i sent her this, no real personal abuse, just let her work out how dumb the article was :
i read your recent article and was shocked at the level of inaccuracies in there. your article had to be one of the most unprofessional articles ive ever read.
do you check your facts or do you just make stuff up based on your limited knowledge of RL.
you make the outrageous claim that AFL travels well and League does not. how do you work that out? AFL has struggled to expand in the only country it is really played in. if you look at TV ratings for the swans or lions they are simply awful.
then when you mentioned where RL is primarily played you ignored PNG, a nation of 6 million right on our doorstep. RL there is the national sport. or france, a country where RL has been played for over 70 years, and which currently supports a Super League team.
are you even aware that London has supported a professional RL team for over 25 years?
you say RL has limited appeal. this in a year when australia will host its most ambitious world cup ever. indeed, guess which sport held a WC first, union or league?
and to say russel crowe should be concentrating on selling more souths tickets at home rather than going to america ignores that souths have almost doubled their season ticket numbers already.
jealousy is an evil thing. as an AFL fan i can see how RL getting mass exposure in america could make you feel worried. or how a world famous hollywood actor who loves RL and is doing his utmost to promote the game makes an AFL fan feel insecure.
its a shame you dont stick to the sport you prefer to write about. presumably youd have some understanding of the facts of that sport rather than just coming up with what you did about RL.
it would be nice if your paper offered a RL person the right of reply to your article. but i doubt it will be done as it will really show up your ignorance.