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Raiders stand down Goodwin and Carney over club claims

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Well doesn't that say it all?

His peers, who were also out with Carney that night and no doubt would have seen his efforts, deem his behaviour bad enough to be stood down from playing even though he is the key to their team - and season.

They would have been disappointed in the way he acted. Even if he is innocent of the crimes he has been accused (and let us not forget he has simply been accused) he still got far too drunk the night before a training session.

People like Alan Tongue have his best interests at heart and not letting him getting away with getting on the piss a night before a training session certainly in his and the teams best interests. We can win without him, we did it last year. He is not the be all and end all of the Canberra Raiders.

I am certainly not going to judge Todd Carney on an article from the Daily Telegraph and neither should anyone else. Every other article that has been published is far less scandalous. As I said in an earlier post, some clubs have allowed players to play while under charges of rape. Is somebody going to seriously step up and argue that the Raiders should sack their most talented player because of an accusation that he has not been charged for???

If he is charged and convicted than that is a totally different story.
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Eels Dude

your the one comparing a phone call from Gasnier to Todd Carney's drink driving and police chase, blind freddy could see they dont compare

I didn't raise that comparison. I commented on someone who had previously mentioned it and compared it and expressed my own opinion in the context of that original post.
yeah that's the thing - part of his job is to behave to a certain standard even when he's not playing ... that's part of what it is to be a professional athlete. in the same way that if a court finds nick darcy (just as an example) wasn't guilty of assault, he's still not gonna be in the olympic team. I know it's a much worse example, but it's the same logic, you know?

The real question should be though , why as a society do we expect an NRL player to behave better than other members of the public?

Isnt this hypocritical of society as a whole?


Why should an NRL player be held to a higher standard though?

rugby league players are just people with the same issues and problems as all other people from the community.

You dont hear of many rockstars or actors being held to the same standard as an NRL player. Mostly people in these professions are forgiven for bad descions or actions they make. Carney on the other hand is facing being de-registered.

Im not saying he shouldnt face some attention for his actions. But he certainly shouldnt face a tougher penalty just because he is well known.

I get what you mean herbert, as far as judgment from the publid goes. I don't think it's a function of him being well-known thought ... if anything the media beat-up around him is a function of him being a well-known rugby league player in particular.

people are comfortable with stereotypes. it's easier to think of all rugby league players as Just Dumb Rugby League Players, and unfortunately enough dumb players have done dumb and irresponsible and criminal things in that past that people automatically assume they are always at fault.

as far as his treatment from the club, that's just in line with the contract he signed I think. in the same way that in the past the big picture studios had morality clauses in their actors' contracts to protect them against actors damaging their reputations by acting out.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
The difficult thing is that sports people can at times be some of the dumbest and most immature members of society (like for example mr Todd Carney) and we expect them to act intelligent and mature, especially when they are on the drink.

On the rockstar thing, some of those guys are lauded for such drunken antics when they can be as old as 35-40. Todd Carney and SBW and other players with bad reputation are in their early 20s. I just wonder what players got up to years ago before their was a massive media presence. I would love to be able to play Rugby League as good as some of those guys, but I am thankful I can live my life in peace mostly.
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regards to teachers and such, misconduct is regards to their job. Todd Carney's offence, if any, is not related to his work. Somebody who works at Coles stacking shelves is not going to be sacked if allegations are made about them urinating on someone...
It is related to the public image of his club, the people who pay his wages, and also the game as a whole which give him and other players the opportunity to earn their living, instead of play footy in the park and have a day job.

How hard is it that (or how bad is it for) a professional club to have a professional policy that acknowledges complaints (by having a player stand down temporarily), and that has a speedy way of investigating and resolving the issue. So that things like this can blow over in teh space of a week, and a play can be re-included and still take part in the next game, as planned?

No skin off anyone's nose, the club and game look professional, and eventually the media and any spurious complainants would get the message that things like this won't wash without any substance.

I've got no problem with Canberra having stood their player down for investigation. And Carney has nothing to lose, only something to gain out of it.


The real question should be though , why as a society do we expect an NRL player to behave better than other members of the public?

Isnt this hypocritical of society as a whole?

not necessarily hypocritical I don't think. I think it's just the nature of being a professional sportsperson. you will become well-known and you will become recognisable, so your job can't just stop at 5pm when you go home, it is pretty much a 24hour gig.

and in the same way that you can't say inappropriate things or piss on people or sexually harass people in the office if you're an accountant, footy players kinda can't do it ever without the club at least considering punishing them in some way or sending them to sensitivity training or whatever it is they give them now.

I imagine it'd be similarly scnadalous if a newsreader or something did the same thing.

Eels Dude

yeah that's the thing - part of his job is to behave to a certain standard even when he's not playing ... that's part of what it is to be a professional athlete. in the same way that if a court finds nick darcy (just as an example) wasn't guilty of assault, he's still not gonna be in the olympic team. I know it's a much worse example, but it's the same logic, you know?

How is that right though? If it turns out Nick D'Arcy isn't guilty of assault (just an example also) then he's missed out on the Olympic Team, everything he's aimed for in ther past 10 years is shattered.

To take that attitude is pretty much saying if John Smith accuses Joe Blow, then we should automatically believe John Smith. If society worked like that then everybody could just go around accusing everybody else of anything they liked and get away with it.


Why should an NRL player be held to a higher standard though?

rugby league players are just people with the same issues and problems as all other people from the community.

You dont hear of many rockstars or actors being held to the same standard as an NRL player.

They are held to a higher standard because the contract they sign with the NRL states that a higher standard is expected of them.

In that sense, they aren't like normal people.

Rockstars and actors don't sign an NRL contract.

NRL players do, and in doing so they have the option of having legal advice to know exactly what they are signing and what is expected of them.

NRL players also have the option of not signing their contract and not playing in the NRL if they don't like the expectations placed on them as worded in the NRL contract they sign. Simple as that.

Whether that is right or wrong or unfair, that is just the way it is. The " bringing the game into disrepute " section of a standard NRL contract is widely known as being a major part of NRL registration.

Your question would be better off directed to the National Rugby League as to why they expect players to be held at a higher standard to the rest of us.

And then you could possibly direct the same question to the Rugby League Players Association as to why, on behalf of the players, they agree to the NRL standards being what they are in a standard NRL playing contract.


I don't know about everyone else. But sometimes when you really need to go... I get it out... I aim... and due to the force it may come out at 15 degree angle. Or sometimes an upward angle. I'm not sure if this is normal or a medical condition, perhaps I should get it checked out.
That must be really awkward... all over your own shirt? :?

I'd get that seen to... or if it causes you problems spraying all over other pub patrons, just use the cubicle for safety ;-)


According to the Telegraph,there was at least another witness who quoted "he just walked in and p1ssed up and down his leg".
So it is not just the relative of Tilse who needs to forgive and forget.
The Raiders have benefited from other clubs sacking players(Tilse,Costigan),if they sack Goodwin and keep Carney which is more than likely.Will Goodwin and Irwin before him who have taken the rap have a case for unfair dismisal,or will the NRL deregister Carney because Canberra won't sack him?

Eels Dude

I've got no problem with Canberra having stood their player down for investigation. And Carney has nothing to lose, only something to gain out of it.

Carney does have something to lose. His dignity and respect as every fan of the game and media outlet call for him to be sacked. May be nothing major in comparison to other penalties. However if it turns out he's done nothing wrong having his club support him may make a hell of a difference.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
I've got no problem with Canberra having stood their player down for investigation. And Carney has nothing to lose, only something to gain out of it.

Yep, I support the Raiders and I think this is 100% the right thing to do. Even if its a giant misunderstanding I hope it at least teaches Carney to stop putting himself into positions where he can get into trouble. This is a player who has publicly admitted to aspiring to one day become the Raiders captain. If he wants to have a drink, do it at a mates place.

Eels Dude

That must be really awkward... all over your own shirt? :?

I'd get that seen to... or if it causes you problems spraying all over other pub patrons, just use the cubicle for safety ;-)

Lol... I should define upwards. To put it into rugby league terms, above the horizontal... Instead of hitting the bulls eye I hit the double twenty.


ok this is actually really interesting. you never even think about how hard that would be.


On the lighter side,there is a full page story on the race for the 8 on page 1 of RLW,there is a big photo of Carney celebrating at fulltime on sunday.
The caption says "Carney lets it all hang out after the Raiders stunned the Roosters on sunday",although this was written before the story surfaced it is deadset gold.:lol:
not necessarily hypocritical I don't think. I think it's just the nature of being a professional sportsperson. you will become well-known and you will become recognisable, so your job can't just stop at 5pm when you go home, it is pretty much a 24hour gig.

and in the same way that you can't say inappropriate things or piss on people or sexually harass people in the office if you're an accountant, footy players kinda can't do it ever without the club at least considering punishing them in some way or sending them to sensitivity training or whatever it is they give them now.

I imagine it'd be similarly scnadalous if a newsreader or something did the same thing.

Well i think its clearly hypocritical that we expect these players to behave at a higher standard. Afterall these are just kids from the community. They are susceptible to the same human frailities as well all are.

These Players need some down time. How can they relax if they are considered in an office environment all the time? surely they sholdnt have to face that type of scrutiny. Offcourse if their actions involve breaking the law they should face those consequences.


I totalyl agree with you that most people have done stuff in their lifetimes that would be as bad as what league players do. I definitely have! if I was in any way in the public eye I would probably get the lindsay lohan treatment in famous magazine every week.

but don't you think there's a massive difference between 'letting players relax' and pissing on people? or drunk driving?

they're not saying players can't go out and have a beer without getting in trouble. they're taking action when players do something that even trashy ole me thinks is pretty obviously inappropriate and damaging to the reputation of the game.

I am pretty sympathetic to the fact that players get hassled when they're out, but this kinda behaviour still isn't acceptable.

I also think that in the scheme of things canberra HAVE been pretty forgiving. it's not like carney has messed up once and they've cracked it at him. he's done a whole list's worth of dumb stuff and they've only, finally, temporarily, stood him down.

it's not exactly overly harsh.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
According to the article in the Australian. It appears Todd Carney is going to argue that it was an accident. That is speculative though of course.


I hope the explanation also somehow involves him having no pants on like todd mckenney.

that's my fave celebrity excuse.

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