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Rape allegation


a woman has allegedly been sexually assaulted, if true whoever it is should be prosecuted. certain people using this as an excuse for cheap insults deserve a real kick up the arse.


knight_of_knights said:
Hadley sources his stuff very thorough before announcing news, especially stuff like this, he just likes to tell it how it is and have his opinion..nothing wrong with that

Just like he went on about Tim Smith being involved in a drunken incident a few weeks ago. We all know how that ended up.

He's a tool of the highest order regardless of the news he breaks.


Stranger said:
And the fact he pratically read out the april fool's article from El Diablo this year would prove otherwise also. Then you can have a look at the Timmy Smith Incident from a week or two back and it would also prove otherwise.

Ray sounds as credible as Rebecca Wilson.

What was april fool's article all about?


Post Whore
Nook said:
For those talking about the drugs/consent issue a few pages back

IIRC the mental component of sexual assualt is 'intention' - to be guilty you've got to know that the person involved is not consenting or be reckless as to the question of whether or not they are consenting.

If you have sex with a woman who is too drunk/too drugged to consent then (assuming this and the act itself can be proved, which is difficult) you are gone.

So how drunk do you have to be, i think i may have been raped by a fat chick.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Again, I highly recommend people stop speculating.


First Grade
El Diablo said:
i'm wondering how anyone could be charged if the female isn't even sure she was raped
It's probably been answered but if she doesn't expressly give her consent (say, because she's in an altered level of consciousness) or at least indicate her willingness to participate, it's rape.


Post Whore
nqboy said:
It's probably been answered but if she doesn't expressly give her consent (say, because she's in an altered level of consciousness) or at least indicate her willingness to participate, it's rape.

No point picking up at a pub or nightclub then, they're all in an altered level of conciousness.


First Grade
A few more detail here from the SMH

League players in sex attack claims
RUGBY league's "Mad Monday" celebrations officially started on Sunday for West Tigers players after their last game of the season, but ended 16 hours later with a woman complaining to police of sexual assault.

A 26-year-old woman has told police she woke up at a party that she had attended with a group of players and others, to find her underwear rearranged and her clothing dishevelled.

The woman, who had met the players at Hugo's Lounge in Kings Cross, feared she had been the victim of a date rape drug and went to Parramatta police station at 10.40am.

A police spokeswoman said the NSW Child Protection and Sex Crimes Squad was investigating the allegation.

A Wests Tigers player said the woman came back "quite willingly" to the party at Five Dock and he thought it was "all systems go".

He said his teammates were shattered at the complaint and it had ended the year on a sour note. Wests Tigers, the reigning premiers, failed to make the eight this season, finishing 11th.

The chief executive of the National Rugby League, David Gallop, said the allegations were "clearly a major concern" but they were a matter for the police.

The scene of the alleged attack, in William Street, is not far from from the Wests Tigers training ground at Concord Oval and is home to the player Ryan O'Hara. There is no suggestion that O'Hara is involved in the alleged assault - and he has told friends he was not at his home when the assault is alleged to have occurred.

Earlier in the night the players had partied at Hugo's Lounge and then at another nightspot, the Sapphire Suite. From there the team split, with at least five players choosing to go to O'Hara's place with other people and a group of women.

Residents in the apartment block said the party went all night and was rowdy. The Wests Tigers chief executive, Steve Noyce, had spoken to the players yesterday morning before he attended Burwood police station to talk to investigating officers.

"I spoke to the players this morning at training just to make them aware that I had heard some rumours, if that's the right word, and just to say that the club would work through the process and that to make sure that they kept in touch with me and come to talk to me if they had any issues," Noyce said. "We are not aware at this stage of any specific allegation against a Wests Tigers player, and the club is very keen to work with the police to establish what may or may not have taken place."

Noyce said the club would not initiate its own investigation, relying instead on directions from the police. They were continuing to keep the NRL informed of any developments.


I have twice in my life been drugged and know first hand the effects.

At a party in my home by my housemates friend when I was 17. Luckily for me my fiance finished work early that night. I felt totally out of control yet to him I just appeared to have had a couple of drinks. I didnt tell him what happened for a long time because he would have killed the bloke who did it.

Second time I was 23 and at a night club with friends where the three of us were drugged. I left my friends behind and dont remember the next four hours. Someone I know spoke to me shortly after not knowing I was missing and didnt notice anything strange. I went home got my car and drove to my cousins house and I appeared normal for 4 am in the morning after a night out. We talked for a while then he went to bed and I was supposed to crash on the lounge. Next I know I arrived home at 7am in a cab with no shoes and from the state of my feet I had walked a fair way. The last thing I remember is being in the club and I thought my car had been stolen.

If this girl was drugged I dont doubt her being unsure what happened to her.

I also dont doubt a person who is drugged can appear in control to another person.

I hope that the whole truth comes out in the investigation and fast.

Lastley if anyone has intentionally drugged this girl and then raped her I hope they are named, shamed, thrown out of league and jailed no matter who they are.


Interesting story on your experience with date rape drugs. I was having the discussion last night with my girlfriend and she thought that anyone who had been drugged would be catatonic and obviously under the influence of something, hence culpability would lie squarely with the guy going ahead with the act.


First Grade
gunnamatta bay said:
Slightly off topic but don't the clubs have rules about players associating with the cheergirls?

The tigers do and two cheergirls were sacked earlier in the year for attending Benji's 21st


That's a bit harsh (but viewed in hindsight exactly the right thing to do).

gunnamatta bay

At this stage the police are running round collecting evidence so it's a bit early to speculate what actually happened.


If only the media had similar mods, to stop the damaging speculation which may actually hinder police efforts.


Nice to see the Telecrap throwing around the term gang rape yet again.

They really won't be happy until the destroy Leagues reputation. I said the same thing during the Coffs Harbor incident that the media should keep out of it unless they have facts from the police. Imagining worst case scenario and it is true if they throw around enough of this garbage and misinformation than it could hinder any possible prosecution as well