Lego_Man said:
Yellow wasn't being used as a derogatory term, merely descriptive.
And as a European New Zealander i do have a problem with Auckland being flooded by immigrants who do not share our language, culture or values and who have no desire to integrate.
I'm all for diversity, but there is such a thing as too much diversity.
New Zealand is not China.
No, you're not for diversity at all, you're for a narrow spectrum, a homogenised society. It's quite clear that you're a xenophobe with a poor grasp of racism, its repercussions and bigotry on a wider scale. To you its all well and good for Europeans to have forcibly integrated the Maori into your concept of what constitutes society yet when it happens to you there's no way you'll allow it. I do hope that you're a child, so that perhaps you may still have the opportunity to learn how ignorant you truly are. Perhaps with that hope you won't have the opportunity to infect your offspring or the children of others.
New Zealand isn't China, but then it's not a frozen in time European enclave either, the sooner that you come to that realisation the better for all concerned. NZ is an evolving society and if its future is an Asian dominated one then so be it. But then, perhaps you're not comfortable with living in a democracy either. You're a hypocrite and a fool. If you must ask it of others then practice what you preach and in turn develop a thicker exterior toward your own immediate environment.
Moffo: Ignorance and bigotry comes in all flavours, including insulting a person for their weight issues. No insult can ever truly be justified, however it's that racism is a problem where a persons ethnicity is being judged without logic and labelled a negative. Being fat on the other hand (when it's not a genetic issue) is most often the product of a lazy person creating their own problems. Were race a negative to begin with then only then could you possibly draw such parallels in a successful manner.
Timbo: It's hardly surprising that you're not offended. Whilst it's obvious that you've experienced bigotry, it's more obvious that you've never been hurled a barb that you were truly offended by and then made to feel bad about it repeatedly. Perhaps your skin is thicker than Widders, but then it's your dismissing subjects such as this and the feelings of others that makes you weak. People like you who won't stand up to intolerance that allows it to flourish. It's people like you who allow for the development of people like Lego Man and then the even more ignorant and driven racists that follow.
If I was called a white c*** then I would make a complaint. If I was called n****r I would issue a complaint as well. I've been called both and many other names in my time and have experienced racism so frequent and intensive that after my first 10 years of life my father moved our family to another town. Any person is capable of racism, its an inherent weakness in us all. Only that those who lack in education, guidance and intelligence often are willing to try and justify it, brushing it off without thought as to how greatly it can wound a person. The same indifference applies to all forms of bigotry. Nobody is free of guilt when it comes to bigotry, only that some like Lego Man and perhaps Timbo, dwell and revel in it.