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Racial slur in Parra v Souths match


He thinks because hes of aboriginal heritage he qualifies as knowing more about racism than someone with irish catholic b/ground.

Clear cut case of racism if I ever seen one.

Moffo said:
how is that racism mate? I think you should take a pill and have a lie down...

How is it racism?

What about if I say Aboriginals run faster than Irish?
I'd be accused of racism and generalising.
Same thing....


Assistant Moderator
It amusing that people think calling someone a white merkin would be let go so therefore it must be OK to call someone a black merkin.

Are these people in the habit of insulting someone based on their racial background..? And if not, then what's stopping you?

Its also amusing that the same people are basicaly telling Dean Widders to put up and shut up.
Sounds mighty familiar.


First Grade
bartman said:
Pretty true, the protestant English have been the majority in Northern Island, and held the structural power over the Catholic nationalists for many years. So doesn't that make you realise how someone else (in this case an aboriginal australian) could feel about the same situation in their natural land, and having their race (very similar to religion) being commented on during the carrying out of their work duties?

Mate all i have ben saying in this whole arguement is that I understand what RACISM and PERSECUTION is, you thickheads cant get my point that it happened on a rugby league field and WAS OFFERED AN APOLOGY TO!

Rodney king never got an apology, the polish never got an apology, the catholic irish never got an apology.

Widders was offerd an apology, not from a tyrant, oppressor or facist but from a rugby league player like himself, who made a mistake.
I just think this whole issue has blown out of all proportion.


no you'd be generalising

Dilmahs comment may be a bit silly but it isn't racist


innsaneink said:
He thinks because hes of aboriginal heritage he qualifies as knowing more about racism than someone with irish catholic b/ground.

Clear cut case of racism if I ever seen one.

Do you even know what racism means?

Did you even read my post? I said that I better understand racism against aboriginals than those who aren't aboriginal. Nowhere did I say I knew more about racism than anyone else.

You're really struggling now arent you Ink. Poor bloke.


Willow said:
It amusing that people think calling someone a white merkin would be let go so therefore it must be OK to call someone a black merkin.

Are these people in the habit of insulting someone based on their racial background..? And if not, then what's stopping you?

Its also amusing that the same people are basicaly telling Dean Widders to put up and shut up.
Sounds mighty familiar.

Want to discuss Barry Ward again Willow?

:music1: :^o


Lego_Man said:
Yellow wasn't being used as a derogatory term, merely descriptive.

And as a European New Zealander i do have a problem with Auckland being flooded by immigrants who do not share our language, culture or values and who have no desire to integrate.

I'm all for diversity, but there is such a thing as too much diversity.

New Zealand is not China.

How about the problems original northern island inhabitants might have had with being flooded by European immigrants - was anyone supportive of their claims of previous waves of settlers to the region not sharing their language, culture or values?

Eurpoean culture is now the dominant culture in Auckland/NZ/Australia. And it's interesting that sometimes the same people who have reaped the diversity benefits of this migration years ago are the same people who fear current waves of migration from non-european countries like China.

But I bet they like going for the occasional chinese, indian, thai or meal now and then? And enjoy the fireworks displays on public holidays etc?


Moffo said:
no you'd be generalising

Dilmahs comment may be a bit silly but it isn't racist

I don't even see how its silly. I wasn't saying I knew more about racism. Simply that I can better emphathise.


fish eel said:
For the upteenth time, Dean's viewpoint is the only one that counts. Its not up to him to accept Fletchers apology, and its not your, mine or anybody else who can tell him he should.

If he was offended and upset and wants to take it further he is entitled to do that and do it without being judged.

Says it all there really.


Moffo said:
Na I was just being stupid, the nip in the bud comment was ironic in the context of this discussion

No worries - still don't get it though, and usually I can see irony in words etc.


First Grade
Moffo said:
so you have no problems with calling maoris, blacks?

I think a balance in society is important but i don't know why someone has to be referred to by their colour

In America African-Americans are referred to as "blacks", even by themselves. News headlines would read "Percentage of Black Players in NHL Increased by 5%", just as an example. Its a matter of convention.

And how many times has the word "white" been used to describe Europeans in this thread?

Anyway if you re-read the post i wasn't referring to Asians as "yellows" i said " you see more yellow faces than white faces"...which is just descriptive.


Dilmah said:
I don't even see how its silly. I wasn't saying I knew more about racism. Simply that I can better emphathise.

I don't see how you could judge how empathetic others are


This thread is really a sad read. I can't believe there would be small minded people on here accusing Widders of being a whinger, and that somebody being the subject of racist remarks should just cop it and shut up. Some of you should take a long hard look at yourselves. Very very sad.


sydraider said:
Mate all i have ben saying in this whole arguement is that I understand what RACISM and PERSECUTION is, you thickheads cant get my point that it happened on a rugby league field and WAS OFFERED AN APOLOGY TO!
Speaking personally, I can understand your point and your right to hold it. I just don't agree with you that an apology should be sufficient.

A football field these days is a professional workplace, and employers have a responsibility to make sure players are able to conduct their work in an environment free of discrimination, in this case racism. An apology from th eoffender does not act as suffient incentive for others not to breach that environment, in my opinion.


Lego_Man said:
In America African-Americans are referred to as "blacks", even by themselves. News headlines would read "Percentage of Black Players in NHL Increased by 5%", just as an example. Its a matter of convention.

And how many times has the word "white" been used to describe Europeans in this thread?

Anyway if you re-read the post i wasn't referring to Asians as "yellows" i said " you see more yellow faces than white faces"...which is just descriptive.

So exactly who were you referring to when you mentioned the word yellows?


Fair point - but i'm not so much judging how empathetic they are, as I am what position i'm in.

I don't see how someone looking from the outside and guessing what it's like can be in the same position to comment as someone who has been the victim themselves.

I could be wrong, but thats how I see it.

BTW - thanks for the post count boost, Racial Thread. lol
Racism is Racism

From a White man, Calling a (Dark coloured, being non racist) person, A Black C#$T or A black Bastards is racist

and is a Black man, Calling a Caucasin man, A White F#$k or C$%T, THAT IS RACIST!!!.

If anybody condone this, Join the f**king KKK will you!!!.

I am a White man, but i don't say Racial Remarks because I feel i let down this Fantastic COUNTRY of Ours

This is a Multi-Cultrual Society now, We have every nation from around the world here now, This alleged player should be summons to the NRL Judicary and be properly Charged, Apology or No Apology!!!.

It is a f**king disgrace, AFL(Use of example) were rife with Racism and they have cleared it out. As the English Premier league with the "Let's Kick Racism out of the Game" Campaign!!!.

This is a Disgrace!! and if i was THE NRL, I would be investigate this and if this is the case put up for the most serious charge because RL is about 10 years behind the AFL in its racism policies.