Perhaps ,then again as the Raider's crowds were nothing to write home about, and membership numbers so far disappointing, they could join the Sharks as a travelling troupe.
Meh, crowds don't mean anything anymore, I really don't understand why people get so upset about them anymore (seems to be because of dick measuring with the AFL, which in of it's self is stupid). Besides that as a percentage of the population (which is the best way to measure a crowds impact anyway) we're probably outdrawing everyone except the Knights and Cowboys, so realistically they aren't that bad anyway.
And Disappointing membership numbers? Disappointing to who!?
Anyone who knew anything about the Canberra market knew that the jump in membership sales was a direct response to the good season in 2016, and considering how 2017 and 18 went how they did I'm surprised that membership sales are still as good as they are... So yeah it seems to me that the only people that would be disappointed with the Raiders membership sales are idiots who wouldn't know what to expect anyway.
All of that has to make you wonder if one season where the Raiders make the top four and a preliminary final results in as big a jump in crowds and membership sales as it did what would the result of having a few good seasons in a row result in? And imagine what making or even winning a GF would result in...