shocking isnt it.

And what happened?

Someone was called a black c...

As I said in my initial post, its not right.....but bloody hell this happens every day from all sides of the spectrum, its not such a big deal.


First Grade
Also lets not forget the damage Widders is doing to the game and its image by publicising it.

He could have just left it on the field and all of us would be better off.

League doesn't need another scandal.

The Colonel

Lego_Man said:
Also lets not forget the damage Widders is doing to the game and its image by publicising it.

He could have just left it on the field and all of us would be better off.

League doesn't need another scandal.

Yes, great idea. Let's cover it up and pretend it never happened...... :rolleyes:

Godz Illa

Lego_Man said:
Also lets not forget the damage Widders is doing to the game and its image by publicising it.

He could have just left it on the field and all of us would be better off.

League doesn't need another scandal.
Do you really mean this? Surely you are being facetious. I suggest before you say something so inexplicably stupid, that you take a moment to actually think about it first. Of all your brainless posts in this thread, this is probably the least cerebral. Billions of years of evolution have granted you a functioning, intelligent brain. Dont waste it.


I dunno if anyones said this but according to Fletcher he called him a Fat c not a black c.


Lego_Man said:
Also lets not forget the damage Widders is doing to the game and its image by publicising it.

He could have just left it on the field and all of us would be better off.

League doesn't need another scandal.
I hope you meet some unhappy aboriginals in a dark alley.


cainen said:
I dunno if anyones said this but according to Fletcher he called him a Fat c not a black c.
He is lying. He was clearly heard saying black c on the Fox audio according to Fox.


Yeah, he's since admitted guilt by apologising to Widders saying it was in the heat of the moment.

Why is there two threads on this? I'm finding myself replying to both saying the same thing.
Lego_Man said:
Also lets not forget the damage Widders is doing to the game and its image by publicising it.

He could have just left it on the field and all of us would be better off.

League doesn't need another scandal.

Don't forget this when you next go down to the shops for your bread and milk Lego.....



cant be bothered reading the whole thread but for those like lego Widders has accepted the apology and sad this morning that he wont be pursueing it. Can you blame him being upset about it at the game in the "heat of the moment" as u all like to say especially as he is so heavily involved in the community and had a big part in organins gthe Naidoc celebrations at the game. It is Fletcher who as the bunnies captain has more responsibility than others int he game who is bringing the bad headlines.


nah, dickhead of the week is definitely Fletcher's award
Lego Man a very close second though


Penalty has just been announced on the radio:

* Fletcher removed from the side for next weeks game

* Fletcher removed from captaincy of Souths for rest of the season

* Fletcher fined 10 grand- 5 of which will go to a charity of widders' choice

* Fletcher to be made to accompany widders for widders' charity work stuff