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Rebecca Wilson at it again


There is racism week in, week out in Rugby League?

First I've heard of it. Stupid f***ing ***** she is

yeah apparently Thurston, Inglis, Hodges, Thaiday and the countless other aboriginal/torres straight islander/samoan/tongan/png/cook islands/fijian/maori etc players that are in the NRL are just copping racial abuse week after week.... :sarcasm:


It's f**king maddening. In rugby league, there is no suggestion of the kind of casual racism AFL seems to endure every other week. And yet a piece of filth can just trot a line out like that, unchallenged, whenever she feels like it. And she's not alone.

The peons around here wonder why the media's treatment of our sport is such a hobby horse for some of us.

Spot on, mate.


I'm loathe to defend the wench. But i think 'the week in, week out' was referencing what's happening to Goodes at the moment.


I'm loathe to defend the wench. But i think 'the week in, week out' was referencing what's happening to Goodes at the moment.

"Look, what's been fantastic about the AFL in my entire life, since I was a four year old kid, they were always ahead of the game in terms of amalgamation of races into the code and there was never any doubt that the AFL led the way, but the AFL brought itself back to the pack and back to the levels we see in rugby league week in, week out, with what's gone on with Goodes"

That's a generous interpretation but even if you're right, she's still saying it happens week in week out in RL and that the Victorian game has always had some sort of moral high ground when it comes to race.

Hey has anyone checked whether Wilson has one white parent?
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First Grade
It's annoying hearing journos of her low standard peddle the crap that afl has always been the leaders on issues.
Well the way I see it rugby league leads them easily in dealing with drugs, supporting gay rights, being open to people of all backgrounds etc.
Afl is just good at marketing itself to the zealots.


So apparently Dermott Brereton went toe to toe with her on radio yesterday afternoon after she basically accused him of inciting/encouraging crowds to continue to boo Goodes... She was doing a regular spot on on SEN Melbourne and Dermott rang in after hearing what she said about him.

Brereton has apparently asked for a transcript of what she said on air with a view to taking legal action if there are found to be any grounds to go down that path...

It may not happen this time, but surely one day her comeuppance will arrive...

Nice Beaver

First Grade
Dermott Brereton you magnificent bastard! :lol:

He absolutely gave it to that cow. Called her out on her "journalistic" skills and is seeking legal advice.

Reading her stuff (even a few lines) is bad enough, but hearing that hog whine on the radio is even worse!

Love your work Dermy :D


Dermott was great, wasn't he? Tore her to shreds and called her out on what he called (paraphrased) "the worst piece of journalism I have ever heard from you"- which says a lot! DB couldn't have called up at a better time because Bourbon Beccy was carrying on with all the nonsense people have already mentioned, including saying that crowds should be booing the Fifita brothers like people are booing Goodes :crazy:


This is deadset one of the best threads on all the web.

What a troll she is and she manages to get paid for it, sad thing is the stupid people out there that will listen and nod their heads in agreement.

Meanwhile back in the real world all I see is a fantastic sporting competition involving peoples and players from all walks of life from many nations on this Earth enjoying and participating in Rugby League week after week after week weather it be here in Australia or somewhere else on this big blue planet.

Probably one of the main reasons I follow Rugby League is that the game itself is an equalizer on the field so it matters not where you come from or what you look like. I am very proud of the History of Rugby League being first in many areas of world sport. The first code in Australia to have a captain of a club team being Aboriginal, the same man also being the first Aboriginal to captain his country in a world cup. In France, RL was the code that allowed the gypsies and middle eastern people to play the game. In England, RL again was the first code in that country to have a black captain of the Great Britain team, they also had the first captain of middle east origin for England. Ian Roberts 20 years before any other mainstream mens sport. Going against Nazism in France and other places whilst other sporting codes bowed down and shook hands with the devil.

RL has had to scrap and bow made to toe the line over the years even having to buy players from its enemies to survive at times, but the one thing the game has always been good at is making sure those that wanted to play could play no matter who or what they were or where they came from and what they done to have to make it that far.

Rugby League has had to rely on some of these minorities at times to survive in certain places around the world, Rebecca, I have no idea what you are good at besides being a professional troll, but one thing is for certain, you are nowhere near a sports journalist nor sports historian and you should not be allowed near any piece of equipment available to man that allows you to communicate with the outside world and pass off your warped sense of reality to the rest of us.

If being a professional troll involves just lying, well done Rebecca, you have found your true calling.

Desert Qlder

First Grade
This is deadset one of the best threads on all the web.

What a troll she is and she manages to get paid for it, sad thing is the stupid people out there that will listen and nod their heads in agreement.

Meanwhile back in the real world all I see is a fantastic sporting competition involving peoples and players from all walks of life from many nations on this Earth enjoying and participating in Rugby League week after week after week weather it be here in Australia or somewhere else on this big blue planet.

Probably one of the main reasons I follow Rugby League is that the game itself is an equalizer on the field so it matters not where you come from or what you look like. I am very proud of the History of Rugby League being first in many areas of world sport. The first code in Australia to have a captain of a club team being Aboriginal, the same man also being the first Aboriginal to captain his country in a world cup. In France, RL was the code that allowed the gypsies and middle eastern people to play the game. In England, RL again was the first code in that country to have a black captain of the Great Britain team, they also had the first captain of middle east origin for England. Ian Roberts 20 years before any other mainstream mens sport. Going against Nazism in France and other places whilst other sporting codes bowed down and shook hands with the devil.

RL has had to scrap and bow made to toe the line over the years even having to buy players from its enemies to survive at times, but the one thing the game has always been good at is making sure those that wanted to play could play no matter who or what they were or where they came from and what they done to have to make it that far.

Rugby League has had to rely on some of these minorities at times to survive in certain places around the world, Rebecca, I have no idea what you are good at besides being a professional troll, but one thing is for certain, you are nowhere near a sports journalist nor sports historian and you should not be allowed near any piece of equipment available to man that allows you to communicate with the outside world and pass off your warped sense of reality to the rest of us.

If being a professional troll involves just lying, well done Rebecca, you have found your true calling.



Staff member
Not a fan of Brereton but geez that was a spray.

Its no secret that Beccy is a Swans fan and I think she has the blinkers on in this case, she really shouldn't be commentating on issues to do with her favourite team.

Anyone else notice when she was talking about Tooves she nearly said he is from the Shire just as she corrected herself ?

Hitting the bourbon a bit early yesterday


Ugh, usually I can just laugh off her bullshit but that one is particularly disgusting. What I love about League is that we don't spend a lot of time patting ourselves on the back and pointing out racial diversity - it is just part of the fabric of the game. The AFL can have as many silly themed rounds and games as they want ("Dreamtime At The G" anyone?) but everyone knows it is just window dressing


Post Whore
Ugh, usually I can just laugh off her bullshit but that one is particularly disgusting. What I love about League is that we don't spend a lot of time patting ourselves on the back and pointing out racial diversity - it is just part of the fabric of the game. The AFL can have as many silly themed rounds and games as they want ("Dreamtime At The G" anyone?) but everyone knows it is just window dressing

That is exactly right.
The AFL have to have these special "rounds" to cover up for the inadequate effort they actually make in real terms.
RL fans love the Inglis "goanna crawl" We love it, and celebrate with him.
He is proud of his culture and we are happy for him to share that celebration.
Maybe Goodes' war dance was his way of saying, "I'm not prepared to be treated like this. I am Australian too. I am not an ape. I will not be auditioning for a part in King Kong."
The AFL is a f**king blight on this country.



As a Kiwi I am luckily pretty much sheltered from much of the douchey media types you get in Aussie without actively looking for it (sure there's some douchiness in a Union-centric sports media here, but nothing like this lovely sounding lady!).
Just reading about her on these threads over the years just makes me glad I've never had the pleasure of her voice in my earholes!!!

I don't know who this Dermott fullah is, but if he can make the uppance come on a mouthy "journalist", then I'm backing him! That man deserves a DB!


That is exactly right.
The AFL have to have these special "rounds" to cover up for the inadequate effort they actually make in real terms.
RL fans love the Inglis "goanna crawl" We love it, and celebrate with him.
He is proud of his culture and we are happy for him to share that celebration.
Maybe Goodes' war dance was his way of saying, "I'm not prepared to be treated like this. I am Australian too. I am not an ape. I will not be auditioning for a part in King Kong."
The AFL is a f**king blight on this country.


I found it funny that Eddie McChins come out the other day and asked for the booing to stop considering he made the King Kong joke, he is as much to blame as the people who are booing.

I really hope a RL identity calls DUI out the same way Dermie did.

Disgusting women, disgusting game a match made in heaven.

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