Great game of footy last night. The ref blew the whistle more times than Popeye blew Bellamy. None of this one team running away with it stuff, which never really happens anyway. The pommie ref reminded me of a young Craig Bellamy so I missed the 2nd half as I had to run out and buy old mate Popeye a tub of vasoline.
Couple of more years of Toyota cup for NZ and Australia will need more than Queensland imported players playing in Vicoland They'll need a better coach: I suggest Craig Bellamy he's hung like a turnip.
IMO and me good mate Popeyes opinion every player played last night and talked to. Popeye went to bed with player X and had a great night.
Too easy again and again and again.
How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? How can we start over when the fighting never ends?
You must have me on Favourites judging by your response times. Come to think of it, I could use a companion
in this thread . . . stops me getting lonely and great for comparison. Welcome to you
It is too late for me, POPEYE. Emperor AG will show you the true nature of the Force. He is your master now.
The war of the turnips will end when me and my mate Popeye say it's over.
As for mike willesee - now there was a redneck who could coach. 15 straight pissant cups if I recall correctly.
Too easy.
Got to go now . . . a dead cow and a carton of piss beckons
Seriously Pops, what exactly do you expect to achieve with your patronising claptrap?