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Redneck Redfaces 2


Dogs ruined what could have been a momentus weekend, nothing much is going to change, Seagles will even drop down to 10 if Warriors win . . . their effort deserved better


Wondering that myself haha

Only 21 posts and you're turning up here looking for Brownie points, don't bend over in the LU shower little man

and never laugh at your own jokes or use orange faces . . . sure sign of weakness


I suppose the Penns will claim Turbo Jake as theirs, Turbo Tom as well for that matter, but we all know who coaches the team and Jake is it's saviour because Forwards are all that Manly needs. Can't help but cheer for the Seagles because I'm cheering for Toovey, the Penns have sfa with any good that befalls the team this year

Glenn wasn't as interested in Souths winning as he was in bashing someone who re-signed with the Seagles that he probably thought shouldn't and who better than Matai. Then again souths are so one dimensional the whole team lost interest in winning once a new script was called for. A question for you NB, why keep Mateo and dump GS

No way could I watch the Dogs live so my jinx is intact . . . believe it or not I didn't mind them winning


Rarely does the best team of the year win the cup, having it on the mantle piece is right up there with the bible on the bedside table, but imagine what a great movie could be made if Flanagan's Mob took it home. David Wenham would be perfect as Flanagan, his role in Getting Square when he says 'Who's going to pay my bus fare' was unforgettable

We could have ASADA staking out the Cronulla League's Club, as will undoubtedly happen in real life if the Sharks get anywhere near the cup. Look at how Matt Prior played last night, is Shane really that good a coach he can make do without the Fifita's, I'm here to tell you he is. He's almost got his mob to the point where he doesn't have to win another game to prove his worthiness

Of course wankers will be out in force claiming the Cowboy's ride has thrown a shoe but that's bullshit, to beat the Sharks they had to beat them early, Flanagan doesn't fall for that comeback malarkey it seems. A perfect scenario for me would be a replay of last night in The Big One For Feeble Minds, either team with the cup on the mantelpiece for 12 months would be great

Cowboys realistically still have a shot at the main prize as far as I'm concerned, not sure I enjoy the thought of the Broncos winning the Shield . . . an unfortunate irony from last night
As a Sharks fan I do have one concern,
Are we blowing our load too early?
Forget Harold Holt, we are the perennial premature ejaculators,
Hence why we've never given birth to a Premiership.


As a Sharks fan I do have one concern,
Are we blowing our load too early?
Forget Harold Holt, we are the perennial premature ejaculators,
Hence why we've never given birth to a Premiership.

In 1999 when Melbourne beat the Dragons for the cup the best team of the year was the Sharks, they won the Shield and were by far the best team to watch. They played the game the way everyone wants the game to go back to now.

People who spend all their time with their dick in a cup miss the essence of the game, be satisfied with watching all the games your mob played this year that took them from oblivion to the brink of 'stardom'. To be obsessed with 80 minutes at year's end is child's play


Never listen to Voss games, found it a bit hard to sit in silence and watch Melbourne go downstairs to meet Manly on the way up, that's the way it seemed in the first half. I thought one consolation was the Titans were playing great footy and deserved to make Melbourne look bad, couldn't even blame the young referees who looked refreshingly competent

Bellamy's 2nd game plan for the day turned things around, funny bounces of the ball were not enough to stop the Storm remembering who they're supposed to be. Titans put on a far better show than Penrith/Parra did in Darwin. Looks as though Melbourne have found a replacement for 1 of the big 3, he can even play #6 and #9 . . . pity he can't be cloned


Far be it for me to want to be a Benny Basher but methinks the great man is putting himself first again. He reckons the NRL is 5 years away from expansion when he really means he's 5 years away from retirement

'Not enough talent' is his catchcry when under his breath he's saying 'no room for another Brisbane team because I'll have to look and fight harder for new talent that would otherwise fall in my lap. There's more chance of new talent turning to League if there are more teams than not finding enough because there are more teams

Take Cameron Munster for instance, instead of blokes like him only getting a chance because Billy is busted another Brisbane team could have him as their fullback, providing they hired a great coach and fairdinkum talent scouts that spotted him before Bellamy did. Munster didn't just appear out of Bellamy's arse, he was made into the NRL player he is

Milford was Canberra's to keep because they promoted him from the U/20's, Benny's mob should have dug around for a Munster of their own, he's really a 5/8 forced to play fullback. My tip is Green is in more danger than Slater from Munster provided Billy can regain his stature

Anyway this is not just about Munster, it's about every team looking for undiscovered talent, not waiting for it to appear. If the NRL follow Benny the Bouncing Ball's advice there will be hidden talent remaining hidden . . . at least until he's ready to trip over it


Will Taylor be saved from the scrapheap if the Tigers can keep away from the spoon, methinks he'll have to do better than beat Melbourne at Leichhardt or catch Austin on the most unfortunate night of his year. As much as I think Sticky is only a 40 minute coach it has to be said the bloke is doing better than Taylor, which is something I didn't expect could happen

I bet the referees thought they were doing the Raiders a favour by continually penalising Wests on their line, that's how f**king dumb Australian whistleblowers are, players like Austin thrive on defence that is not set. The Tigers, like the Roosters, just kept resetting the D hoping for an opposition mistake . . . thank f**k for Boyd the Giant

If you get a chance to watch the best Pommy referees you'll see many times they wait until the attacking side has exhausted all avenues before awarding a penalty in retrospect. All the whinging from the Roosters that they are being over penalised could be short circuited if our referees didn't take every opportunity to blow the whistle

What's wrong with a hand signal to denote a penalty is going to be given but only after play breaks down, take penalties given away on purpose out of the game, surely Australian referees would have little trouble thinking quick enough on their feet . . . they're so f**king well practiced at jumping in and stopping momentum


Often wondered if players instead of clubs should be punished more for suspensions, maybe make them cough up 10 grand to the NRL out of their own pockets for each week suspended, the money could go towards a kitty for badly injured players

It's bad enough Origin and injuries f**k up a club's season without players being suspended, call me a cynic but I reckon some players out of form or just plain f**king lazy purposely look for time off. Some blokes that know they're leaving at year's end or have a gripe about being punted could easily give their club the index finger by being suspended

Mason didn't deserve to be suspended but what does it matter to him if Manly is not going to renew his contract, what he did was not malicious, just lazy. Time off now to get himself reset for the best he can offer in the last games would do him more good than harm, waving the flag of indignation and promoting self righteousness may make some CEO consider him a better proposition

Methinks what Glenn Stewart did to Matai may have been lauded by many, in reality his petty payback to the Seagles for perceived injustice could cost Souths dearly . . . if a player deserved to donate 20 grand to the cause for recuperation of injured players on top of his suspension it's him


If the 'views' didn't change I would be concerned . . . all a soc like me wants is people to listen


First Grade
What's wrong with a hand signal to denote a penalty is going to be given but only after play breaks down, take penalties given away on purpose out of the game, surely Australian referees would have little trouble thinking quick enough on their feet . . . they're so f**king well practiced at jumping in and stopping momentum

Like Union? I actually like this idea, the team winning the penalty will chance their arm knowing they will get the ball back anyway...play advantage until a tackle or ball is out of play


Full strength Cowboys at home against Souths without Stewart or Grevsmuhl should see Maguire's mob sink further into the no cup repeat mire but no-one other than a Rabbitohs supporter really cares, all eyes will be on Kyle Turner if he plays . . . let's hope there's no cause for 'I told you so'

Broncos slump versus Dragons revival, a game you'd wish was on neutral ground if you didn't care who wins. If Mary pulls this one off all will be forgiven and Brown will definitely have to settle for Newcastle

A Tigers' hat trick looks eminent, not the Pope kind of eminence, just a forgone conclusion

HMS Panthers against HMS Warriors, there's many a loose canon on board both, Captain Cartwright may be the only level head of the 34 . . . going to be interesting to say the least

Roosters versus Eels, as if Robbo's mob needed the for and against . . . hardly seems fair

Austin can't possibly do worse than last time around and no matter what Toovey says it will be cold but beating Canberra must be considered the least of Manly's worries if the fairytale is to continue

Aha, Graham reckons the Dogs are ready to rumble for the rest of the season, not because the other gang comprises the fearful Titans/Rabbitohs/Knights/Warriors but because his mob have been preparing well . . . oh for an upset or two

My money's on the Sharks to defeat the Storm dressed in their clown attire provided they don't die laughing, especially now that NAS is suspended, the big fella is rapidly becoming someone they can't do without. At least if there's one team I won't mind derailing Melbourne's season it's the Sharks, provided they go on with it


Souths may have found a T'eo in Auva'a, remains to be seen if he can keep away from the judiciary but the mongrel in him certainly inspired the Rabbitohs to keep their mind on the job. Although I'd like nothing better than a Cowboys/Sharks contest for the pissant cup must admit I was cheering for Maguire's mob