At the pub last night and overheard the usual late night men talking shorthand thing, this time about
Rugby League record book wankerism. It's all a dead herring. Not sure about soccer, union or afl, but
League has died and been reincarnated twice.
At first we had a breakaway group who wanted to play a game upright instead of resembling a pigsty
when a bucket of slops was thrown in. Out of Union came league, but for the this major difference of
playing the ball after a tackle nothing much changed. A team like the Dragons could and did many
times take the ball from one end to the other never losing possession, so a great forward pack was
the key and backs were virtually ornaments.
In the 18 years before 1967 only 3 teams ruled the roost because of this. Dragons, Souths and Wests.
The League was aware the game was seen as a poor man's version of Union and something had
to be done. Before the 1967 season a meteor in the form of a limited tackle rule struck the League
world and all the dinosaurs were killed and along with them went the record books which were turned
into archives. Rugby League MkI was dead and a new game was born. Still called League but only
because it kept the copyright. Interestingly enough, none of the three teams that dominated the
Dinosaur period have made a real impression since. The point is, arguing the records of these years
be included in what happened after is ludicrous.
Everything went happily on it's way with this new game, also called League, becoming two games in one
where forwards softened each other enough to allow previously ornamental backs to take charge.
Tackling and speed were the key and a new set of record books evolved that could not possibly be
compared to those of the extinct game.
Something happened then that would again relegate record books. The video ref in 1996 made a
nonsense of all previous records because it was widely recognised that had video been part of any
previous games a large number of results would have been null and void. The records of Rugby
League MkII were better sent to the archives and a new set started from scratch.
So there you have it, anyone combining the records of three different eras is pulling the pud and
Rugby League MkIII is the only legitimate vehicle to argue records because it is the game currently being played