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Redneck Redfaces

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No wonder Newsouthwelshmen like me turn traitor. NSW League politics has seen team after team made up of
players in one year and out the next. The team is trapped inside a wall of hangers' on that refuse to bite the bullet
and train up and coming players that have the psyche to play Origin.

Farrar is a perfect example. The bloke is a liability in defence and all of a sudden he is compared to the most
valuable League player on the planet. Pretending Eeyore might make an impression on Black Caviar is a typical
NSW reaction to what should have been.

In the years since NSW has won a series they could have put into camp early each season a brew of young players
trained like Spartans to play Origin. Actually, similar to what Q have done over a much longer period. Who gives a f**k if
it took 6 years to ready a team culture that would threaten Q indefinately . . . what did they have to lose

Only f*ckwits turn on their state pops


At the pub last night and overheard the usual late night men talking shorthand thing, this time about
Rugby League record book wankerism. It's all a dead herring. Not sure about soccer, union or afl, but
League has died and been reincarnated twice.

At first we had a breakaway group who wanted to play a game upright instead of resembling a pigsty
when a bucket of slops was thrown in. Out of Union came league, but for the this major difference of
playing the ball after a tackle nothing much changed. A team like the Dragons could and did many
times take the ball from one end to the other never losing possession, so a great forward pack was
the key and backs were virtually ornaments.

In the 18 years before 1967 only 3 teams ruled the roost because of this. Dragons, Souths and Wests.
The League was aware the game was seen as a poor man's version of Union and something had
to be done. Before the 1967 season a meteor in the form of a limited tackle rule struck the League
world and all the dinosaurs were killed and along with them went the record books which were turned
into archives. Rugby League MkI was dead and a new game was born. Still called League but only
because it kept the copyright. Interestingly enough, none of the three teams that dominated the
Dinosaur period have made a real impression since. The point is, arguing the records of these years
be included in what happened after is ludicrous.

Everything went happily on it's way with this new game, also called League, becoming two games in one
where forwards softened each other enough to allow previously ornamental backs to take charge.
Tackling and speed were the key and a new set of record books evolved that could not possibly be
compared to those of the extinct game.

Something happened then that would again relegate record books. The video ref in 1996 made a
nonsense of all previous records because it was widely recognised that had video been part of any
previous games a large number of results would have been null and void. The records of Rugby
League MkII were better sent to the archives and a new set started from scratch.

So there you have it, anyone combining the records of three different eras is pulling the pud and
Rugby League MkIII is the only legitimate vehicle to argue records because it is the game currently being played
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Only f*ckwits turn on their state pops

F**kwits do and say a lot of things . . . you'd have first hand knowledge.

By the way, I've turned on a lot of other things as well. Religion, killing of whales, politics to name but a few


Gosh, that's interesting.

Thanks mate, I like to think I write things that will interest someone. However, no offence, but I think I'd like confirmation
from someone that's . . . what can I say . . . more experienced than you at judging what is or isn't interesting
At the pub last night and overheard the usual late night men talking shorthand thing, this time about
Rugby League record book wankerism. It's all a dead herring. Not sure about soccer, union or afl, but
League has died and been reincarnated twice.

At first we had a breakaway group who wanted to play a game upright instead of resembling a pigsty
when a bucket of slops was thrown in. Out of Union came league, but for the this major difference of
playing the ball after a tackle nothing much changed. A team like the Dragons could and did many
times take the ball from one end to the other never losing possession, so a great forward pack was
the key and backs were virtually ornaments.

In the 18 years before 1967 only 3 teams ruled the roost because of this. Dragons, Souths and Wests.
The League was aware the game was seen as a poor man's version of Union and something had
to be done. Before the 1967 season a meteor in the form of a limited tackle rule struck the League
world and all the dinosaurs were killed and along with them went the record books which were turned
into archives. Rugby League MkI was dead and a new game was born. Still called League but only
because it kept the copyright. Interestingly enough, none of the three teams that dominated the
Dinosaur period have made a real impression since. The point is, arguing the records of these years
be included in what happened after is ludicrous.

Everything went happily on it's way with this new game, also called League, becoming two games in one
where forwards softened each other enough to allow previously ornamental backs to take charge.
Tackling and speed were the key and a new set of record books evolved that could not possibly be
compared to those of the extinct game.

Something happened then that would again relegate record books. The video ref in 1996 made a
nonsense of all previous records because it was widely recognised that had video been part of any
previous games a large number of results would have been null and void. The records of Rugby
League MkII were better sent to the archives and a new set started from scratch.

So there you have it, anyone combining the records of three different eras is pulling the pud and
Rugby League MkIII is the only legitimate vehicle to argue records because it is the game currently being played

Interesting read Pops.......but we might have to agree to disagree on this one, i can see where you are coming from.......but, my personal opinion is, yes there have been different Governing Bodies, rule changes and the game is different to the old days........but the game, different Governing Bodies and Rule Changes are under an all encompassing umberella named Rugby League that started in 1908 and is still under that Rugby League umberella in 2012, albeit played diffrently......so my personal opinion is that yes records can be compared

again this is only my opinion.......but the only situation where this may be different is when it comes to clubs...... example Steve Menzies Played for two clubs and the St George Illawarra Dragons and Wests Tigers have one premiership each
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no name

First of all, what's a dead herring?
Secondly, the changing of the points awarded for tries and field goals has had a far greater impact on records than the VR.
(I'm not a fan of the VR but it hasn't had an effect on records)


Thanks mate, I like to think I write things that will interest someone. However, no offence, but I think I'd like confirmation
from someone that's . . . what can I say . . . more experienced than you at judging what is or isn't interesting

A turncoat 96 year old wanker is hardly a great judge of character.


First Grade
Interesting take on the MkI, MkII, and MkIII Pops. I've never thought of it like that, but you make a lot of sense.


First of all, what's a dead herring?
Secondly, the changing of the points awarded for tries and field goals has had a far greater impact on records than the VR.
(I'm not a fan of the VR but it hasn't had an effect on records)

I think you've accidentally jumped into the deep end and a dead herring
is something that turns up a thousand times without any real explanation.
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A turncoat 96 year old wanker is hardly a great judge of character.

Wow! You turn up like a Vee Dub Beetle with a fancy paint job, fat tyres and a whale tail
. . . seems you want to be a Porsche but don't have the output


When Wally was playing I didn't give a toss if he was the best player on the planet, it's the closest I ever
came to 'hating' a player. Only when he hung up his boots did I realise Q wasn't a one man show.
It was the now extinct old style bikie gang aura that I always admired that kept them united and I immediately changed allegiances.

Since then I have been on my soapbox at pissups with my version of how to fix NSW. I may have espoused my
thoughts before on this forum but what the f**k. NSW need to employ somebody like Graham Murray, a brilliant
tactician but poor authoritarian, as full time coach regardless if the tyres on the Q bus go flat or not this series.

Starting from the first week after this series he should be allowed access at monthly or even fortnightly intervals
to one day with a squad of 25 Origin hopefuls which he can add to or subtract from at any time. He hands them
over to Stuart a month out from the next series and they both choose a team.
Stuart does only what he is capable of and winds them up mentally.

From there the process should be ongoing even if they are successful otherwise politics like the Australian coach
deciding who should be hooker will again raise it's ugly head

no name

I think you've accidentally jumped into the deep end and a dead herring
is something that turns up a thousand times without any real explanation.

So you explained your made up expression, what's your take on the point I made regarding the changing of the value of points?
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So you explained your made up expression, what's your take on the point I made regarding the changing of the value of points?

I think my posts are long enough already without slow motion replays just for you. You're talking about
adding or subtracting a few points each game which is nitpicking. I'm talking about a thousand games
where the winner may have been the loser if grounding the ball and onside at kicks were scrutinised.
Not to mention all the rule changes that were by-products of video refereeing like illegally tackling kickers,
tackles in mid air, sideline and touch in goal issues.

A miriad of decisions which are no longer contentious due to video ref intervention have made the recorded
outcomes of games like cheese is to chalk


Not because I picked Aaron Woods in my NSW team but he again showed last night why he should be
there if anyone cares about the future of Blues origin or picking the team out of a hat every year.

Coincidental the Tigers played better with one loose canon instead of two? Or did the Warriors again prove
that although they can beat anyone when they put their mind to it a short attention span could be their achille's heal.

Anyway you look at it the record books won't show how the Tigers are barely keeping their head above water this season

Mr Fourex

Only f*ckwits turn on their state pops

My natural instinct was to abuse you.......can't help it . ;-)

But you are 100% right.

Turncoats....traitors ......pea hearted, fair weathered fans shit me to tears.

I wouldn't/won't ever accept a NSW sook or QLD'r for that matter, who has had a gutfull of losing or hates the coach....the side...the selectors....whatever, that much that he changes his state alligiances.

I have no respect for someone like that.

There's a few (isolated cases) of QLD'rs around here who self hate and bag out our great state, purely IMO, to try and gain "popularity" amongst the droves of NSW gronks who infest this site.

They sit below NSW fans for mine in the low scumbag books.

no name

I think my posts are long enough already without slow motion replays just for you. You're talking about
adding or subtracting a few points each game which is nitpicking. I'm talking about a thousand games
where the winner may have been the loser if grounding the ball and onside at kicks were scrutinised.
Not to mention all the rule changes that were by-products of video refereeing like illegally tackling kickers,
tackles in mid air, sideline and touch in goal issues.

A miriad of decisions which are no longer contentious due to video ref intervention have made the recorded
outcomes of games like cheese is to chalk

Results are judged on the rules at the time. Players and officials know that going into the game.
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